大多伦多 公司招聘.net, iOS, Android 软件开发人员数名

本公司成立于2008年,为多伦多本地多年手机软件开发公司,现诚聘.net 软件开发人员,此职位为长期合同雇员,合同到期后可以续约或者转为永久员工

- 开发维护.net web service
- 集成第三方web services

- 相关学历
- 需有2年以上相关软件开发经验
- 熟悉MS SQL数据/sp查找修改
- 熟悉Client/Server Application 及xml, json, web service等IT基础
- 熟悉.net c#, visual studio,web api, RESTFul API, Web service, Agile, Git
- 团队交流

有意者请将简历发送至 info*knupro.com,请在邮件标题上注明“.net软件开发应聘”。替换*为@

looking for full-time .net developer

- bachelor of computer science or equivalent
- minimum 2 years .Net application development experience
- minimum 3 years software programming experience
- Knowledge of .net, c#, visual studio, sql server, web forms, mvc, web api, RESTFul API, Web service, Agile, Git
- Be able to work in small team and operate efficiently in fast-paced and deadline driven environment

Job description
- full-time .net devleoper
- integrate with other vendors' web services
- build REST based API with JSON to mobile or web clients

iOS 软件开发人员,此职位为长期合同雇员,合同到期后可以续约或者转为永久员工

- 全职iOS app 开发
- 开发维护现有iOS apps
- 定制发布现有apps
- 用户界面开发及连接使用后台数据

- 相关学历
- 需有1-2年以上iOS相关软件开发经验
- 需有3年以上软件开发经验
- 熟悉Objective-C, Swift, RESTFul API, Web service, Agile, Git等IT基础
- 有独自开发完成iPhone软件的经验
- 有团队交流及合作的经验

有意者请将简历发送至 info*knupro.com,请在邮件标题上注明“iOS 程序员应聘”。替换*为@

Looking for full-time iOS app developer


- bachelor of computer science or equivalent
- minimum 1-2 years iOS development experience
- minimum 3 years software programming experience
- Knowledge of Objective-C, Swift, RESTFul API, Web service, Agile, Git
- experience of building an iPhone app from start to finish
- Be able to work in small team and operate efficiently in fast-paced and deadline driven environment

Job description
- full-time .iOS devleoper
- maintain and support exiting products
- build white label/branding of existing apps
- UI developement with JSON data from RESTful web service

Android 软件开发人员,此职位为长期合同雇员,合同到期后可以续约或者转为永久员工

- 全职Android app 开发
- 开发维护现有Android apps
- 定制发布现有apps
- 用户界面开发及连接使用后台数据

- 相关学历
- 需有1-2年以上Android相关软件开发经验
- 需有3年以上软件开发经验
- 熟悉Java, Android SDK, Eclipse, Android Studio, RESTFul API, Web service, Agile, Git等IT基础
- 有独自开发完成Android软件的经验
- 有团队交流及合作的经验

有意者请将简历发送至 info*knupro.com,请在邮件标题上注明“Android 程序员应聘”。替换*为@

Looking for full-time Android app developer

- bachelor of computer science or equivalent
- minimum 1-2 years Android development experience
- minimum 3 years software programming experience
- Knowledge of Java, Android SDK, Eclipse, Android Studio, RESTFul API, Web service, Agile, Git
- experience of building an Android app from start to finish
- Be able to work in small team and operate efficiently in fast-paced and deadline driven environment

Job description
- full-time Android devleoper
- maintain and support exiting products
- build white-able apps with existing products
- UI developement with JSON data from RESTful web service
本公司成立于2008年,为多伦多本地多年手机软件开发公司,现诚聘.net 软件开发人员,此职位为长期合同雇员,合同到期后可以续约或者转为永久员工

- 开发维护.net web service
- 集成第三方web services

- 相关学历
- 需有2年以上相关软件开发经验
- 熟悉MS SQL数据/sp查找修改
- 熟悉Client/Server Application 及xml, json, web service等IT基础
- 熟悉.net c#, visual studio,web api, RESTFul API, Web service, Agile, Git
- 团队交流

有意者请将简历发送至 info*knupro.com,请在邮件标题上注明“.net软件开发应聘”。替换*为@

looking for full-time .net developer

- bachelor of computer science or equivalent
- minimum 2 years .Net application development experience
- minimum 3 years software programming experience
- Knowledge of .net, c#, visual studio, sql server, web forms, mvc, web api, RESTFul API, Web service, Agile, Git
- Be able to work in small team and operate efficiently in fast-paced and deadline driven environment

Job description
- full-time .net devleoper
- integrate with other vendors' web services
- build REST based API with JSON to mobile or web clients

iOS 软件开发人员,此职位为长期合同雇员,合同到期后可以续约或者转为永久员工

- 全职iOS app 开发
- 开发维护现有iOS apps
- 定制发布现有apps
- 用户界面开发及连接使用后台数据

- 相关学历
- 需有1-2年以上iOS相关软件开发经验
- 需有3年以上软件开发经验
- 熟悉Objective-C, Swift, RESTFul API, Web service, Agile, Git等IT基础
- 有独自开发完成iPhone软件的经验
- 有团队交流及合作的经验

有意者请将简历发送至 info*knupro.com,请在邮件标题上注明“iOS 程序员应聘”。替换*为@

Looking for full-time iOS app developer


- bachelor of computer science or equivalent
- minimum 1-2 years iOS development experience
- minimum 3 years software programming experience
- Knowledge of Objective-C, Swift, RESTFul API, Web service, Agile, Git
- experience of building an iPhone app from start to finish
- Be able to work in small team and operate efficiently in fast-paced and deadline driven environment

Job description
- full-time .iOS devleoper
- maintain and support exiting products
- build white label/branding of existing apps
- UI developement with JSON data from RESTful web service

Android 软件开发人员,此职位为长期合同雇员,合同到期后可以续约或者转为永久员工

- 全职Android app 开发
- 开发维护现有Android apps
- 定制发布现有apps
- 用户界面开发及连接使用后台数据

- 相关学历
- 需有1-2年以上Android相关软件开发经验
- 需有3年以上软件开发经验
- 熟悉Java, Android SDK, Eclipse, Android Studio, RESTFul API, Web service, Agile, Git等IT基础
- 有独自开发完成Android软件的经验
- 有团队交流及合作的经验

有意者请将简历发送至 info*knupro.com,请在邮件标题上注明“Android 程序员应聘”。替换*为@

Looking for full-time Android app developer

- bachelor of computer science or equivalent
- minimum 1-2 years Android development experience
- minimum 3 years software programming experience
- Knowledge of Java, Android SDK, Eclipse, Android Studio, RESTFul API, Web service, Agile, Git
- experience of building an Android app from start to finish
- Be able to work in small team and operate efficiently in fast-paced and deadline driven environment

Job description
- full-time Android devleoper
- maintain and support exiting products
- build white-able apps with existing products
- UI developement with JSON data from RESTful web service




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