这是迄今为止用过最好的吗?Couldn't be better?




最后编辑: 2016-11-24
站在这样的梯子里,身体被半包围着,360 度转动自如,工具也可以放在梯子的工作面上,似乎很可靠。

werner ponium.jpg

werner ponium-.jpg
BOSCH GLL 3-50 Professional

BOSCH GLL 3-50 Professional.jpg

The Bosch GLL 3-50 Three-Line Laser with Layout Beam produces one horizontal line, two vertical lines plus plumb down point - for level, align, plumb and square applications to help users swiftly measure the job with precision.
The included a 360° rotational telescoping mounting base helps users effectively set right angles up to 33 Ft. without having to reset.
The base has manual fine adjustment, which allows for easy setup and convenient viewing of the laser point on the floor.
The Smart Pendulum System self-levels and indicates out-of-level condition. It offers an accuracy of 3/8 In. up to 100 Ft., and it has a pulse mode, for use with the optional LR2 laser receiver, to extend its range up to 165 Ft.

Level, align, square and plumb with one setup point with one horizontal and two vertical lines plus plumb down point
Smart pendulum leveling system self-levels and indicates out-of-level
360° rotational mounting base manual fine adjustment for one-time setup
Pulse mode, for use with the optional LR2 laser receiver, to extend its range up to 165 Ft.
L-Box carrying case with inlay
Four AA batteries

set křížového laseru, přijímače, držáku a L-Boxxu pro kompletní řešení při nivelačních a přenášecích prácech
mnohostranné možnosti použití díky kompletnímu řešení multifunkčního čárového laseru a ministativu
robustnost pro profesionální použití a další vynikající technické specifikace
kompaktní tvar a snadné ovládání
točný miniaturní stativ zjednodušuje plynulé jemné polohování laserových čar
výškově seřiditelné teleskopické nohy umožňují ergonomické ovládání
nivelizační sada společně s L-BOXXem pro systematické uložení a zjednodušenou přepravu

Součástí dodávky:
držák BM 1, laserový přijímač LR 2 Professional, držák pro LR 2, cílová destička laseru, 4x baterie 1,5 V LR6 (AA), 1x baterie 9 V 6LR61 (blok), vložka na nářadí pro L-Boxx, kufr L-BOXX 136

Pracovní dosah s přijímačem
± 4 ° Rozsah samonivelace
1/4, 5/8 " Stativový závit
635 Nm Laserová dioda
± 0,3 mm/m Přesnost nivelace
146 mm Délka
83 mm Šířka
117 mm Výška
0.9 kg Hmotnost
2 Třída laseru
3 Počet paprsků
IP 54 Ochrana proti prachu a stříkající vodě
4x 1,5 V LR6 (AA)
最后编辑: 2017-03-26

好在都不贵,只要有薪水都能买得起,你也来一个?最大可测 42 米,误差不超过 1.5 毫米。

https://www.homedepot.ca bosch-140-feet-laser-distance-measurer $ 119

Bosch Laser Distance.jpg

The Bosch GLM 40 Laser Measure provides precise measurements of length, area and volume, with an accuracy of +/-1/16 in.
The continuous-length measurement mode automatically adjusts measurements when walking off distances, just like a tape measure.
With a three line backlit display and an IP54 rating, this laser measure is ready for any jobsite.

Precision laser measuring technology - accurate to within 1/16 in. (1.5 mm). 140 ft. range (42 meter)
Four measuring modes - length, area, volume and continuous length for versatile applications
Automatic backlit display - for easy and convenient viewing
Four measurement units - feet and inches, inches, decimal meters, decimal feet
Includes: belt pouch, hand strap, and (2) AAA batteries

https://www.homedepot.ca bosch-140-feet-laser-distance-measurer $ 119

我一般能自己做的活都自己做,当作是hobby, 省下的人工钱买工具,不过我喜欢等轮胎店减价,有时候减75%。轮胎店网站有个sales alert功能,自己喜欢的东西放上去,减价时会有电邮通知。
我一般能自己做的活都自己做,当作是hobby, 省下的人工钱买工具,不过我喜欢等轮胎店减价,有时候减75%。轮胎店网站有个sales alert功能,自己喜欢的东西放上去,减价时会有电邮通知。

轮胎店的很多工具都是 Lifetime Warranty 的,花费一次极少的钱就能终身享用。高人,好,赞一个!
懂行的人都知道 Vita-Mix Quiet One 是世界上最静音的搅拌粉碎机之一,品质虽一流可价格不菲。还是觉得 65 分贝的噪音太大,我的目标是 32,也许有人会觉得是天方夜谭。

Patented Noise Reduction

The Quiet One has a magnetically secured sound enclosure and other patented technology to drastically reduce blending noise and maintain a comfortable atmosphere.

Vitamix - The Quiet One.jpg

每天凌晨都会使用 Blender,为了不影响别人,最近投入了大量人力和物力,得到了一部噪音极低的好机器,比 Vita-Mix Quiet One 静多了,就像是一台电风扇。

最后编辑: 2017-05-30
SDS Bulldog Rotary Hammer 斗牛犬旋转锤

Country of Origin:DE-Germany 德国原产

SDS stands for Slotted Drive System or Slotted Drive Shaft. 槽驱系统或槽驱动轴
SDS carbide drill bits was created by Bosch in 1975.

Bits push into the mechanism and are held in place by a tight spring. The shape of the shank of the bit keeps it from slipping during rotary drilling.
During hammer drilling, the bit is powered directly by the drill, moving easily in and out of the chuck.
This provides added power for hammer drilling on concrete and masonry.
According to Popular Mechanics, SDS drills are not suited for most normal do-it-yourself projects.
An all-purpose drill is a better choice, and SDS drills are available at power tool rental facilities for heavy-duty jobs.





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