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题目是:rivers, streams,and lakes
When it rains, water sinks into the ground or runs into rivers,streams, and lakes.
Ships and boats carry cargo down some rivers to the sea.
Dams have been built on some rivers.
They hold water for drinking.
We use rivers and lakes for fishing,swimming, and sailing.
We use our rivers and lakes in many ways.
There are rivers in many part of the world.
Most rivers start high up in mountains.Some rivers flow out of a lake.
In the mountains, rivers flow quickly. Sometimes they flow over rocks and make waterfalls.
Rivers flow down valleys,from the mountains to the sea. Sometimes, smaller rivers flow into bigger rivers.
When rivers reach flat land,they flow more slowly.
Most rivers carry soil with them.The soil spreads out across the flat land. This land is good for farming.
When it rains a lot, rivers often overflow.They cover the land nearby with water. This is called a flood.
Sometimes people build dams on rivers. A dam is used to hold water. Many dams are built to hold water for drinking.
In some places, rivers are used for transport. Special boats called barges take cargo down rivers.
Barges are long boats with flat bottoms.
Canals are made by peaple. A canal is like a river that has been cut through the land. Some canals are built to join two important rivers.
Ships and barges use canals to carry cargo to the sea.
Different kinds of bridges can be built to cross a river.
Swing bridges can be make of rope or wire. People must walk across a swing bridge carefully,because it moves up and down.
Bridges for trains must be strong because trains are very heavy. These buidges are made of steel.
Drawbridges can open up to let big boats pass through. When the bridge is closed, the traffic can travel across it.
Streams and creeks are like very small rivers. They flow into big rivers.
Many animals live on the banks of streams and creeks.This is why it is important to keep the water clean.
We need clean water for drinking,swimming. Wildlife needs clean water to stay alive.
Our waterways are important to us! Always remember to throw your garbage in a garbage can.
"A trip to Merry Stream"
Yesterday our class went to Merry Stream. We could hear lots of sounds.We heard insects buzzing and birds chirping.
Little fish had make tiny bubbles that floated on the water. My friend saw some tadpoles. Some of them had back legs.
A lake is a large area of water with land all around it. Lakes ofter form in hollows in the land.
There are many kinds of lakes.
Some lakes have freshwater. Other lakes have water that is very salty. Salt lakes are ofter found in hot,dry areas.
High up in some mountains, there are small lakes that are called tarns.
Tarns form in hollows that have been made in the land by snow or ice.
Lagoons are shallow lakes. They are very near the sea,and they are make of seawater.
Most lagoons have a channel at one end. The channel open into the sea.
Boats use the channel to sail and out of the lagoon.
Venice is a famous city that was built hundreds of years ago in a lagoon.
People like to use rivers,streams, and lakes for swimming,fishing,and water spopts.
We must take care of out rivers,stream, and lakes. Paper and plastic can pollute our waterways.
We enjoy them in many ways.
This book is about river,stream and river. People shouldn't leave paper or plastic in water because it will pollute the waterway.
Does a platypus (鸭嘴兽)have wings or arms(之所以有这个问题是因为书里提到了这种动物,那些话在插图里面,我嫌太多文字了没给敲出来)?