
回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

原来Smilell820320同学之前没有提交申请人的英语培训方面或英语成绩单的资料(另帖见过回复我问题的分享),难怪萨省回复说“Language testing is a requirement for all files...”了!个人见解仅供参考:很赞成好运连连和生活精彩的意见!赞成Smilell820320快先提交已有的参加过英语培训的资料、同SINP办公室沟通,看情况如何再考虑下一步行动。如果萨省还坚持要雅思成绩,那只能沟通宽限时间(多于45天)和马上备考了。祝好!
回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

Dear Mr. ***:
This is to advise you that your application for the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee
Program (SINP) was received on 08-Apr-2011.
Please refer to the attached list of missing and/or incomplete documents. To keep your file
active please submit the item(s) listed in the enclosed document within 45 days of date of this letter.Please do not contact the SINP regarding your file status as this may delay processing. The SINP will contact you if any further information is required. If any of your personal information changes (i.e. mailing address, family composition, marital status etc.), please notify our office quoting your file number. Thank you for your interest in the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program.
Document: Missing and/or Incomplete Required Documents List
Additional Information Required
Criteria Description
Language Proof As of July 1, 2012, all applicants without an offer of employment in a skilled occupation (NOC level A, B or 0) in Saskatchewan are required to provide valid results from a language test administered by a federally designated testing agency. As your application does
not require an offer of employment in a skilled occupation, you must submit one of the following:
International English Language Testing Systems (IELTS,
GENERAL TRAINING) with minimum scores of: Listening 4.5,
Reading 3.5, Writing 4 and Speaking 4
Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) with minimum scores of: Listening 2H, Reading 2H, Writing 2H and Speaking 2H Test d evaluation de francais (TEF) with minimum scores of:Listening 145, Reading 121, Writing 181 and Speaking 18
To keep your file active please submit the results within 45 days of date of this letter, if additional time is required please contact us to request an extension. Please ensure your file number is on all correspondence. Additional Information Required Criteria Description
回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

Dear Mr. ***:
This is to advise you that your application for the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee
Program (SINP) was received on 08-Apr-2011.
Please refer to the attached list of missing and/or incomplete documents. To keep your file
active please submit the item(s) listed in the enclosed document within 45 days of date of this letter.Please do not contact the SINP regarding your file status as this may delay processing. The SINP will contact you if any further information is required. If any of your personal information changes (i.e. mailing address, family composition, marital status etc.), please notify our office quoting your file number. Thank you for your interest in the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program.
Document: Missing and/or Incomplete Required Documents List
Additional Information Required
Criteria Description
Language Proof As of July 1, 2012, all applicants without an offer of employment in a skilled occupation (NOC level A, B or 0) in Saskatchewan are required to provide valid results from a language test administered by a federally designated testing agency. As your application does
not require an offer of employment in a skilled occupation, you must submit one of the following:
International English Language Testing Systems (IELTS,
GENERAL TRAINING) with minimum scores of: Listening 4.5,
Reading 3.5, Writing 4 and Speaking 4
Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) with minimum scores of: Listening 2H, Reading 2H, Writing 2H and Speaking 2H Test d evaluation de francais (TEF) with minimum scores of:Listening 145, Reading 121, Writing 181 and Speaking 18
To keep your file active please submit the results within 45 days of date of this letter, if additional time is required please contact us to request an extension. Please ensure your file number is on all correspondence. Additional Information Required Criteria Description
回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

"As your application does
not require an offer of employment in a skilled occupation, you must submit one of the following:"

这句话有问题, 请大家探究一下!
回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

"As your application does
not require an offer of employment in a skilled occupation, you must submit one of the following:"

这句话有问题, 请大家探究一下!
意思是不是说,我的雇主工作担保不是属于A B类的,所以需要英文测试呢?
回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

根据其意思: 您的申请并不需要job offer, 所以,你需要提供语言测试.
回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度


现在递份更改的合同, 雇主需要网上申请Confirmation job of Approval...
回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

smilell820320, 你已经有job offer-B类, 同时,是5月1日以前,
没有道理,也应该符合旧政策要求, 奇怪... 真不知道为什么.
回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

"As your application does
not require an offer of employment in a skilled occupation, you must submit one of the following:"

这句话有问题, 请大家探究一下!
这一句话,我也反复看了,深有同感!哪位高手结合上下文来解释一下这句话?请注意一个前提:申请人已经有厨师职位的Job offer,按道理,这个Job offer已经是属于NOC的B类职业了。
回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

从信的原文来看,我个人的理解:萨省不认为申请人有A类或者B类或者O类的Job offer. 如果我是Smilell820320同学,我一边沟通的情况下,加紧备考雅思是最重要的工作了! 以上仅仅是个人见解。
回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

从信的原文来看,我个人的理解:萨省不认为申请人有A类或者B类或者O类的Job offer. 如果我是Smilell820320同学,我一边沟通的情况下,加紧备考雅思是最重要的工作了! 以上仅仅是个人见解。
我一再看了信的内容,一再细看信的原文中的这句“...all applicants without an offer of employment in a skilled occupation (NOC level A, B or 0) in Saskatchewan are required to provide valid results from a language test administered by a federally designated testing agency.”我的理解,这句话反过来就是说,申请人有了A类或B类或O类,就不用补雅思成绩单了。那么,对于这个申请,是不是:同SINP办公室沟通、说服他们确认申请人有了B类的Job offer,那就不用申请人补交雅思成绩了呢?
回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度

谢谢大家一直这么关心我的CASE,我现在目前的打算是想先重新打一份JOB OFFER,然后把我表弟的职位做个变动,确定这个职位是在A B类,然后先寄一份上去,然后再看看他们有什么回复。如果他们需要我在网上做一份雇主担保申请的话,那么他们就是同意我更改新的JOB OFFER了,我再上网申请。现在要去考雅思真的是来不及,英文实在是太差了,恶补也是要很长的时间。我明天就做份新的工作合同扫描过去,加上我表弟最近有英文培训的证明,一起递上去,然后看什么回复,我即刻通知大家!
回复: 申请亲属移民的请进来晒一下你的进度


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最后编辑: 2012-08-27




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