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Parliament and Government(议会和政府)
The Parliament of Québec consists of the Lieutenant Governor(副总督) and the National Assembly(国会). The Lieutenant Governor, appointed by the Federal Government(联邦政府), is the Queen's representative in each of the Canadian Provinces(女王在各省的代表). The Lieutenant Governor only assents to Acts. He does not participate in debates.
The National Assembly(国会)
The National Assembly is composed of 125 Members, representing the 125 electoral divisions(选区). The Parliament Members(议员) are elected by the population(大众). The voting procedure is based on the principle of first-past-the-post system(得票最多者当选制) in each riding. The role of the National Assembly is to pass legislation(立法), in other words to lay down compulsory standards(强制性标准) in the areas recognized as coming under provincial jurisdiction(省级管辖权) in the Canadian constitution(加拿大宪法).
In the Québec's parliamentary system(议会制度), inspired from Great Britain(英国), the Parliament(议会) and the Government(政府) represent separate powers : the legislative power(立法权) and the executive power(行政权).
The Parliament(议会)
The Parliament examines proposed legislation submitted to it in the form of bills by the Government and either accepts(同意) or rejects (拒绝)them. Parliament also oversees(监督) the Government's application of laws and supervises(监督) all government activities (legislative power).
The Government(政府)
The Government is formed of certain elected representatives of the party holding the majority of the seats(占有大多数席位的政党) in the National Assembly(国会). Its function is to provide the political management of Québec. In the parliamentary system, the executive power(行政权) is accountable to the Parliament.
Almost all bills(几乎所有法令) are conceived and drafted by the Government, in other words the Premier(总理) and the Cabinet(内阁). Altough we tend to associate the Government with the notion of "power", in a legal sense the Government stems from, and is controlled by, Parliament(议会).
The Prime Minister(总理)
Formally designated by the Lieutenant-Governor(形式上由副总督指定), the Prime Minister is in fact chosen by the electorate when it elects a majority of Members from the same party(事实上由选举中占大多数席位党派选任). The Premier, in turn, selects the Members who will form the Cabinet (Executive Council(执行理事会)), and holds power for as long as he or she retains the confidence of a majority of Members. Convention also requires each minister to support the decisions made by the Cabinet(内阁), or resign, in keeping with the principle of ministerial responsibility.
(Source : National Assembly of Québec Website)