西温West Van西人请为期一年的housekeeper


Hi All,

Kim & Tony’s beloved housekeeper Erika will be on maternity leave for approx. 13-14 months, and we need to find a suitable replacement for her.

The ideal candidate will be required to work full-time Monday to Friday from 9:00AM - 5:00PM, with some extra hours on occasion and MUST love & be comfortable around three friendly large Newfoundland dogsin order to be considered for this position. Vacuuming and cleaning are an essential part of the job description. We would like to fill this position as soon as possible and an immediate start date is to be taken into consideration. Hourly range $15.00 - $20.00 (depending on experience)

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who you think might be interested.

Please contact: ‘Sandy’ at 604 922 6870 or info@hearthstoneinvestments.com if you have any questions.




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