二手买卖 欢迎安居Mississauga

回复: 欢迎安居Mississauga

很喜欢密市,只是担心学校的问题,读了网上的帖子,感觉这里的学校好像没有NORTH YORK和MARKHAM强。不知是否正确?
回复: 欢迎


哈哈,如果你去了加拿大会发现这样的机构遍地都是,我也常去这些机构做义工. 加拿大真的活雷锋多啊,呵呵
回复: 欢迎安居Mississauga


我们来时,比较倾向于CONDO. 1+1或2+1,只是不知道房中是否有单独的洗衣设备?好点,方便点的地方大约租金?是否非的租1年?
大多数的CONDO里的房中都会有单独的洗衣设备,价格比租Apartment贵,但环境比Apartment好,一般都会有indoor pool和gym room等设施供免费使用。在Mississauga的Square One 附近,有些新的Condo(1+1)需要$1300左右。租期一般是要一年的。

Mississauga H1N1 Flu Clinics - November 2 to December 11, 2009

Nov. 2 Dec. 11 International Centre6900 Airport Rd., Hall #6
Mon. to Fri. 9:30 am - 9:30 pm
Sat. to Sun. 10 am - 4 pm

Nov. 2 Dec. 11 Blessed Trinity Catholic School2495 Credit Valley Rd.Mon. to Fri. 9:30 am - 9:30 pm
Sat. to Sun. 10 am - 4 pm

Thurs., Nov. 19 Bronte College (gymnasium)88 Bronte College Crt.
3 pm - 8 pm

*The H1N1 vaccine is FREE and available for everyone 6 months of age and older who lives or works in Peel (including those 65 years of age and older).

*Pregnant women and children 6 months to 1 year of age must see a doctor to get the H1N1 vaccine.

*If you think you might have the flu, wait until you are better to get vaccinated.

*Children 6 months to 9 years of age will require 2 vaccinations. There must be at least 21 days between the first and second vaccine.

*For quicker registration, bring your health card and/or driver’s license. Bring an interpreter if needed.

*Children under 14 years of age need consent from their parent/legal guardian to get the vaccine.




注册帐号. 太容易了!


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