回复: 一道心理测试题,看穿你的人性和欲望
A little bit different, but same psychology test...
There was a couple Sarah and Jack. They had to cross a bridge to meet up because their houses were parted by a big river.
One day a massive flood hit the town. Sarah was unable to contact Jack, asked Martin who had a boat if he could cross the river to find Jack.
Martin demanded her to pay 10,000 because he would risk his life. She didn't have any money.
Then Chris who also had a boat offered her if he could make love to her he would take her to the other side of the river.
Sarah was in a terrible dilemma, but in the end she accepted his offer.
Chris kept his promise, took her to the other side of the river. Finally Sarah managed to find Jack.
However, Jack freaked out when he found out how she got there, dumped her.
Her effort was wasted, she was in a despair.
Ed, who secretly admired her, approached and comforted her.
Eventually Sarah got married to Ed, they lived happily ever after.