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我如何征服 说英语的关卡

回复: 我如何征服 说英语的关卡

How to ? -- instantly understand English
-- speak quickly and easily and without thinking

学英文十几年了, 移民加拿大也好多年了,英语不上口,唉...

--由于每个人的资质不同, 见解及决心互异, 有人学说英语很容易, 有人很辛苦, 有人很努力, 但效果一直不理想, 但别泄气 就像龟兔赛跑一样, 兔子一直嘲笑乌龟很慢, 但结果呢? 成功属于坚持努力的人[FONT=楷]。[/FONT]
本篇主要是帮助还在苦恼(或没信心要放弃)英语说不好的大人或其较大子女, 若有英语流利人士及网友先进亦请提供经验及建议, 范围仅针对说英语,不涉及英文写作等.. 总之就是希望对想学好说英语能有帮助,
当然学好说英语是要付出一定代价(快乐学习, 一些设备费用...)的,要能快乐的每天练习, 像学武术般, 用心苦练, 否则付出的代价会更惨痛 !
大部份的人 无法突破, 最后丧失信心, 最坏的状况是无法生存于此, 最终只好高唱: [FONT=楷]归去来兮!田园将芜胡不归?[/FONT][FONT=楷](因没钱过日子了) [/FONT][FONT=楷] 鸟倦飞而知还(其实是此地不留爷,[/FONT][FONT=楷]因听不懂, 不会说 [/FONT][FONT=楷]and no job ...), [/FONT][FONT=楷]觉今是而昨非[/FONT][FONT=楷], then say goodby[/FONT]e[FONT=楷], 回流归乡去也[/FONT] !!

我;背景说明: [1]高中的省级最优学校,资质应算中等以[FONT=楷]。[/FONT]
[2]及长,通过TOELF and GRE测验, 留学美国, 攻读热门的
[3]及海归,效力专业11寒暑(全是中文环境, 英文忘的都
[4]满怀理想与希望, 移民加拿大温哥华[FONT=楷]。[/FONT]

面对加拿大与遭遇 : 找工作做业务, 听不太懂洋人讲的英语, 我讲的英语很不顺畅, 洋人也听不太懂我在讲什么 ?#@! 心理层面遭受到严重冲击与震撼

这样如何是好? 问题如何解决 ?
1)我并不笨啊 ! reading 很好啊 ! 认的字也很多, why ?
2)我参加ESL, 发现 同学各国都有, 有的口音很奇特, 老师也没太多时间各别指导, 上课时也不太能多说几句, 老师教的也多是 reading及写心得感想等, 英语没有全方位的提升效果 [FONT=楷]。[/FONT]

也就是 How to ? -- instantly understand English
-- speak quickly and easily and without thinking
发现真相: 以前在学校努力学习的是英文不是说英语, 都是在做

发音也不道地, 都是依教课书在教, 挺无趣,考试高分也没用,学的也非生活应用, 字认再多也无大助益[FONT=楷]。[/FONT]

在我讲英语时 脑子CPU 是这样转的 :
[1]先产生中文意念 [2] 转型成英文结构及句型

[3] 找出英文字, 组成短句 [4]开口表述

由于整个过程转换太费时, 又再考虑文法时态等等…, 说出口的英语变的速度很慢, 字词使用错误, 发音也不对, 没有次序的停顿总之洋人老是不知我在说什么, 语意混乱及毫无重点 ! 初来加拿大时,谈到用英语讲话, 真是一言难尽 …,我这个大脑翻译机看起来很不灵光哪 !

[1]完全以听英语为主, 采用简单易懂的儿童故事(图文并者优先, 有些是我买给女儿儿子的故事书),每章约300 ~ 800, 我请洋人出故事, 我就将其录音存到电脑里 and Mp3 player,每天睡前一定听30分钟以上,早晨起来也再听30分钟, 开车或散步运动时也一定听录音, 就这样每天重覆听它 10~20, 故事是听懂的,不是看懂的(以前都是看懂英文,我这次放弃这种模式) [FONT=楷]。[/FONT]
[2]进度控制: 刚开始不要求多,而是要听的它滚瓜烂熟,每周1 ~ 2个故事即可,但每天都觉得在进步, 我的发音也感觉较准确了(因为听熟了正确发音)[FONT=楷] 。[/FONT]
采用简单故事加简单问答练习:我特别请求一位退休的洋人女士,她很热心帮助我,我请她从我很熟的故事书理(30),问我一些简单问题,我则必须快速回答,先练习短答再长答,如此她问我答,每个故事约问个30~40个问题(我都一一录音起来) , 同样的, 每个问问题的录音,我每天就反覆不停的听,并立刻再回答, 一直到连想都别想的就脱口而出[FONT=楷]。[/FONT]
[4] 练习找问题发问: 另外我也找我女儿or儿子当助手 ,我和他一起学简单故事,给我听,我再拿故事去问她(他)一些故事里的事情 ,反正我就是要找个人让我来问他问题,我的目的就是练习找问题发问[FONT=楷]。[/FONT]

[FONT=楷]具体实践[/FONT][FONT=楷]: 真正做到[/FONT] speaking, without thinking …
[FONT=楷]我申请了一个洋人的公司去当[/FONT]store sales ([FONT=楷]店理的销售员[/FONT]),[FONT=楷]经过一番几个人的面试问答后[/FONT],[FONT=楷]居然获选被录取了[/FONT], [FONT=楷]信心大增[/FONT], [FONT=楷]也就走马上任[/FONT],[FONT=楷]人家敢用你[/FONT],[FONT=楷]就认真把活做好[/FONT],[FONT=楷]我的实际工做就是对每个进门的洋人客户[/FONT],[FONT=楷]先打招呼[/FONT],[FONT=楷]问好后(How I can help ?...)就直接讨论其想要解决的需要及预算[/FONT],[FONT=楷]问清楚要什么及其喜好后[/FONT],[FONT=楷]就是要提供各种解决方案[/FONT],[FONT=楷]并沽算要多少钱[/FONT][FONT=楷]要多久等事项的讨论[/FONT],[FONT=楷]最后就是问客户还有什么问题吗[/FONT]? [FONT=楷]若没问题[/FONT] ,[FONT=楷]就帮客户结帐[/FONT], [FONT=楷]有些客户真的是要买[/FONT],[FONT=楷]就马上成交了[/FONT], [FONT=楷]有些说还要考虑考虑[/FONT],[FONT=楷]那我就问要考虑什么[/FONT]?[FONT=楷]反正就是一直问问题[/FONT],[FONT=楷]想办法解决其问题[/FONT],[FONT=楷]最后不管成交与否[/FONT],[FONT=楷]我都一定会非常谢谢客户给我这个交谈的服务机会[/FONT][FONT=楷](Thank you for shopping in our store)。[/FONT]

[FONT=楷]结语[/FONT]: [FONT=楷]我应该算是不轻易放弃的那种人[/FONT],[FONT=楷]比[/FONT][FONT=楷]较[/FONT][FONT=楷]敢尝试用不同方法解决问题的人[/FONT]. [FONT=楷]我认真请洋人朋友帮忙也很感激她们[/FONT], [FONT=楷]我是有点鲁钝了[/FONT],[FONT=楷]来加拿大[/FONT][FONT=楷]时[/FONT][FONT=楷]间[/FONT][FONT=楷]也不[/FONT][FONT=楷]算[/FONT][FONT=楷]短[/FONT],头几年和朋友合开公司 做些买卖业务,也没认真学说英语,[FONT=楷]后来实在觉得这样下去会没发展,历经摸索各种方法后[/FONT],[FONT=楷]才发现秘诀就在要先多听简单生活英语,在半年[/FONT][FONT=楷]左右 "[/FONT][FONT=楷]多听[/FONT][FONT=楷]英语" 后,[/FONT][FONT=楷]才进入简单听说愉快自如[/FONT], 由于每个人的资质不同,学习快慢不是很重要,最重要是心态及恒心毅力,找出适何你/的方向,天天要练习, 只要恒久的努力加上益友的协助与鼓励, 虽愚公移山, 亦有成功之日[FONT=楷]。[/FONT]
[FONT=楷]祝大家[/FONT][FONT=楷] 说英语学习快乐 , 心想事成 ! :wdb23:
People help people, working together, trust me, we can make it !
I care about all new immigrants or students and hope my experience can give you strength, confidence and inspiration.

warm regards,

Land Duke 07-2010

[FONT=楷]我制作了一个免费的听力学习基本网页, 供作练习参考, 请点击[/FONT]

[FONT=楷]说英语学习[/FONT]- Learn speak English

[FONT=楷]Any 说英语学习[/FONT] [FONT=楷]问题 ? just ask, I'll try my best to help ! [/FONT]
email me: landduke@sina.cn

*** 若觉得本资讯很有帮助, 邀请送个 鲜花, 鼓励一下, 先谢啦 !!

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回复: 我如何征服 说英语的关卡


Tony Chen

回复: 我如何征服 说英语的关卡


分享: 一位美国教 "英语听力" 老师的话 ~~

"To understand a native speaker, you absolutely MUST learn idioms.

What's Up?

When I meet my friends, that's what I say: "What's Up?"

Of course, this phrase means "Hello, how are you?"

"What's Up" is an idiom. An idiom is a phrase that has a different meaning than the words in it. You cannot understand an idiom by knowing each word in it. You must understand it as a whole-- as a phrase.

Native speakers use hundreds of idioms everyday. We don't even think about it.

**How Will You Learn Idioms?

Unfortunately, you don't learn idioms from textbooks or schools. But you can learn them.

To start, buy a Dictionary of American Idioms. Use it to understand idioms you hear in movies and conversations. Keep these new idioms in a notebook, and review them quickly everyday.

Movies are great for learning idioms. In fact, many of our most common idioms come from movies.

You'll also learn idioms from REAL conversations between native speakers. Try to record two native speakers talking to each other. Then use the recording to learn idioms.

You can even get lessons that use real conversations between native speakers.

Finally, be patient. It takes time to learn idioms, but you can do it.

You then speak and understand the real English that is used by native speakers. "

Good luck, everyone !!

祝各位 学习进步, 早日进入职场, 安家立业 !!!

敬邀参观 Land Duke 相关主题 --

请点击 : 探访一西温哥华的名校中学及海景豪宅面貌
回复: 我如何征服 说英语的关卡

正在把车里的碟子全部换成英文的故事。一点点的渗透。看碟片也都看英文。慢慢的就可以 without thinking
回复: 我如何征服 说英语的关卡


Tony Chen

回覆: 学学停停


hello, 快乐我生活, Have a great day and enjoy learning !

ok ! 学学停停 ...那是因为没有动力, 如果把英语提升上来,
到加拿大后就可马上去工作,每月有CD$2000~$3000, 至少生活费用够了,
您就会头悬梁锥刺股, 疯狂学习, 3个月就会有很大进展啦 !

用mp3 player or ipod 时时刻刻 听English native speaker的声音,听到滚瓜烂熟,

hope your English learning is going well ! I hope you are enjoying English learning!

**** 最最重要是,开始的力教材一定是要很容易懂的....

people help people, hand in hand, together, we can make it !!!

Typically, everyone wants to know how they can speak fluently in only 2 or 3 months.
its an interesting question. Is it possible to learn English very very fast? Is it possible to make massive improvements in only 2-3 months? The answer is yes.

But of course, to make massive improvements requires massive intensity and effort.
I recommend for this kind of goal :
[1] must be Obsessed with English
--- 我
为卿狂 -- incredible passion,

(obsessed: having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something Synonyms: taken up, preoccupied)

tremendous emotional power -- you must study English 8-14 hours a day… and every hour you must be alert, interested, and energetic.Imagine all the incredible benefits you will have as a fluent English speaker. Imagine how your life will change 5 years from now. 10 years from now. 20 years from now.
You can also exaggerate the terrible things that will happen if you fail to speak English fluently. Imagine all the jobs you will miss. Imagine all the people you will never meet. Imagine how bad your life will be because you can't speak English.

[2] Massive Input

to focus on English INPUT. Do not waste time studying grammar or vocabulary. Don't waste time trying to speak.
You should spend all of your time either listening or reading. This is the fastest and most efficient method for speaking English fluently.
Carry your iPod or mp3 player everywhere. Always have a English book with you.
ou should read easy English novels starting with novels for children. Absolutely do not waste time reading textbooks!

[3] Massive Intensity

you have to listen and read 8-14 hours a day, every day. You must listen constantly to English. You must read constantly. Listen for an hour, then read a novel for an hour. Then listen again for an hour. Then another hour of novel reading.
Reading will also help your speaking ability.

Good luck! my dear Chinese fellow

怀着一颗感恩的心,把关爱散播出去, 振奋远方未曾谋面的朋友 !
最后编辑: 2010-12-26

Tony Chen

回复: 我如何征服 说英语的关卡

分享: 一位美国教 "英语听力" 老师的话 ~~

below is a real one here and talk about the important meanings. I hope it helps and I’d love to know what you think. To give you a little bit of background information, I call my friend Darren “Dog” as a fun nickname. I’m Andrew. Ok, here we go:

Andrew: Yo, what’s going on Dog?
Darren: I just got off work. It was brutal. My boss was on my case the whole day about a bunch of stupid stuff. Anyway, I’m starving. You wanna grab something to eat?
Andrew: I would but I just finished a huge meal.
Darren: Ok, do you mind if I pop by later? I want to pick up that book I left at your place.
Andrew: Sure.
This was an exact conversation I had. All native speakers talk like that to each other and I want to point out some of the small details to help bring your English to a higher level.
Yo: In phone calls between close friends, we often start with “yo” instead of the more formal “hello”. In 2011, it’s actually weird for a friend to say “hello” to another friend. We only answer the phone with “hello” when we don’t know who is calling. In most cases, we know if a close friend is calling because we are using our cell phones and can see their number.
What’s going on? This is a very common way to ask a close friend something like, “what are you doing now?”
Got off work: Instead of saying “I just finished work” we usually say “I just got off work”. Both sayings are correct but “got off” is much more natural and sounds like a native speaker.
Brutal: “Brutal” is a common way of saying “really bad” or “really terrible”. A couple example sentences are:
I have a brutal headache.
I don’t want to eat at that restaurant. The food there is brutal!
On my case: If your boss is “on your case” it means that he is giving you a lot of pressure and keeps telling you what to do. You feel like you can’t relax at all if your boss is on your case.
A bunch: In spoken English, saying “a bunch” is slang for meaning, “a lot”. Here are a couple of common examples:
There are a bunch of great French restaurants in this city.
I’m really busy today. I’ve got a bunch of stuff I need to do.
I’m starving: This is a very common way of saying “I’m very hungry”.
Grab: In spoken English, we often ask someone if they want to “grab something to eat“.
Do you want to grab something to eat?” is much more common between native speakers than “Would you like to go and eat something together?”
I would but…: If you would like to do something but you have some reason or excuse for not doing it, you can say, “I would but…” An example is:
A: Would you like to go and see that new movie this weekend?
B: I would but I already saw it last weekend with my girlfriend.
It is a polite way to say “no”.
Pop by: A slang way of saying that you are going to someone else’s house is to say you will “pop by“. Here’s an example sentence you can ask a friend:
Are you still going to pop by tonight after work?
Your place: In casual spoken English, you can refer to someone’s house or apartment as their “place“. It’s very common. Here is an example question:
I really like your new place. How much is the rent?
I hope you enjoyed that and learned a few things.
回复: 我如何征服 说英语的关卡





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