我不了解魁省的residential tenancy act 是怎样规定的,但是在安省,如果业主与租户签订租赁合同,规定租户不得养宠物,合同的这项条款不具有约束力,业主不能仅仅因为租户违反合同养宠物而终止合同,驱离租户。在安省,租户享有security of tenure, 也就是说,业主只有在Residential Tenancy Act规定的情况下,才可以向业主及租户委员会申请收回物业,而养宠物不在其中,即使租赁合同规定不得养宠物。除非宠物天生具有危险性,或给业主或其他住户带来危害,或造成业主财物损失, 业主不能终止租约或强迫租户放弃宠物。
Pets and smoking
May a landlord refuse to rent to a tenant who has pets?
Yes, however, if pets are allowed in the lease, or if the lease does not address this issue, then pets are permitted in the rental unit. The lessee should also consult the by-laws of the building they are renting as they may prohibit pets. The by-laws are considered to form part of the lease and the lessor is bound to give the lessee, before entering into a lease, a copy of the by-laws.
If a no pets clause is written into a lease or a by-law and the landlord discovers that the tenant has a pet, is this grounds for the landlord to evict the tenant?
Yes, but only if the landlord can prove that this action by the lessee has resulted in a
serious injury.
The landlord may also apply to have the lessee cease the offensive activity; i.e. for a court order to instruct the lessee to get rid of the pet.
您能帮助解答一下什么是 serious injury, 如果房东想以宠物为由evict the tenant?我想在这一点上,各省的解释应该是一样的。谢谢.