回复: 追尾和车险
另外刚才搜Automobile accident general release agreement 的时候,发现下面这个网站也有个标准的form.
____(him)______________ and _______(you)______________ were in an automobile accident in _____________ on ________________. As a result of the accident, ______(him)_________ suffered damage to his vehicle, and may have suffered personal injuries.
Without admitting fault, the parties wish to settle and compromise all claims arising from this incident forever. ______(you)____________ hereby pays to _______(him)______________ the sum of _____________________, receipt whereof _______(him)_________ hereby acknowledges, and __________(him____________further states that said sum constitutes complete compensation for all claims arising from said incident, whether known or unknown, and to include both property damage and any personal injuries that might have been suffered in said incident.
This General Release and payment made hereunder are intended to bring closure to this matter and any further claims shall be forever barred.
_________________________ __________________________
(insert his name) (insert your name)
Dated _______________ Witness_________________________