
Basic benefit
We calculate the basic benefit as described below:

$104.58 per month for each child under the age of 18 (if you live in Alberta, see this note);
an additional $7.33 per month for your third and each additional child; and
an additional $20.75 per month for each child who is six years of age. This supplement is reduced by 25% of any amount you or your spouse or common-law partner claimed for child care expenses for 2005.
Eligible families with children under six years of age will receive the new Universal Child Care Benefit.

We reduce the basic benefit if your family net income is more than $36,378. For a family with one child, the reduction is 2% of the amount of family net income that is more than $36,378. For families with two or more children, the reduction is 4%.
National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS)
The NCBS amounts are:

$162.08 per month for the first child;
$143.33 per month for the second child; and
$136.41 per month for each additional child.
The NCBS will be reduced by a percentage of family net income that is more than $20,435 and on the number of children in a family.

For a family with one child, the reduction is 12.2% of the amount of family net income that is more than $20,435.
For a family with two children, the reduction is 22.9% of the amount of family net income that is more than $20,435.
For families with three or more children, the reduction is 33.2% of the amount of family net income that is more than $20,435.




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