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中国签证 急问:申请十年中国签证问题, 多谢!

也许是老问题了,但是对于我们还是个新问题。第一次申请中签,准备申请十年的(幸运的话),到时是我们夫妻两人带一个孩子回去。烦请问各位,在网上填表时,是分别用三个不同的applicant填三份表吗?还是一个家庭以一个case来处理,只填一份啊? 因为我被表中有一项弄晕了,是“If someone else travels and shares the same passport with the applicant , please affix their photos and give their information below.” 怎么想都不明白怎么能出现share the same passport with the applicant 呢? 需要是跳过这一问吗?
"一个孩子" ------ does this child have his/her own passport ??

(For example, a little baby may not have his/her own passport, but has his/her name on Parents' passport. )

Understand ???
明白 ???
哦, 孩子有自己的啊。以为所有孩子在加拿大都是应该有自己的护照的。 呵呵呵呵呵呵, 多谢
再请问,出示的邀请函是只需出示一份上面写清所有被邀请人的信息,还是有几个被邀请人就出示几份邀请函啊? 多谢多谢
再请问,出示的邀请函是只需出示一份上面写清所有被邀请人的信息,还是有几个被邀请人就出示几份邀请函啊? 多谢多谢
啊!???? 签证中心网站上有固定的邀请函表?我怎么木有见过啊?好像只是告诉了邀请函需要有哪些内容啊,以下是我在官网上见的所有的关于邀请函的信息,难道我漏看了哪里?????木有固定的一个邀请函表格呀
(1) An invitation letter provided by a Chinese citizen or a foreign citizen with a Chinese permanent residence permit. The invitation letter should contain:
a) Information of the applicant (incl. full name, passport number,gender, date of birth, etc);
b) Information regarding the visit (incl. purpose of visit, arrival and departure dates, place(s) to be visited, relationship between the applicant and the inviting party, and financial support to be provided during the stay in China);
c) Information of the inviting party (incl.name, contact number, address, signature of individual).

(2) Photocopy of Chinese ID(both sides) or foreign passport data page and permanent residence permit provided by the inviting parties.

Applicants who want to get a visa with more than one-year validity need to provide all the previous Chinese visas and all the previous Chinese exit and entry stamps and other supporting documents.The Consulate- general will make the final decision according to the documents.
啊!???? 签证中心网站上有固定的邀请函表?我怎么木有见过啊?好像只是告诉了邀请函需要有哪些内容啊,以下是我在官网上见的所有的关于邀请函的信息,难道我漏看了哪里?????木有固定的一个邀请函表格呀
(1) An invitation letter provided by a Chinese citizen or a foreign citizen with a Chinese permanent residence permit. The invitation letter should contain:
a) Information of the applicant (incl. full name, passport number,gender, date of birth, etc);
b) Information regarding the visit (incl. purpose of visit, arrival and departure dates, place(s) to be visited, relationship between the applicant and the inviting party, and financial support to be provided during the stay in China);
c) Information of the inviting party (incl.name, contact number, address, signature of individual).

(2) Photocopy of Chinese ID(both sides) or foreign passport data page and permanent residence permit provided by the inviting parties.

Applicants who want to get a visa with more than one-year validity need to provide all the previous Chinese visas and all the previous Chinese exit and entry stamps and other supporting documents.The Consulate- general will make the final decision according to the documents.





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