请问福来的兄弟姐们,福来去年的平均年薪大概是多少?年薪9万加币是个什么水平?有个工作机会,犹豫中。。。 请教大家意见。
J joe_chen 172 2015-03-19 #3 It is hard to say, but you can check it by yourself. http://www.jobbank.gc.ca/LMI_report_area.do?lang=eng&area=27278&reportOption=wage
It is hard to say, but you can check it by yourself. http://www.jobbank.gc.ca/LMI_report_area.do?lang=eng&area=27278&reportOption=wage
Y yonss 28 2015-03-19 #4 joe_chen 说: It is hard to say, but you can check it by yourself. http://www.jobbank.gc.ca/LMI_report_area.do?lang=eng&area=27278&reportOption=wage 点击展开... 收到,非常感谢!
joe_chen 说: It is hard to say, but you can check it by yourself. http://www.jobbank.gc.ca/LMI_report_area.do?lang=eng&area=27278&reportOption=wage 点击展开... 收到,非常感谢!