
9月底签收,11月26日收到FN ,还有下面信息:
Important information about using a representative: A Use of Representative form (IMM 5476) must be submitted with an immigration application if the applicant used the services of a representative (such as an immigration consultant or lawyer) to help them prepare their application, or if the applicant wishes to appoint a representative (friend or family member) to conduct business on their behalf with IRCC. If you appointed a representative and the IMM 5476 was correctly completed and signed, all correspondence from IRCC will be sent to the representative’s email or mailing address. When submitting your PGP application:  If a paid or unpaid representative’s address was used as the mailing address for the sponsor or principal applicant on the application and a completed and signed IMM 5476 was not submitted; or  If a paid representative was appointed using a IMM5476 but is not in good standing; and/or  The IMM 5476 you submitted was not correctly completed and/or signed as required to appoint a paid or unpaid representative;

Then, all correspondence from IRCC will be sent to the sponsor or principal applicant’s email or mailing address on record as applicable. IRCC will not communicate with this representative until a correctly completed and signed IMM 5476 is received by IRCC.

Should you choose to engage representation in the form of an Immigration Representative or Lawyer, you must complete a Use of Representative Form (IMM 5476). The form can be found at the following link: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/representative.asp

大家看我必须要填Representative Form (IMM 5476)指定一个代理人吗?
我收到移民局的一封信,关于imm5406 - additional family information提供的不充分,要求我重新填写,没有说哪里错了,只是给了一个instruction, 所以请教一下,防止我写错了。

我的父亲,母亲,还有我(sponsor)都要填写这张表格并且签字(imm5406 - additional family information)
我父母的部分我觉得没有问题,我的问题是我的表格,section A,B,C该怎么填写呢?
我的信息这部分的section A 官方提供的表格里边已经把relationship写好了,就是申请人,配偶,父亲,母亲,然后section B是孩子,section C是兄弟姐妹。section A怎么写呢?是把relationship改成sponsor, 然后写我父母呢?

我那天晚上仔细看了,我漏了一个relationship.起初我以为子女都要填写,后来仔细看说明,只有大于18岁的dependent children才需要写。
我刚才link account了,显示in progress, review eligibility.
我以为只要account里说accept,有了file number 就是过了担保资格了。难道不是这样的?
不是的,拿到号只说明他们开始审核你的资料了,从online tool里分别输入你家长的信息和你的信后会出来两个不同结果,输入你的信息就会显示你的担保资格审核到了哪里
不是的,拿到号只说明他们开始审核你的资料了,从online tool里分别输入你家长的信息和你的信后会出来两个不同结果,输入你的信息就会显示你的担保资格审核到了哪里
what is online tool, could you tell me where we can get it? thanks,
官网,home/immigration and citizenship/my immigration or citizenship application, 进去后下拉菜单选family sponsorship, continue以后下面出来一个paper applications的section,里面有个链接是去online tool的




注册帐号. 太容易了!


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