回复: 地球人类有史以来最震惊的访谈记录!
看了这个问题我记得在 APOLLO 20 的视频里是有这个情节出现过,还真的有一点像用毛笔书写的感觉,我看过意大利记者与 WILLIAM RUTLEDGE 本人的访谈,他谈到许多没有公布的细节。他还提到 APOLLO 19 是一次不成功的飞行,APOLLO 20 是重复任务之一,至于一些论坛里谈到的书法,确确的讲应该是在一张很薄类似纸张的金属片材料(或许类似于黄金铂片的金属)上书写的。象一本书一样, 其实在地球上墨西哥,南美等地一些地方都有类似的金属片书本被发现,它们的材料都是相似的金属。
而在飞船上发现的女外星人 MONA LISA ,以及另外一具外星人,他们把他的身躯上部份一起带回地球供研究,他谈到 MONA LISA 有可能来自地球人类,他没有更深入的继续谈下去关于这个女外星人,起码我们可以知道一点:这个地球的种族最接近于这个女外星人的人,只有我们黄种人,或者说就是我们。
COPY 一段访谈记录:
L.S. Now we can discuss the ancient “alien spaceship” and “the City” on the farside of the Moon. Did you go inside the spaceship? How big was it and what did you find inside?
W.R. We went inside the big spaceship, also into a triangular one. The major parts of the exploration was; it was a mother ship, very old, who crossed the universe at least milliard of years ago (1.5 estimated). There were many signs of biology inside, old remains of a vegetation in a "motor" section, special triangular rocks who emitted "tears" of a yellow liquid which has some special medical properties, and of course signs of extra solar creatures. We found remains of little bodies (10cm) living in a network of glass tubes all along the ship, but the major discovery was two bodies, one intact.
L.S. Did you visit “the City” on the Moon? Where was it? Did you understand if was there a connection with the Space ship? Are “the City” and “the Ship” still there?
W.R. The "City" was named on Earth and scheduled as station one, but it appeared to be a real space garbage, full of scrap, gold parts, only one construction seemed intact(we named it the Cathedral). We made shots of pieces of metal, of every part wearing calligraphy, exposed to the sun. The "City" seem to be as old as the ship, but it is a very tiny part. On the rover video, the telephotolens make the artifacts greater.
L.S. What about the “Mona Lisa EBE”? [the correct Italian name is “Monna Lisa”] How does she look like and where was she at that time, when you found out her on the Moon. Where do you think she is now?
W.R. Mona Lisa I don’t remember who named the girl, Leonov or me - was the intact EBE. Humanoid, female, 1.65 meter. Genitalized, haired, six fingers (we guess that mathematics are based on a dozen). Function; pilot, piloting device fixed to fingers and eyes, no clothes, we had to cut two cables connected to the nose. No nostril. Leonov unfixed the eyes device (you'll see that in the video). concretions of blood or bio liquid erupted and froze from the mouth, nose, eyes and some parts of the body. Some parts of the body were in unusual good condition, (hair) and the skin was protected by a thin transparent protection layer. As we told to mission control, condition seemed not dead not alive. We had no medical background or experience, but Leonov and I used a test, we fixed our bio equipment on the EBE, and telemetry received by surgeon (Mission Control meds) was positive. That’s another story. Some parts could be unbelievable now, I prefer tell the whole story when other videos will be online. This experience has been filmed in the LM. We found a second body, destroyed, we brought the head on board. Color of the skin was blue gray, a pastel blue. Skin had some strange details above the eyes and the front, a strap around the head, wearing no inscription. The "cockpit" was full of calligraphy and formed of long semi hexagonal tubes. She is on Earth and she is not dead, but I prefer to post other videos before telling what happened after.
L.S. Were you able to understand the origin of the spacecraft and how old was it?
W.R. The age was estimated to 1.5 milliards of years, it was confirmed during exploration, we found ejections from the original crust, anorthosite, spirals in feldspathoids, coming from the impact which formed Izsak D; The density of meteor impacts on the ship validated the age, also little white impacts on the Monaco hill at the West of the ship...