
Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
这个沙龙是个SPA沙龙, 提供从头到脚一系列专业服务, 地址是在DOWNTOWN BAY的四楼, 是爱美时尚人士的聚集热点.

鉴于很多MM对国外的美容服务不了解, 所以我在这里简单地把他们的服务摘要介绍一下, 让大家去做头发或FACIAL前有个了解和心理准备. :wdb6: 当然,也可以让有志于从事美容业的MM们参考一下.

Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
第一项: 头发

染发类: 价格从$10-80/次不等.

最便宜的是局油, from:
Intensive conditioner - $10

还有 Individual Foil - $10
但 Foil Highlights - $80
Cap Highlignts - $60

染发也不算贵, from:
Semi-Permanent - $30
Single process permanent - $30
Double process permanent - $40

剪发的, from:
洗剪吹 - $38
洗吹 - $19
男人剪头 - $20
一般剪发 - $24
十岁以下小孩的剪发收费: $5+年龄数=总费用, 如一岁小孩收5+1=6刀, 五岁则5+5=10刀的费用
Custom styling: 这个就贵了, 叫By consultation 那就不好说价格了, 西西

还有一种全套服务的, 叫Texture Services, 包括了剪发在内, 主要是提供头发完整护理与定型服务的, from:
Perm(full) - $73
Perm(partial) - $60
Touch-up Relaxer - $80
Virgin Relaxer - $90
* Prices vary according to type of wrap, length and condition of hair. Relaxers not available at all locations.

Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福

经典欧式面部护理 Classic European Facial $65.00

A European moisturizing facial, perfect for most skin types. Your skin is cleansed and gently exfoliated to remove dull surface skin cells.

Next, enjoy a relaxing facial massage, nourishing mask and a light moisturizing.

This treatment can be customized for oily, sensitive, dry or normal skin. (60 min.)

再生焕肤面部护理 Regenerating Facial $ 80

Designed to regenerate the skin, this facial is ideal for those with sun damage or post-plastic surgery.

Q10抗皱面部护理 $85

Suitable for all skin types.

Contains coenzymes that activate the cells' engergy production and promotes cell renewal, while protecting the skin against the effects of premature light induced aging.

For an extra moisture boost, add collagen to this treatment.

维他命鸡尾酒面部护理 $85

This treatment invigorates the skin with the use of Vitamin C, A, D and E.

Beneficial for all skin types, this facial stimulates the skin's vital functions, firms the skin and increases its own natural protection against free radicals.

Michelle Libra

流金歲月 感恩惜福
香摈酒面部护理 Champagne Facial $125

This facial includes a rare yeast also used in the production of champagne.

It will leave your skin radiant.

You will also receive yeast concentrate to continue your treatment at home for one week.

Seduction of the senses Facial $175

A Deluxe Anti-Aging Treatment. This revolutionary treatment will transport you to a state of relaxation youo can only imagine, with specially-composed music that brings the natural sounds of the sea to the treatment room.

1.5 hours




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