回复: 父母续签成功,怎么没有寄体检表来? 回虚心学习:没体检。 哦。谢谢啊!
L leowu55555 1 2014-01-26 #23 回复: 父母续签成功,怎么没有寄体检表来? Do you have a family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and is 18 years or older? 请教楼主这几个问题最终的标准答案是什么?我的情况和楼主很像,希望借鉴。 Your stay starts on the day you enter Canada and ends on the day you want to leave Canada. Are you accompanying a family member who has status in Canada?
回复: 父母续签成功,怎么没有寄体检表来? Do you have a family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and is 18 years or older? 请教楼主这几个问题最终的标准答案是什么?我的情况和楼主很像,希望借鉴。 Your stay starts on the day you enter Canada and ends on the day you want to leave Canada. Are you accompanying a family member who has status in Canada?
ysoria 593 2014-07-28 #24 同借鉴 leowu55555 说: 回复: 父母续签成功,怎么没有寄体检表来? Do you have a family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and is 18 years or older? 请教楼主这几个问题最终的标准答案是什么?我的情况和楼主很像,希望借鉴。 Your stay starts on the day you enter Canada and ends on the day you want to leave Canada. Are you accompanying a family member who has status in Canada? 点击展开...
同借鉴 leowu55555 说: 回复: 父母续签成功,怎么没有寄体检表来? Do you have a family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and is 18 years or older? 请教楼主这几个问题最终的标准答案是什么?我的情况和楼主很像,希望借鉴。 Your stay starts on the day you enter Canada and ends on the day you want to leave Canada. Are you accompanying a family member who has status in Canada? 点击展开...
福 福宝 106 2014-09-05 #36 ysoria 说: 啊。我没收到啊,登录进去看,也没有找到啊。 点击展开... 你收到续签签证了么?如果收到了,也没信件通知,那估计你是不需要体检吧,体检信上说,此次体检有效期一年,你是不是之前延期过呀?
ysoria 说: 啊。我没收到啊,登录进去看,也没有找到啊。 点击展开... 你收到续签签证了么?如果收到了,也没信件通知,那估计你是不需要体检吧,体检信上说,此次体检有效期一年,你是不是之前延期过呀?
ysoria 593 2014-09-06 #37 福宝 说: 你收到续签签证了么?如果收到了,也没信件通知,那估计你是不需要体检吧,体检信上说,此次体检有效期一年,你是不是之前延期过呀? 点击展开... 我收到续签信,上面写了三十天内体检,体检信另外寄。但就是没收到
福宝 说: 你收到续签签证了么?如果收到了,也没信件通知,那估计你是不需要体检吧,体检信上说,此次体检有效期一年,你是不是之前延期过呀? 点击展开... 我收到续签信,上面写了三十天内体检,体检信另外寄。但就是没收到
ysoria 593 2014-09-06 #39 flgdy 说: 体检信在你的CIC账户里,information letter, 点一下,有个here的链接,点击,就会显示体检信息,是个pdf 文件。 点击展开... 感谢你的回复,我现在进了账户,可是找不到infomation letter啊,是在那个view my submiited application 里面呢么? 找不到啊!
flgdy 说: 体检信在你的CIC账户里,information letter, 点一下,有个here的链接,点击,就会显示体检信息,是个pdf 文件。 点击展开... 感谢你的回复,我现在进了账户,可是找不到infomation letter啊,是在那个view my submiited application 里面呢么? 找不到啊!
flgdy 772 2014-09-06 #40 view my submiited application不显示, 在申请人每行右边有个check status and message, 点那个button, 你就会发现,每个人有个information letter
view my submiited application不显示, 在申请人每行右边有个check status and message, 点那个button, 你就会发现,每个人有个information letter