回复: 女孩留学,目标移民。迷茫中。。。
就会计专业而言,如果家庭经济条件允许,就送到这边来上,边上可以边找一些打工的机会,增加社会经验,对以后就业有帮助;另外一种选择就是先在国内读个经济类本科,比如经济学什么的(个人经验别在国内读会计),然后申请会计硕士master of accounting。
I have my education and experience in accounting and law and thus I guess I can share with you my humble opinion:
1) AICPA is not a statutory professional body in Canada.
2) Issues related to accounting industry:
-2a: severe competition
-2b: endless continuing education
-2c: supply of accountants is almost unlimited
-2d: one needs some years of slavery before being admitted into an accounting body
3) A member of CICA/CGA is almost limited to employment, unless he/she becomes a self practitioner in tax or in audit. However:
- 3a: da ya know how much an accountant charges to fill out a tax return?
- 3b: da ya know how much audit fee an accountant can charge a local company (a local accountant has no chance to audit any large company)?
- 3c: da ya know how much an accountant can make in employment comparing with another profession such as engineering?
4) MAcc degree without professional designation is useless.
5) Based on my personal experience, if one needs 一门安身立命的本事, one shall not major in accountancy.