Mr. Wang was asked by a Canadian journalist for the online news site iPolitics about China’s treatment of human-rights advocates and the detention of missionary Kevin Garratt, who has been held for more than a year in prison and was indicted in January on charges of spying for Canada.
虽然没听到原话,但是从提出的问题哪里看出来是侮辱中国外长了? 人权问题本来就是外国记者的热点问题,中国人权问题被国际社会诟病也不是一年二年了,被提出来很正常。另外一个问题是问Kevin Garratt,他是加拿大人被关在中国,被记者提及也很正常。怎么能说是对中外长的侮辱呢?