回复: 吾家小园
Landscaping Regulations (Edmonton)
Zoning Bylaw requires that residential property owners landscape any front or side yards that are visible from a public street. For new homes, this must be done within 18 months of occupancy.
Zoning Regulations:
According to the Zoning Bylaw,
there are only certain materials that homeowners can use to landscape. These are:
Grass seed or sod
Washed gravel or shale
Flower beds or cultivated gardens
Trees, shrubs or other plants
Outdoor furniture or sculptures
Fences or walls
Decorative bricks, pavers or stones
不修剪草坪投诉依据的条文是 Neighbour Law
Untidy premises
Most municipalities have bylaws to control things like garbage, junk,
overgrown gardens, or abandoned vehicles. For example, in Vancouver, every property owner must keep their property in neat and tidy condition, in keeping with a
reasonable standard of maintenance common in the neighbourhood.
So, if talking to the neighbour doesn’t help, your next step is the local government. Explain your situation to the person who enforces bylaws. They may investigate and if your complaint is valid, order the owner to clean up the property. If the owner doesn’t, the municipality can clean it up and then bill the owner for the cost of the cleanup.