今天收到Ready for Visa的电子邮件


还需要邮寄妈妈的Passport到北京的VAC,不过对费用有点困惑。我的理解是费用有三部分:申请人服务费(CNY 230.50)+每本护照快递费(CNY 46.10)+每本护照递送至签证处递送费(CNY 213.00)。办过的朋友能看看对吗?

Thank you!

还需要邮寄妈妈的Passport到北京的VAC,不过对费用有点困惑。我的理解是费用有三部分:申请人服务费(CNY 230.50)+每本护照快递费(CNY 46.10)+每本护照递送至签证处递送费(CNY 213.00)。办过的朋友能看看对吗?

Thank you!

还需要邮寄妈妈的Passport到北京的VAC,不过对费用有点困惑。我的理解是费用有三部分:申请人服务费(CNY 230.50)+每本护照快递费(CNY 46.10)+每本护照递送至签证处递送费(CNY 213.00)。办过的朋友能看看对吗?

Thank you!
请问楼主,收到ready for visa的邮件的时候有收到其他附件吗,比如PDF的一封正式的有条形码的提交护照贴签通知信?如果没有,是不是就是打印一份邮件和护照一起寄去北京?

上周收到邮件,这周去上海的签证中心交护照,非得要所谓的正式通知信有条形码的,怎么都不收打印的reday for visa邮件。谢谢!
We just prepared the documents as required in step 3 of the letter:
- One copy of this letter.
- Passport
- Photos
- RPRF receipt

Have you tried contacting the VAC in Beijing? According to the mail, the package should be submitted to the Beijing VAC:
If you reside in the People’s Republic of China, you must submit your package to the Visa Application Centre in Beijing along with the VAC Passport Transmission fee
We just prepared the documents as required in step 3 of the letter:
- One copy of this letter.
- Passport
- Photos
- RPRF receipt

Have you tried contacting the VAC in Beijing? According to the mail, the package should be submitted to the Beijing VAC:
If you reside in the People’s Republic of China, you must submit your package to the Visa Application Centre in Beijing along with the VAC Passport Transmission fee
Thank you for the quick response! Yes, notice this wording too after having trouble at the Shanghai VAC. Guess that's why the folks in Shanghai VAC did not acknowledge the email notification as they have never seen and processed it. Will mail to VAC in Beijing according to the instructions. Thanks again!




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