7月1日国庆照常开。夏令营的时间是周一至周五,9点到16点。 托儿服务的时间是7:30到18点。
圣劳伦夏令营的地址在:625 Ste-Croix, E 楼, St-Laurent, QC, H4L 3X7。办公室在E52房间,托儿设在E46房间。南岸夏令营的地址在:3875, rue Grande-Allée, Saint-Hubert, J4T 2V8
http://www.elitecollege.ca/pdf/parking_permit.pdf ,您可以自己打印出来用)。6月23日早上我们也会在停车场派发停车条,其余时间请到英才办公室来索取
中午用餐自带,一律由老师负责热饭 (请不要带需要热3分钟以上的食物).
http://www.elitecollege.ca/pdf/campmenu.pdf )
Thanks for choosing Elite College summer camp!
Our summer camp will start from June 23, 2014. The camp will be closed on June 24th, 2014 because of Quebec Day, but it will be open on July 1st, 2014, National Day. The regular hours of the camp are 9 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. The daycare service hours are 7:30 am to 6 pm.
Our St-Laurent camp address: 625 Ste-Croix, Building E, St-Laurent, QC, H4L 3X7.
Our office is located at Room E52 and E46 will be the room for daycare services.
Our South Shore camp address: 3875, rue Grande-Allée, Saint-Hubert, J4T 2V8
Things to bring for the students: all the necessary school utensils, like pencils, erasers, sharpeners, exercise books and so on. They can also bring a water bottle to get water from the fountain inside the school. The preschoolers must also bring some crayons and scissor.
For the parents who drive:
St-Laurent camp, please follow our driving directions for the safety of your kids and yourself (see attached Driving Directions
http://www.elitecollege.ca/images/routine_elitecamp.jpg and
Parking Permit
http://www.elitecollege.ca/pdf/parking_permit.pdf ).
We’re also going to distribute the Driving Directions and Parking Permit at the parking lot in the morning of June 23. You can also come to get them at our office E52 during the summer.
Lunch, bring your own lunch, our staff will heat lunches for students if needed. Please do not bring food that needs to be heated more than 3 minutes.
For St-Laurent Campus: you can also order from a selection of Chinese dishes, if you want to order Chinese food, please do so before each Friday for the following week's lunch. Cash only.
OR buy your lunch at the school Cafeteria. While is it often possible to buy food at the school's cafeteria if the child did not bring a lunch, it is not recommended, as lunchtime is limited and the lines in the cafeteria can leave them with little time left to eat. (Especially since, this year, kids from another camp will be eating at the cafeteria as well.)