Investors Group (位于Yonge/Eglinton地铁站附近)

Investors Group (位于Yonge/Eglinton地铁站附近)
[FONT=新?明篦] [/FONT]
[FONT=新?明篦]If you are considering a new path working with a growing company, we may have much to talk about. You've heard the news about the financial markets, but did you know that the demand for financial planners has never been higher and that Investors Group is continuing to grow and offer career opportunities?

[/FONT]是加拿大第二大金融集团[FONT=新?明篦]Power Financial [/FONT]的成员企业,按市值计算的加拿大第一、世界第四大资产管理公司,为加拿大最大的[FONT=新?明篦]60[/FONT]家上市公司之一。我公司秉承稳健进取的风格,为积极投身金融服务领域的优秀人才提供良好的发平台。我们的目标是,发展稳定、长期的客户关系,提供金融专业服务,达到他们的财富管理和增长目标。因扩业务发展需要,招聘若干名金融从业人员[FONT=新?明篦](Financial Consultant)[/FONT][FONT=''']

[FONT=新?明篦]- Show clients how to build and manage their financial wealth and security;
- Develop a customized financial plan for clients;
- Help clients select the products to implement the plan; and
- Provide clients with ongoing personalized service.


[FONT=新?明篦]And because choosing to become a financial planner isn't a decision that is made overnight, we strive every day to make your choice that much easier by providing you with:
- Exceptional income potential
- Rewards and Recognition Program, including travel opportunities
- The best training in the industry* - paid
- Flexibility and independence
- Mentorship and Client Services Support
- An entrepreneurial environment
- Marketing Support
- Support for community involvement
- Control over your own success

[FONT=新?明篦]1.[/FONT][FONT='''][FONT=新?明篦] [/FONT][/FONT]业界最规范的培训体系和发展规划
[FONT=新?明篦]2.[/FONT][FONT='''][FONT=新?明篦] [/FONT][/FONT]专家团队的指导与支持,丰富的产品配置
[FONT=新?明篦]3.[/FONT][FONT='''][FONT=新?明篦] [/FONT][/FONT]业界最优良的薪酬计划
[FONT=新?明篦]4.[/FONT][FONT='''][FONT=新?明篦] [/FONT][/FONT]完善的公司福利,灵活独立的工作机制
[FONT='''][FONT=新?明篦]5. 90[/FONT][/FONT]天培训期以及培训期殓的基本工资保证[FONT=''']


[FONT=新?明篦]1.[/FONT][FONT='''][FONT=新?明篦] [/FONT][/FONT]融事业,具有良好的市场与服务意识
[FONT=新?明篦]2.[/FONT][FONT='''][FONT=新?明篦] [/FONT][/FONT]职业目标明确,拥有或能够通过金融从业资格证书考试([FONT=新?明篦]CIFC [/FONT][FONT=新?明篦]CSC[/FONT]
[FONT=新?明篦]3.[/FONT][FONT='''][FONT=新?明篦] [/FONT][/FONT]善于沟通、协调,有团队合作精神
[FONT=新?明篦]4.[/FONT][FONT='''][FONT=新?明篦] [/FONT][/FONT]自信心足,自我管理和控制能力强
[FONT=新?明篦]5.[/FONT][FONT='''][FONT=新?明篦] [/FONT][/FONT]具备加拿大工作资格(留学生需有工签)

[FONT=新?明篦]This is a full-time opportunity to establish your own variable-income and self-employed business in association with Investors Group Financial Services Inc. (in Québec, a financial services firm). Submissions are subject to an initial and ongoing review process.
Investors Group offices are located in all provinces and territories in Canada.[/FONT]

[FONT=新?明篦]So contact us about becoming an Investors Group Consultant. Find out why Investors Group was rated the #1 Full Service Dealer in the financial planning industry*, and how we can help bring your personal and professional rewards far beyond those associated with a traditional job.

[/FONT]有意者请把简历发送给[FONT=新?明篦]: [/FONT]
[FONT=新?明篦]Mandy Lu[/FONT]
[FONT=新?明篦]Recruiting Coordinator for
Timothy Szeto, Division Director
Investors Group Financial Services Inc.,#585
601-2345 Yonge Street, Toronto ON M4P 2E5
Phone: 416-483-7667 Ext.289
Fax: 416-483-5760
[/FONT]邮件地址[FONT=新?明篦]: [/FONT]

[FONT=新?明篦]* Investment Executive, June 2010.
(tm) Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations.[/FONT]
[FONT=新?明篦] [/FONT]




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