登陆定居 万一我沦为乞丐,请给我买杯咖啡!

詹姆斯·弗雷(James Free)是加拿大里贾纳市的一位建筑工人,一天,他在咖啡店Tim Hortons用完餐后,看到时常在这个咖啡店外站着的一位流浪汉,弗雷问他,想不想喝杯咖啡…吃点东西,流浪汉点点头。


“ 在买三明治的男子离开后,无家可归的男子坐在那里开始吃东西,泪水从他的脸上静静地滚落下来。4岁的儿子问我,这个男子为什么在吃三明治的时候会哭? 我 (含着眼泪) 告诉儿子,他饿了,有人送给他一个三明治,让他感到地哭了”。


CBC News:


Sandwich for homeless man gets thousands of likes on Facebook

The story of a Regina construction worker who paused a moment to buy a sandwich and some cookies for a homeless man at a coffee shop is winning emotion-filled 'likes' on Facebook.
James Free, a worker with a local renovation company, was at a Tim Hortons shop for his meal when he saw the homeless man. Free said he recognized the man from previous visits to the restaurant and thought he looked a bit down on his luck.

James Free says if someone can spare a few minutes and a few dollars to help a homeless person with a meal, they should do it. (CBC)

"I asked him if he'd like to have a coffee and … a bite to eat," Free said. "He was sort of reluctant but accepted."

Free said he bought the man a sandwich, some cookies and a coffee.

"As I was leaving I left this stuff with him and I tried to be very discreet so nobody would notice," he said. " just wanted to be able to reach out and be helpful a little bit."

The modest gesture was noticed and an account was published to Facebook.

Emotional Facebook post

It included a detail about what happened after Free left the restaurant.

"What that man didn't see was after he left, the homeless man sat quietly eating with tears streaming down his face," the Facebook post, published Wednesday, said. "My four-year old asked, 'Why is he crying for his sandwich?'

"It was a difficult reply, (through my tears) as I told my son that he was hungry and someone had given him the sandwich as a gift and it made him so happy he cried."
Free said word of the Facebook observation made it's way to him, and he was moved.

"I was quite taken with it," he said. "It choked me up a little bit. I had no idea."

The story has been shared on Facebook by almost 2,000 people.

"I think the reason people were so taken with it was because it shows compassion is still out there," Free said, adding he believes everyone has it in them to do what he did.

"It cost less than $10 and took less than 10 minutes," Free said. "Anybody that can spare that to make somebody's day better, or their week better — who knows — I think that they should do it."

Rebecca Cochrane, of Souls Harbour Rescue Mission in Regina, says buying a person in need a meal is a good idea and is often better than giving money. (CBC)
CBC News spoke to Rebecca Cochrane, of Souls Harbour Rescue Mission in Regina, who said buying street people meals is a good idea and often better than giving money as cash is often used to buy alcohol or drugs and many street people struggle with addictions.

CBC News also spoke to Lyle Stoney, who has been living on the streets for two years. He said it can be difficult to get by.
"You have to find ways to survive on your own," Stoney said, adding he has at times been given a free meal.
"The person just makes you feel, you know, that someone cares about you."


流浪汉弹钢琴爆红网路 CBC揭坎坷身世


不久前的一天下午,波拉德女士在路过该市丘吉尔广场时被一阵优美的琴声吸引,走出一段路了又忍不住转回来。艾德蒙顿市自今年夏天起在户外放了几架旧钢琴,供路人免费弹奏。放在丘吉尔广场的是其中一架。弹钢琴的男子衣服破旧,头发脏而长。但是他的十指下流出的旋律却与他的资深流浪汉外表形成强烈反差。 他告诉波拉德,这首曲子是他自己写的。波拉德征得他的同意后录下了视频,先是把它放在自己的Facebook网页上。由于朋友们反响热烈,她在上星期四把它上传到Youtube。在24 小时之内就有80万人点击这段视频,一个星期后,点击率超过两百万,评论近千条。网友赞叹之余,也提出了各种关于音乐家及他的创作的问题。这些问题波拉德也不知道答案。她很想把视频的火爆告诉弹琴者,但她只知道他叫莱恩,后来也没有再遇见过他。


流浪汉弹钢琴爆红网路 CBC揭坎坷身世


不久前的一天下午,波拉德女士在路过该市丘吉尔广场时被一阵优美的琴声吸引,走出一段路了又忍不住转回来。艾德蒙顿市自今年夏天起在户外放了几架旧钢琴,供路人免费弹奏。放在丘吉尔广场的是其中一架。弹钢琴的男子衣服破旧,头发脏而长。但是他的十指下流出的旋律却与他的资深流浪汉外表形成强烈反差。 他告诉波拉德,这首曲子是他自己写的。波拉德征得他的同意后录下了视频,先是把它放在自己的Facebook网页上。由于朋友们反响热烈,她在上星期四把它上传到Youtube。在24 小时之内就有80万人点击这段视频,一个星期后,点击率超过两百万,评论近千条。网友赞叹之余,也提出了各种关于音乐家及他的创作的问题。这些问题波拉德也不知道答案。她很想把视频的火爆告诉弹琴者,但她只知道他叫莱恩,后来也没有再遇见过他。

我在收音机里听到了,amazing song writing.

故事很感人,楼主很浪漫, 呵呵.... 如果楼主真有沦为无家可归者的一天,我给你买一个月的咖啡. (No kidding!)

不过考虑到你成为无家可归者的可能性,你得到这一个月免费咖啡的机率很小. :wdb6:




我觉得大家目前只是停留在表面的东西上, 固然善举让人感动,但一杯咖啡只能让他好过几小时,上不了让一个人生活好过点的高度。绝对没有贬低一杯咖啡的善举,只是除了感动,真要解决问题需要理性。







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