BC省U-PICK 自采水果地点:草莓季节开放U-Pick了!



大温哥华地区 Greater Vancouver Area

Richmond U-PICK草莓

W&A Farms - strawberries
17771 Westminster Hwy, Richmond, BC
Tel: 604-278-5667 Fax:604-278-5635
We do not apply any chemical sprays on our berries.
We are known to have the juiciest and tastiest berries around.

Birak Berry Farm - strawberries
4200 No 6 Road, Richmond
604 339-9335

Bob Featherstone Farm - strawberries
#4 Road south of Steveston Hwy

G.J. Farms - strawberries
11300 No.4 Road, Richmond, BC

Richmond U-PICK 樱桃

Cherry Lane Farm - Follows organic practices, apples, cherries, Honey from hives on the farm, Cider mill (fresh apple cider made on the premises)
9571 Beckwith Road, Richmond, BC V6X 2L4. Facebook留言. Open: Late May to September 4th: Monday to Saturday, from 10 am to 5 pm; September 5th to October 1st: Saturdays from 10 am to 5 pm; October 2nd to November 15th. Directions: Going east-bound on Bridgeport Road, take the last left before the Oak Street Bridge (Gage road), and then take a right on Beckwith Road gong east-bound to the end of the road. There will be a gravel path beside the cherry trees on which you can park and make your way over to the large (and very noticeable) blue shed.

Cherries: July 1st-20th Zucchini: July-September Apples (many varieties): July-November Grapes (green and red): July-September Kale, Broccoli, and Cabbage: July-October Beans (romano, filet, and plain green beans): July-September Tomatoes: late July-October Squash: August-October Plums: early-mid September.

We follow organic practices, but are not seeking certification. Payment: Cash, Cheque. Starting August 2011, we will also be selling Milk Thistle seeds.

樱桃巷果园Cherry Lane Farm 地点很好找!就在烈治文Costco与 Michaels 后巷,樱桃粒粒色泽光亮,又红又甜!相关报导请按此.

Richmond U-PICK 蓝莓
Andrea Farm - blueberries

11260 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC 无需联系,直接过来摘就行了

山野驿站 : 俺老公一进蓝莓园子,就不停地说,这园子是给毁了,如果有把锄头,他一定会给园子除半天杂草。

XUJINGJING : 走去蓝莓地里,那个草实在太多,都不太好走了,刚进去几步,居然看到好几个老鼠,几个往地深处逃去,一个还不走,吓的我,赶紧走。

大漠行者 : 刚回来,全自助:自采,自称,自付。不错!

2008 k : 昨天下午和朋友一起去摘的,全自助,没有人看着。

LEE'S FARM - blueberries

9531 No. 6 Rd. Richmond, BC 电话:604-616-0518

qinqin1013 : 呵呵,摘了2,3年的蓝莓,现在找到了一家好地方,园主是华人,非常好的两口子,果园够大,才1•5元一磅。

KNN Blueberry Farms
- blueberries

11590 Granville Ave. Richmond, BC. Phone: 604-781-9993

XUJINGJING : 是印巴人看的园子,打扫还算干净,蓝莓也算个大。这家缺点是,采太少他不高兴,第一次不知道,就孩子采,大人光聊天和看孩子了,然后印巴人叽里咕噜说半天,还是朋友给我们一些,才放行。这次我们采了2大盒,他脸色就好些了。

Birak Berry Farms
- blueberries
6311 No. 5 Rd. Richmond, BC
3600 No. 6 Rd. Richmond, BC
9111 No. 6 Rd. Richmond, BC
No. 4 Rd & Francis

DFG Blueberries
- follows organic methods, blueberries
11071 Blundell Road, Richmond, BC V6Y1L4. Phone: 604-273-5829.
Email: info@dfgblueberries.com. Click here for a map and directions.

G.S. Farms- blueberries

11400 No. 4 Rd. Richmond, BC. Phone: 604-454-4411

sunsky : 今天到四号路和 steveston路夹角的G.S. Farms: 11400 No. 4 Rd., 604-454-4411采蓝莓,憋了一肚子气回来了。这家是我去过的摘任何水果中最恶劣的一家。第一价格3元一磅, 不过是直接跟他买还是自己摘都一样价格。而且如果你自己摘,必须每个人摘五磅才行。
这些虽然恶劣,我们硬着头皮去了。谁知道带我们到田里,给我们指了两株蓝莓树,要我们一人摘一棵树,不能摘其他树。我听了这话很生气,但是没发作,也没摘,就想转一转,看看蓝莓的长势。 刚刚走开指定给我们的树不到0.5米,就被场主呵斥,不要离开他指定的树。我们当时很生气,马上就离开了。各位想摘蓝莓的尽量避免这一家。

虾米米 : 我下午刚摘回来,蓝莓很多很大,三元一斤,不让小孩进去,说八月以后欢迎小孩,不是一人一颗树,是先摘最后六行,不过我们去了三个人连两行都没有摘完就已经满满三桶,不过没有我们去年摘的好吃。哪个印度老头还可以,没有歧视所有的小孩都不让进。

6571 NO. 7 RD RICHMOND V6W 1E8

温哥华家庭旅馆之星 : Richmond 可以采摘的蓝莓园太多。昨天,开车一路往东,发现一家特别点的。农场主养了鸡、鸭、狗、羊、蜜蜂,特别处就在羊身上。我们到后,见过主人,直奔蓝莓树,5、6只羊在头黑羊带领下,也跟着我们往林子了。小孩们开始见到羊还开心了下,后来羊越走越快,跑起来了,小孩紧张了,我们闪到一边,羊冲到蓝莓树下,放开吃蓝莓了。羊吃了20分钟样子,自己回去了。这家便宜,$1/磅,没有最低磅数。
Port Coquitlam
Organic Blueberries Farm
- blueberries

325 Laurier Ave, Port Coquitlam, BC. Phone: 778-689-1222


森林之歌 : 乡亲说蓝莓走道打理得很干净,蓝莓个头大,$1/LB,超值!

晓梦weiwei : 我们今天去了这一家。说是有机的,1.5刀一磅。

Granny Franny's
- blueberries
440 Laurier Ave, Port Coquitlam, BC

森林之歌 : $1.40/LB ,每人最低消费5磅,每排蓝莓之间的走道干干净净,打理得很好!采了1个小时又大又甜蓝莓.

风吹花落 : 昨天去的上面西人这家,孩子可以进,蓝莓很多还很甜。关键体验采摘的过程中,孩子玩得高兴哈。

森林之歌 : 早上8:30至9:50,逐粒逐颗挑大颗蓝莓,采了8磅

Pitt Meadows

19710 Old Dewdney Trunk, Pitt Meadows
TEL: 604-465-7941 HOURS:8 AM - 9PM U PICK $1.25 / LB

森林之歌 : 蓝莓又大又甜又多,自行随意到任何蓝莓树采摘,摘完後到车库称重量付钱。

马甲线不是面 : 拐进去一直走到铁皮房子那里,才见到工人。就近那两垄采摘。

18621 Ford Road, Pitt Meadows , BC Tel: 778-886-8780


MacDonald Farm
- blueberries
19024 McQuarrie Road,Pitt Meadows, BC,604-465-4427


crystal01 : 1刀1磅的蓝莓,高桂林开车过去十几分钟即可。很多中国人在那里u pick,因为价格便宜,蓝莓也爽口。

crystallintw :昨天去采了, 很甜又大。一块一磅, 没有限制最低采购量。

2015-07-18 紧急求助,关于蓝莓里泡出小白虫
阳光沙滩 : 今天终于去摘了12磅蓝莓回来,捧一些用淡盐水浸泡,泡出一些小白虫,其实有的还挺大的呢!

13359 Harris Rd Pitt Meadows , BC Tel: 604 465-6033

crystallintw :声称绝不喷洒农药, 稍微贵一些1.5/磅, 电话是 604-465-6033, 在Harris 和 Old Dewdney Trunk rd 交口附近。上周去的时候, 觉得有点青黄不接, 树头上蓝黑的大部分已经太熟烂, 带青的又还太酸,这家的果树,据说都是30年以上的老树, 蓝莓当季的那几周, 他家的蓝莓是我吃过最清香的蓝莓。

D&G Farm
- follows organic methods, blueberries
19658 Richardson Road , Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 1Z1. Phone: 604 465-0279. Email:
bberries2008@hotmail.com. Open: Saturday and Sunday 9am to 6pm Weekdays by appt only. We follow organic methods, but are not yet certified. Payment: Cash, only.

Maple Ridge
Formosa Nursery - blueberries
12617 - 203 rd Street., Maple Ridge, B.C., Canada V2X 4A1
tel: (604) 465-3359 fax: (604) 465-3268 email: info@formosanursery.com
Formosa Nursery is a
certified organic farm located in Pitt Meadows, bordering Maple Ridge in the Greater Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada.

森林之歌 : 采摘的蓝莓泡在冷水中数分钟,可将藏匿的白色细长幼虫清除出来。
将蓝莓贮存于雪柜冰格,解冻后的蓝莓果质有如水泡,适宜用于制作BLUEBERRY MUFFIN。

Blueberry Farm
- No Spray

13522 224 Street Maple Ridge V4R 2P8 Tel : 604-512-0263

森林之歌 :乡亲今天去摘,一刀一磅,又大又甜。

徽州女人 : 农场每天早上9点半开门,昨天我们一开门就去了。

WHP : 今天去了,看园小哥说下周U_PICK不一定开放了,如果还要去最好提前text他手机确认。

小暑 : 这家老爷子是大学教授,教医学的,女儿1在欧洲是医生,小哥是耍电脑的, 不差钱之家,爵着。

Best Choice Blueberry Farms Ltd
5415 104 St Delta, Call Yad at 604-805-2975 for more information or just stop by we are open from 8am to 9pm everyday including Sunday.


浅吟夏诗 : 这是我去过的蓝莓最大最好吃的一家.晚上九点才关


传国玉玺 : 真是又大又甜,一口气摘了40磅!2刀一磅,没有最低消费,所有人都满载而归。

sunnylam : DELTA 的开放啦,去这家摘了,也不想往别家走了 ,我专挑个头大的摘,又甜又饱汁,农场主也超好人,我们一共八个小朋友,都不用收最低消费,还用农用车载我们到最尽头去摘,个个都满载而归,二文一磅,超值!!我们打算一星期光顾一次,吃完又去摘!

buenaventura : 周五去的,2元一磅,买和自己采是一个价格,农场主是印度人,直接开皮卡带你进去(全部是灰),蓝莓不算大,要自己慢慢挑,差不多4个人采了1个小时10磅正好20元(桶还算分量)。进去门口写了最低消费哦~一人必须五磅,我们询问了以后说10-15磅四个人OK。但是不能采太少哦~

Didar Berry Farm - blueberries
5580 104th Street Delta, BC V4K 3N3.
Phone: 778-888-4399,email :
Hours: Daily 9:00 am - 9:00 pm (July - August) 蓝莓 U Pick $1.75/ LB

枫舞 :这个农场打理的很好,蓝莓超赞,采摘的体验非常好

Emma Lea Farms - blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, tayberries, boysenberries, black currents
2727 Westham Island Road Delta, BC V4K 3N2. (604) 946-8216
Our farm has been in our family since 1885, starting with Joseph and Emma Tamboline. We have had our U-Pick farm for over 30 years and enjoy producing the best tasting, healthiest fruit for your family in a sustainable manner. We are open 7 days a week from early June until mid-August, but all this depends on the weather in the spring. You can always call us at (604) 946-8216 to get an up dated message on what products are available.

Bissett Farms
(also Westham Island Estate Winery ) - blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, tayberries, boysenberries, red and black currents
2170 Westham Island Rd, Delta, BC. Phone: 604-946-7139. Alternate phone: 604-946-7471. Email: info@westhamislandwinery.com. Open: the farm is open June to August, 8 am to 6 pm and the Winery is open year round from 10:30 am to 5 pm. U-Pick and Ready picked berries in season.


Blueberries U-Pick - Pick your own blueberries
18064-32 Ave, Surrey, BC V3S 0L5. Phone: (604) 290-4081. Open: July, August and September. Call ahead to ensure berry availability.

Honeybee Centre - Honey
7480 - 176 Street, Surrey, B.C. Phone: 604-575-2337. Phone: Toll free: 877-975-BEES (2337). Fax: 604 - 575 2338. Email: info@honeybeecentre.com.


龙猫dodola : Honebee Centre,这是一家以卖蜂蜜和蜂蜜衍生品的一个农场,如果从 Surrey 开车去 Langley,走 Fraser Hwy 的话都会看到这个农场,因为他们在农舍上面的大蜜蜂 logo 很醒目,而且又在路边,想不看到都很难,偶家吃的蜂蜜都在这儿买的,量多实在价格便宜只要跟蜂蜜沾上边的产品都有卖,蜂王浆、蜂胶、各种不同口味的蜂蜜,还有很多偶不知道的东西,农场地址:7480-176 Street,Surrey(就在 Fraser Hwy 和 176 Street 交叉口)

Honeybee Centre is a working Honey Farm operating several hundred honeybee colonies for pollination and production of honey and other bee products. Come visit a bee centre and learn about the fascinating world of the honeybee, up close! The tour guide will explain interesting aspects of bee biology and the life cycle of the honeybee. In our presentation room you will see our honey extraction line, honey bottling line, and beeswax candle making equipment. While you can't collect honey from hives yourself; there is plenty of fresh honey for sale. Makes a great tour for schools and families.

梨子之家 18555 88 Avenue,Surrey 电话:604-882-8881

2010-01-04 龙猫dodola : 这一家是个梨子果园,当初是一个很偶然的机会找到这家果园,因为果园就位在偶每天开车送小朋友上学的路旁,每天都看到路旁立个牌子,上面写着“梨子的家”,一直很好奇,终于有一天把车转进去一看,一片的梨子树,在果园内随便摘梨子、随便吃都不要钱,有本事吃几十颗梨子也不要钱,不过偶们每个人都吃了5、6颗就没办法了,现摘的梨子那可真是新鲜又甜,去果园的人几乎都是摘了一篓篓的梨子带回家(带回家的就要钱了)。

2014-10-29 徽州女人: 今年才去过,小牌子上写着“梨子之家”。梨子味道不错,黄沙一块五一磅,水晶一块,不过个头有点小。

Rondriso Farms - pumpkins, pumpkin patch-pick in the field, tractor-pulled hay rides, ornamental gourds, pumpkin patch, hay wagon rides
8390 172nd Street, Surrey, BC V4N 3G4. Phone: 604-574-5585. Email us at: rondriso@shaw.ca. Directions: 5 minutes from Highway #1, take 176th St exit south. Turn west (right) on 80th Ave. Turn north (right) on 172nd St. The farm is 1/2 mile down at 172nd St and 84th Ave. The pumpkin patch is open in October, with hay wagon rides on weekends and the last week in October. Prepicked Sweet corn and ornamental gourds are available in season. Please call for hours. Payment: Cash, only.

Surrey Farms - pumpkins, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries
5180 152 Street, Surrey, BC. Phone: 604-574-1390. Fax: 604-574-1558. Open: every day from May 1 to October 31, 8 am to 7 pm. All types of vegetables in season; Okanagan fruit in season.


Krause Berry Farms - strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
6179-248th Street, Langley, BC, V4W 1C3, Canada. Phone: 604-856-5757. Email: info@krauseberryfarms.com. Also prepicked blackberries and corn.


chance33 : 自摘蓝莓1.75,买的话21.95十磅,买的更大更甜。同时推荐它那地方的各种莓味雪糕和果汁,很好味!对了,还有个观光小火车,带你游览整个农场。


WHP : 回来了,来汇报一下。
蓝莓涨价了,2.5一磅,也没写磅数要求,估计多少都这个价。去的人多车多。与往年不同,今年采蓝莓还得坐shuttle bus。排队上了辆用旧校车改的shuttle,开了约三分钟到了地方,原来是到了另外一片农场,我好像有点明白为什么涨价了。有人引导到地里,每家人限制在半垄地里面,不能越过有小旗子标志的界限(我们去的早是这样,等我们约11:30摘完出来等回去的shuttle时,听引导的人给新到的家庭分配是两家分半垄,一家採左边的,一家採右边的)。蓝莓普遍比较小,很难找到大过拇指盖的,甜度还可以。因为不好找所以影响采摘速度,而且也晒,我们大概一共摘了四磅就撤了。
再说孩子爱吃的蓝莓派。因为人多,光排队就等了超过半小时,每份9.5元一张waffle上面堆了一把蓝莓再浇上奶油。里面的餐桌全满员,外面的露台上也很难找到有阴凉的座位。在另外一个porch里卖corn pizza,薯条,饮料,冰淇淋什么的,也是排长队,看着就头大,没去。

Aldor Acres Farm - Apples, Christmas trees-you choose and you cut,
24990, 84 Avenue, Fort Langley, BC . Phone: (604) 888-0788. Email: aldoracres@telus.net. Open: daily 9 am to 5 pm from Sunday, September 24 through to Tuesday, October 31. School groups must make reservations. Individual families are welcome at any time. The cost is $5.00 per person (anyone of walking age) or $22.00 per family Payment: Cash, Check. Fort Langley County

Clingan Blueberry Farm - Blueberries. Dukes and Bluecrop. Picked and U-pick. Frozen as well.
24576 32 Avenue, Langley, BC V2Z 2J5. Phone: 604-534-7360. Email: lucy@clinganberryfarm.com. or Email: clinganblueberryfarm@yahoo.ca. Open from mid June through August each year. From 8 am to 8 pm 7 days a week.

A visitor writes on June 21, 2009: "We have bought Clingan's berries for a couple of years now and they are great people--we buy frozen berries and fresh. They are not officially organic but follow organic practices in order to become organically certified. I recommend this farm!"

Driediger Farms Strawberries - strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, red currants, black currants
23823 72nd Avenue, Langley, BC. Phone: 604-888-1665. Email: bestberries@driedigerfarms.com. Open: 8:00am to 8:00pm, everyday from mid June to early August. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Strawberry season will finish approximately July 1st9. We welcome the start of raspberries now and blueberries will be starting around July 8th. Black currant upick is available from July 1 to approximately July 20th depending on weather. Red currant upick will start around July 15th.

cloud_zhou :Langley的Driediger 农场千万不要去,U-pick蓝莓每磅要3刀,而且必须要用他们家的桶采,每个桶要卖你4块钱,最后称重的时候还不扣除桶的重量。最可恶的是管理农场的经理态度恶劣。

Willow View Farms - Apples, plums pears, pumpkin patch, hayrides, petting zoo, and sweet corn sometimes.
288 McCallum Rd, Abbotsford, NA V2S 8A2. Email: willowview@shaw.ca. Open: September and October on Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 5:30 pm and Sundays from 11 am to 5:30 pm; November and December on Tuesday thru Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm; Closed Sunday and Monday.


森林之歌 :9月6日,帶乡亲去Willow View Farms 摘苹果
地点很好找,HWY 1 往东,90号出口右转,往南5分钟就到了!
$1.10 / LB,大家摘得兴高采烈

Taves Family Farms Applebarn - Apples, pumpkins, pumpkin patch-pick in the field, pumpkin patch- already gathered from the field, straw or hay bale maze, and prepicked produce, snacks and refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, tractor-pulled hay rides, face painting, pony rides, petting zoo
333 Gladwin Road, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5Y1. Phone: 604-853-3108
Directions: Hwy 1 to Clearbrook Road. Left on Clearbrook Road. Left on Huntington Road. Right on Gladwin . We are open September, October. Our hours are: Monday to Saturday from 9-5 Sun 11-5 Payment: Cash, only.

Maan Farms - Follows organic practices, blueberries, corn (sweet), cucumbers, flowers, pumpkins, raspberries (red), summer squash, winter squash, strawberries,
790 Mckenzie Rd 1508 Townline Road, Abbotsford, BC v2t6e1. Phone: 604-308-2205. Email: maanfarms@shaw.ca. Open: Strawberry U_pick start June 13 Thursday, 2009 For Raspberries and blueberries check our website.

August 07, 2009 Dance in the gravel pit at Maan farms; All weekend in October are Harvest festivals at Maan farms. We follow organic practices, but are not yet certified. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard. Grow organic strawberries, raspberries and blueberries plus the regular berries. Strawberries from June 15 to July 07,2009; Raspberries from July 01 to August 15,2009; Blueberries from July 07 to September 15, 2009; Upick on daily basis. Family fun daily. Hay rides on weekends only; concession on weekends only. Book school tours and group in advance.

A visitor writes on June 28, 2010: "Maan Farms of Abbotsford B.C. is not organic. They apply non-emergance herbacide to the strawberry patch in the spring which is typical practice for all farms in this region."

The Apple Farm - apples, pears, plums
4490 Boundary Road, Yarrow, BC Canada V2R 5J3 (604- 823-4311, Fax 604-823-4669) - gourmet apples, pears, plums, fresh cider, press your own apples, tours, more.

A visitor writes: "They make there own pies, jams and syrups for people to buy. I went this morning and had a wonderful visit. Please put them on your list! I highly recommend them!"


Chilliwack Pumpkin Patch/Corn Maze - Apples, pumpkins, and prepicked produce, snacks and refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, petting zoo, farm animals, birthday parties, school tours, events at your location (call for info)
41905 Yale Rd West, Chilliwack , BC v2r 4l6. Phone: 604-819-6203. Email: sidebyside@shaw.ca. Directions: From the # 1 highway take exit 109 head S.E. down Yale Rd West travel 1km down Yale rd W. and you will see us on the left hand side across from Chilliwack Golf and Country Club And for a map to our farm, click here. Crops are usually available in September, October. Open: Maze opens Aug 17. Aug hours Tuesday to Sat. 1pm-9pm, Sept/Oct 31 from Thur -Fri 6pm-9pm, Saturday from 1pm-9pm Sunday and Holidays from 1pm-6pm, Halloween night 6pm-9pm The apples, Sunflowers and Indian corn should be ready mid September. The Pumpkins and Gourds should be ready the beginning of October. NEW THIS YEAR MANY DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF PUMPKINS YOU WILL NOT SEE ELSE WHERE. From very very large to small minis and from bright orange to white pumpkins!! Come and see our NEW goat walk too and feed our goats!! OUR PLACE MAKES THE BEST SCHOOL FIELD TRIP ,we give out many free educational, agriculture handouts Payment: Cash, only. Our farm has been developed to get THE FAMILY back on the farm, having a great outing together that is fun for the very young to the very old. Our place and maze IS wheel chair and stroller accessible.

Forstbauer Natural Food Farm - ORGANIC pick your own certified organic produce such as blueberries, beets, blue lake pole beans, carrots, chard, dill cucumbers, kale, potatoes, pumpkins, summer and winter squash, zucchini
49350 Prairie Central Road, Chilliwack, BC. Phone: 604-794-3999. Email: farm@forstbauer.com. We are certified organic and bio dynamic. Learn about the principles of bio-dynamic farming. You are invited to experience harvesting your own , and many other vegetables. They also sell organically raised beef and have certified organic / bio-dynamic Okanagan fruits.

Whistler area

North Arm Farm And Bakery
- follows organic methods, blackberries, blueberries, flowers, pumpkins, raspberries, strawberries, prepicked produce, gift shop, snacks and refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, farm animals, birthday parties, weddings and wedding parties, school tours
1888 Sea To Sky Highway 99, Pemberton, BC V0N 2L0. Phone: 604-894-5379. Fax: 604 894 6650. Email: info@northarmfarm.com. Directions: 5km east of Pemberton on Highway 99. And for a map to our farm, click here. Crops are usually available in June, July, August, September, October. Open: Weekends April and May Open every day June to October 9am to 6pm Weekends November and December Closed January to March. Strawberries June-September, Raspberries July-September, Blueberries July-August, Flowers June-September, Pumpkins October. We follow organic methods, but are not yet certified. Payment: Cash, Visa/MasterCard. North Arm Farm grows 45 acres of fruit and vegetables using only organic nutrients and no herbicides, pesticides or fungicides. We have a full range of seasonal vegetable and small fruit for sale at the farm as well as attending the local farmers markets in Whistler and Pemberton and supply restaurants in Vancouver and Whistler. The season starts with asparagus and ends with pumpkins and winter squash plus virtually everything you could want in between.

South Okanagan

Covert Farms
- beans, blackberries, blueberries, cucumbers, eggplant (aubergine), flowers, grapes, nectarines, summer squash, winter squash, strawberries, tomatoes, other vegetables
38614 107th Street, Oliver, BC V0H1T0. Phone: 250-498-2731. Fax: 250 498 6363. Email us at: info@covertfarms.ca. We are open July, August, September, October. Our hours are: Monday to Sunday 7 am to 5 pm visit the website for maps and more info.

Dickinson Family Farm - cherries, and prepicked produce, restrooms, picnic area, school tours
17208 Bentley Road, Summerland, BC V0H 1Z3. Phone: 250-494-8732. Fax: 250-494-8732. Email: drdickinson@shaw.ca. Directions: Map quest page on our web site. North end of Summerland. Coming from the south - turn right at Jones Flat road and left on Bentley. Coming from the north, Turn right on Bentley road. And for a map to our farm, click here. Crops are usually available in July, August. Open: Daily from July 15th until October 31st from 8 am to 5 pm. Cherries: July 15th - August 10th. Payment: Cash, only. Fruit stand with all fruits in season. Small campsite in middle of orchard. Provide pre-booked educational orchard tours. Have the world's tallest tripod orchard ladder - in Guinness book of records. Antique equipment on site. )

Gatzke's Farm Market - Pick your own fruit in season
Hwy 97, Oyama BC. Phone: 250-548-3444.Take Gatzkes Tour of the Peach Jungle, 57 varieties of tree fruits grown on the 10 acres of orchard. Farm breakfasts from 6:am, lunch on the Patio Cafe, washrooms. Special Bus lanes for buses to load and unload.

Hillside Orchards - apples, apricots, beans, beets, cherries, corn (sweet), cucumbers, eggplant, grapes, melons, nectarines, onions, pears, peas, peaches, peppers, plums, pumpkins, raspberries (red), rhubarb, summer squash, winter squash, strawberries, tomatoes, other vegetables,

310 Avenue West (road 18) RR#1 S36 C4, Oliver, BC V0H 1T0. Phone: 250 485 7180. Email: HillsideOrchards@hotmail.com. Open: June To Late September 7 Days a week 8 a;m to 6 p;m Closed on RAINY DAYS. Directions: Hillside Orchards Is located in the heart of the South Okanagan on 310 Avenue West in Oliver - Please refer to google maps. With views of desert rolling hills & vineyards. The rich sunshine and our divine climate allow us to grow a variety of premium quality fruits & vegetables. Click here for a map and directions. We are open from Late June to Late September Hours 8am to 6pm Cherries - June to July Apricots - July Peaches - July to September Nectarines July to August Plums - August to September Prune Plums - August to September Pears - August to September Apples - August to October Tomatoes - July to September Peppers - July to September Egg Plant- July to September Melons- July to September Egg Plant- July to September Beans- July to September Corn- July to September Onions- July to September Squash- July to September Garlic - August. Payment: Cash, Cheque, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard. Hillside Orchards is a family owned & operated farm consisting of 25 acres of fruits & vegetables , a unique farm market containing fresh picked produce , jams , syrups & honey’s. When its hot outside at Hillside Orchards, stop in & enjoy our homemade frozen yogurt , hard ice cream or a refreshing drink. Every year we welcome hundreds of visitors to our fourth generation farm. Every month we have something new for you to pick !.

Sutherland Farm Blueberries - blueberries, already-picked produce (of the pyo crop)
4645 North Naramata Road, Naramata, BC V0H 1N0. Phone: 250-496-5767. Email: sutherlandblueberrybb@telus.net. Open: Please call ahead to reserve picking time. Directions: As you approach Naramata you will pass a fire hall and power station on your left. Shortly afterwards you will see a directional sign to Chute Lake. This will put you onto North Naramata Road. You will go past Clarke Road on your left and we are the next driveway on the left. Click here for a map and directions. Harvest times from mid July to early August. Payment: Cash, only. Spend a few hours in an idyllic setting with a beautiful view of Okanagan Lake and the surrounding valley, picking our delicious unsprayed blueberries. We will provide picking buckets but you will need to bring containers to transport your berries home.
Steven's U-Pick Cherries - cherries, and prepicked produce
Hwy #97 Across Deadmans lake, Osoyoos, BC V0H1T0. Phone: 250-498-1013Directions: Hwy #97, Between Oliver & Osoyoos B.C across Deadmans Lake Open: 7 Days a week , 8 am to 5 pm We start picking our first cherries the May long weekend and continue picking till August. Payment: Cash, only. We are the largest U-pick cherry Orchard in the Sunny Okanogan !! We Have Over 6 varieties of cherries that last from May till August. So come out and have some fun!
2011-07-04 : 长周末刚从Osoyoos和Kelowna一线玩回来,樱桃现在主要是Oliver到Osoyoos一带比较成熟。我们摘了2家,一家红樱桃$1/磅,另一家黄樱桃$2/磅,黄樱桃更好吃。

Central Okanagan

U-Pick cherries and peaches
- apricots, cherries, peaches,
14718 Middlebench Rd, Oyama, BC v4v 2c3. Phone: 250-548-4181. Open: We are here most days and early evenings ;call first please. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Cherries-July Peaches-August. Payment: Cash, only. Organic sprays have been used here for the past three years. Our orchard is located in Oyama, B.C the jewel of the Okanagan 15 minutes from Kelowna,B.C. U-pick and bus tours welcome. Call for cherries and peaches.

North Okanagan

Davison Orchards - tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins, farm market
3111 Davison Road, Vernon, NA, V1H 1A2. Phone: (250) 549-3266. Email: info@davisonorchards.ca. Open: Daily from May 1 to October 31; Spring Hours: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. They also have prepicked apples, peaches and squash.
A visitor writes: "I love going there during the spring, summer and fall. Everything is of the highest quality and competitively priced."

Geier's Fruit and Berry Farm - Cherries - Strawberries - Raspberries
3820 - 40th Street, SE, Salmon Arm (Geiers is located just 4 km south of TransCda Hwy, near the Industrial Park). Phone: 250-832-2807. Email: rsgeier@telus.net. Pick your own ripe fruit and vegetables. Open mid-June through late September. Call ahead for fruit ripening dates and availability. Tours are available by appointment.

Hanna Orchards Farm Market - u-pick flowers3181 11th Ave NE, Salmon Arm, B.C. Phone: 250 832-4574. Email: hanna@sunwave.net Farm market offering fruit, vegetables, hard ice-cream cones, fruit smoothies, giftware, self-guided orchard tours, open garden. Over 40 varieties of modern and heritage apple varieties. Open Mid Aug. through late Oct. 8 am to 6 p.m. Mon. to Saturday, and 1-5 pm Sunday.

Ogilvie Orchard - Uses integrated pest management practices, Other fruit or veg,
3441 Logan Road, Westbank, BC V4T 1N6. Phone: 250-768-8930. Email: ogilviecarol@shaw.ca. Open: Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm; Saturday and Sunday by telephone request. Directions: Two blocks north of Zeller's on the Old Okanagan Highway. Turn left onto Quince Road for one block. Turn right onto Logan Road for a half a block and you are there. Click here for a map and directions. Quince: September 30 to October 31. We use integrated pest management practices. Payment: Cash, only. Quince is the fruit I have for sale at $2.00 per pound.
Paynter's Fruit Market - apricots, cherries, pears, peaches, Honey from hives on the farm, prepicked produce, gift shop, snacks and refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area

3687 Paynter Road, Westbank , BC V4T 1R1. Phone: 250-768-7313. Fax: 850-768-7313. Email: info@payntersfruitmarket.ca. And for a map to our farm, click here. Crops are usually available in July, August, September. Open: July and August - 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week Sept and October - 9am to 6pm 7 days a week. Paynter's is open late June - early November; Pick your own cherries start early July, Pick your own peaches mid August Also many in season veggies and local products along with 26 flavors of Hard Ice Cream. Payment: Cash, Check, Visa/MasterCard.

Rigo-en Orchards - tomatoes, peppers
A 25 acre family farm located within 4 kilometers of Vernon, adjacent to Okanagan Lake. U-pick. Open August through October. 6831 Bella Vista Road, Vernon, BC. 250-545-1610.

Southern Interior

Blueberry Patch Country Market
- strawberries, blueberries, cherries
2782-20th Street, Lister, B.C. (South of Creston, on Hwy.21, follow our signs -we're 1km east of the airport) Phone: 250-428-4647 e-mail: sproules@kootenay.com "A Country Taste At A Friendly Place". We offer delicious u-pick or ready picked strawberries grown hydroponically from the end of May through to Mid October. Also the best flavoured Blueberries -4 acres of u-pick fields- end of July to mid August. Fabulous large sweet cherries are u-pick or ready picked harvested end of July to mid August. We have a very exciting Country Market serving lite lunches, special dessert & refreshments, also loaded with gourmet food & unique gift items. Open: March to December - Tuesdays to Saturdays 9:30 am to 4:30p.m. Hosts:Michael & Bibiane Sproule welcome you to visit!

Deane Farms - corn (sweet), cucumbers, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes,
Po Box 45 1275 Carson Road, Grand Forks, BC V0H1HO. Phone: (250) 442-3400 . Fax: 250-442-3400. Email: deanefarms@telus.net. Directions: And for a map to our farm, click here. Crops are usually available in June, July, August, September. Open: April 15th to June 15th, closed June 16th to July 14th, then open from July 15th to October 12th; on Monday to Saturday from 9 to 5 and Sunday 10 to 4. Payment: Cash, Cheque.
Thompson Nicola Region

Hoodoo Ranch - ORGANIC, apples, apricots, cherries, currants (red and black), gooseberries, grapes, herbs/spices, melons, nectarines, pears, peaches, plums, raspberries, saskatoons,

9730 Highway # 8 P.O. Box 171, Spences Bridge, BC V0K 2L0. Phone: 250-458-2441. Email: hoodooranch@telus.net. Directions: Turn off the Trans Canada Highway # 1 onto Highway # 8 at Spences Bridge. Hoodoo Ranch is on the Nicola River five kilometers from the junction. Crops are usually available in June, July, August, September, October. Open: daily from June to October. We are certified organic for all crops! Payment: Cash, only. Hoodoo Ranch is a Certified Organic Producer certified by STOPA Farm #133. We-pick and U-pick services are offered and customers are invited to enjoy a swim and picnic afterwards at the ranch.

Miner's Rock Ranch - beans, beets, broccoli, carrots, peas, peppers, tomatoes,

Etch, Monte Creek, BC AA1AA12. Phone: 250-573-2026. Email: minersrock@gmail.com. Open: U - pick is open July - October, please call for availability. Directions: From Kamloops, we are 4Km past the Vernon turnoff on highway 1. Watch for signs on the right. From Pritchard, we are 10km past the Pritchard Store. Turn at Rocky Point. For a map to our farm, click here. Payment: Cash, Cheque.


May-June: strawberries
June- July: cherries
June-August: blueberries, blackberries
July-September: peaches, figs, tomatoes, green beans
July-October: raspberries
August - Figs, Fall raspberries start, early apples
September-October: apples and grapes
October: late apples, Pumpkins

Berries 浆果

Blackberries 黑莓
Blueberries 蓝莓

Boysenberries 波森莓,混肺草莓
Cranberries 酸莓,越橘,蔓越莓
Currants (black, red, white) 醋栗
Gooseberries 鹅莓
Loganberries 罗甘莓
Mulberries 桑椹
Raspberries 树莓,红莓,覆盆子
Strawberries 草莓

U-Pick Hazelnuts榛子与Walnuts胡桃

G.S. Farm
11400 #4 Road, Richmond, British Columbia. Phone: 604-454-4411.
Open: Call for for hours and availability.

U-Pick: October | 10:00am - Dusk | 6624 Bradner Road, Abbotsford (
U-Pick: $0.60/lb | Pick your own hazelnuts or buy picked as well as apples and vegetables!

A and J Farms
26032 16th Avenue, Aldergrove, BC V4W 2S1.
Phone: 6048564206. Fax: 6048564206. Email: info@aandjfarms.com.
Open: September to November, please check website for hours of operation and openings.(
map )
Payment: Cash, only. You picked and picked hazelnuts are also available.

摘菜确实是可以按数量算工资的,不同的蔬果有不同的算法,比如樱桃是每磅 22.4分。
如果大家有兴趣当摘菜工人的话, 可以看看以下的资料(都是中文的):
最低工资 / 农场工人 / 农场劳工承包商

How to Remove Pesticides on Blueberries

加拿大金秋摘果季 教你学吃6种不同的苹果

最后编辑: 2019-06-17
回复: BC省内的U-PICK采水果农场地点

No.5 BlueBerry Farm - follows organic methods, blueberries
7040 no.5 road.(Cross street of Granville),
Richmond, BC V6Y2V2. Phone: 604-303-8733. Email us at: thiheng@hotmail.com. We are open July, August. Our hours are: We are open all through the July and August. Our Operation hours for U-Pick are: Friday to Sunday from 11 am to 8 pm, hours for Monday to Thursday are flexible; Please give us a call before you come. We follow organic methods, but are not yet certified. Payment: Cash, only.



[FONT=新明]但若将清洗后的蓝莓,贮存于雪柜冰格,解冻后的蓝莓果质有如水泡,只适宜用于制作BLUEBERRY MUFFIN。[/FONT]
最后编辑: 2015-06-09
回复: BC省内的U-PICK采水果农场地点

这个帖子要顶 不知今年还有没有机会摘蓝莓,去年摘的实在太太好吃了,和超市买的不是一个级别。




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