回复: AND's New Year Address to Supporters (draft)
I, On behalf the Association for Non-Disappearance and Non-Depression, appreciate all persons who have been supporting the AND during the past year.
The past year has witnessed an anguishing and depressing time druing which most of us have experienced one of the most frustrating periods in our life. Some people ended up disappearing from this forum due to disappointment while others suffered from excruciating mental distress stemming from interminable waiting and longing. It was strongly desired that an organization, whether real or virtual, would stand out to voice their grievance and opinions. There was also an urgent need for something from which they could obtain a sense of belonging and spiritual consolation. To achieve this goal, many enthusiasts, including some elite participants, such as WUZHONGSHUSHENG, TAIJIWUDI, etc., have volunteered to form this excellent benevolent team, known here as AND, to offer a hand to those who are in desperate need of help.
Throughout one year's performance, I'm proud to find that AND has basically lived up to its ambition and goal, though still leaving much to be desired. AND has been getting frequent and persistant support from its zealous advocates. The fact that the kudos and clicks it receives keeps soaring is the best evidence. I am pleased to see that AND is running well into maturity, and become more and more influential.
The AND is a platform for all people, whether form HK or BJ, to communicate, learn and exchange information. I believe the more it gains the better it serves you.
I also hope all participants to continue supporting AND, and to share your happiness to make the AND the home to all those who will never choose to disappear.
Thank you!