
1. 性别 男
2. 年龄段:30+
3. 地理位置:蒙特利尔
4. 移民申请状态:已入籍
5. available.

本人看上去比实际年龄年轻, 想和年轻女士交往, 希望她苗条,有趣,我们可以一起做饭,钓鱼,旅行,从朋友做起。 有意者请给我邮件acura_25@hotmail.com 请用英语或者法语给我写信。 既然生活在异国他乡,就应该学会使用当地语言, 你说呢? 如果你在蒙村居住, 这是最理想的,我们可以谈朋友,一起享受业余生活。 本人本地大学毕业,有稳定工作和收入。 非诚勿扰。

young man like want to meet young woman, funny, slim, to cook, fish, travel, start as friends. If you are interested, pls email me to acura_25@hotmail.com pls write me in english or french. now that we live aboard, we should learn the local language. what do you think of it? If you lived in montreal, we could date with other and enjoy our spare time together. I graduated from the local university and have a steady work and income. Do not trouble me if you do not want to develope a serious relationship.
最后编辑: 2016-08-29
1. 性别 男
2. 年龄段:30+
3. 地理位置:蒙特利尔
4. 移民申请状态:已入籍
5. available.

本人看上去比实际年龄年轻, 想和年轻女士交往, 希望她苗条,有趣,我们可以一起做饭,钓鱼,旅行,从朋友做起。 有意者请给我邮件acura_25@hotmail.com 请用英语或者法语给我写信。 既然生活在异国他乡,就应该学会使用当地语言, 你说呢? 如果你在蒙村居住, 这是最理想的,我们可以谈朋友,一起享受业余生活。 本人本地大学毕业,有稳定工作和收入。 非诚勿扰。

young man like want to meet young woman, funny, slim, to cook, fish, travel, start as friends. If you are interested, pls email me to acura_25@hotmail.com pls write me in english or french. now that we live aboard, we should learn the local language. what do you think of it? If you lived in montreal, we could date with each other and enjoy our spare time together. I graduated from the local university and have a steady work and income. Do not trouble me if you do not want to develope a serious relationship.
最后编辑: 2016-08-30
1. 性别 男
2. 年龄段:30+
3. 地理位置:蒙特利尔
4. 移民申请状态:已入籍
5. available.

本人看上去比实际年龄年轻, 想和年轻女士交往, 希望她苗条,有趣,我们可以一起做饭,钓鱼,旅行,从朋友做起。 有意者请给我邮件acura_25@hotmail.com 请用英语或者法语给我写信。 既然生活在异国他乡,就应该学会使用当地语言, 你说呢? 如果你在蒙村居住, 这是最理想的,我们可以谈朋友,一起享受业余生活。 本人本地大学毕业,有稳定工作和收入。 非诚勿扰。

young man like want to meet young woman, funny, slim, to cook, fish, travel, start as friends. If you are interested, pls email me to acura_25@hotmail.com pls write me in english or french. now that we live aboard, we should learn the local language. what do you think of it? If you lived in montreal, we could date with other and enjoy our spare time together. I graduated from the local university and have a steady work and income. Do not trouble me if you do not want to develope a serious relationship.
最后编辑: 2016-08-29
1. 性别 男
2. 年龄段:30+
3. 地理位置:蒙特利尔
4. 移民申请状态:已入籍
5. available.

本人看上去比实际年龄年轻, 想和年轻女士交往, 希望她苗条,有趣,我们可以一起做饭,钓鱼,旅行,从朋友做起。 有意者请给我邮件acura_25@hotmail.com 请用英语或者法语给我写信。 既然生活在异国他乡,就应该学会使用当地语言, 你说呢? 如果你在蒙村居住, 这是最理想的,我们可以谈朋友,一起享受业余生活。 本人本地大学毕业,有稳定工作和收入。 非诚勿扰。

young man like want to meet young woman, funny, slim, to cook, fish, travel, start as friends. If you are interested, pls email me to acura_25@hotmail.com pls write me in english or french. now that we live aboard, we should learn the local language. what do you think of it? If you lived in montreal, we could date with other and enjoy our spare time together. I graduated from the local university and have a steady work and income. Do not trouble me if you do not want to develope a serious relationship.
最后编辑: 2016-08-29
也许这是你来这里的目的,也是你的自由。 没有诚意发展严肃感情关系的请绕道,我是找生活伴侣,能够风雨同舟的




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