Application was sent out 9/26/2016
Delivered 9/29/2016
Started Processing 10/18/2016
Request passport colour copy and "Personal immigration entry/exit record or movement certificate" 10/27/2016
Got email that I was put to secondary review 10/31/2016
Sent out Additional documents 11/03/2016
Delivered: 11/07/2016
And Finally, “Your Permanent Resident card was sent by mail on March 13, 2017.”
关于 "Personal immigration entry/exit record or movement certificate", 之前看到网上都在说要找去过的国家开证明,感觉太麻烦了,因此给客服打电话,接电话的女孩说的很清楚,只要出入境章就可以了。心里没底,但是实在不想去开什么证明,因此就附了一张说明,说打电话问过了,只要出入境章就可以了。看来是可以的。
补交的材料去年11月7号就寄到那边了,之后网上状态就不再更新。直到今天查询,才看到枫叶卡寄出的好消息。之前也没有看到"Decision Made"之类的状态。之前都是先收到email,然后网上状态才会变化。这次还没收到email。看来勤查状态还是有好处的