

安省有八万五千人的个人信息被盗,你们收到LIFELABS的信了吗? 大家说说看该怎么办?

Information Notice

Dear Valued Customer,

You may have heard that LifeLabs recently experienced a cyber-attack involving unauthorized access to some of its computer systems with customer information that could include name, address, email, logins, passwords, date of birth, health card numbers, gender, phone numbers, password security questions and lab test results.

Our investigations to date indicate that your online appointment booking account was within the systems that were potentially affected. While the my results patient portal used to access test results was not affected by this attack, we are requiring users that used the same email address in both systems to reset their my results password as an extra precaution.

Please note this message does not mean that you are one of the 85,000 lab test customers impacted. These customers are primarily based in Ontario. If you are one of these customers, you will be notified by us separately.

As we have announced elsewhere, our cyber security firms have advised that the risk to our customers in connection with this cyber-attack is low and that they have not seen any public disclosure of customer data as part of their investigations, including monitoring of the dark web and other online locations.

Password Reset
In response to this attack, we have secured your accounts used to access both the appointment booking system and my results. You will be required to create a new password the next time you log in to either account, unless you have already reset your password after December 17, 2019.
Please note no action is required until the next time you choose to log in to your account.

Additional Security Precautions
Generally, even without a known attack, it is good cyber-practice to use unique passwords and security questions/answers on any site you are required to login to access. As a best practice, customers who are registered users for LifeLabs’ online services should change their passwords regularly so that they are strong, complex and unique.

Cyber Security Protection Services
We are offering cyber security protection services free of charge to our customers that includes dark web monitoring and identity theft insurance for one full year. For more information about this attack visit: customernotice.lifelabs.com, and to learn more about how to activate cyber security protection services, please click here.

You are entitled to file a complaint with the privacy commissioners. However, we have already notified them of this attack and they are investigating the matter. We have also notified our government partners.

We are very sorry that this happened. As we manage through this issue, we remain focused on the best interests of our customers. You entrust us with important health information, and we take that responsibility extremely seriously.



闪亮的日子之sweet home 不在安省或者没去Life lab验血什么的?




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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