

To be eligible, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You reside in Canada.
  • You are 15 years of age or older at the time of application.
  • For your first CERB application: you have stopped or will stop working due to reasons related to COVID-19 and, for at least 14 consecutive days of the four week period for which you are applying, you will not be receiving:
    • employment income;
    • self-employment income; or
    • provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave.
  • For your subsequent CERB applications:you continue to not be working due to reasons related to COVID-19 and, for the four week period for which you are applying, you will not be receiving:
    • employment income;
    • self-employment income; or
    • provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave.
  • You have not quit your job voluntarily.
  • You have not applied for, nor are you receiving, CERB or EI benefits from Service Canada for the same eligibility period.
  • You have earned a minimum of $5,000 income within the last 12 months or in 2019 from one or more of the following sources:
    • employment income;
    • self-employment income; or
    • provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave.

To be eligible, you must meet the following requirements:

You reside in Canada.
You are 15 years of age or older at the time of application.
For your first CERB application: you have stopped or will stop working due to reasons related to COVID-19 and, for at least 14 consecutive days of the four week period for which you are applying, you will not be receiving:

employment income;
self-employment income; or
provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave.

For your subsequent CERB applications:you continue to not be working due to reasons related to COVID-19 and, for the four week period for which you are applying, you will not be receiving:

employment income;
self-employment income; or
provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave.

You have not quit your job voluntarily.
You have not applied for, nor are you receiving, CERB or EI benefits from Service Canada for the same eligibility period.
You have earned a minimum of $5,000 income within the last 12 months or in 2019 from one or more of the following sources:

employment income;
self-employment income; or
provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave.

Under what circumstances can I apply for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit?
The Canada Emergency Response Benefit is available to those who stop working for reasons related to COVID-19. Examples of stopping to work could include but are not limited to:

You have been let go from your job or your hours have been reduced to zero;
You are in quarantine or sick due to COVID-19;
You are away from work to take care of others because they are in quarantine, sick due to COVID-19; and/or
You are away from work to take care of children or other dependents whose care facility is closed due to COVID-19.

Under what circumstances can I apply for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit?
The Canada Emergency Response Benefit is available to those who stop working for reasons related to COVID-19. Examples of stopping to work could include but are not limited to:

You have been let go from your job or your hours have been reduced to zero;
You are in quarantine or sick due to COVID-19;
You are away from work to take care of others because they are in quarantine, sick due to COVID-19; and/or
You are away from work to take care of children or other dependents whose care facility is closed due to COVID-19.

我的问题是,回家看小孩这种算不算“Quit your job voluntarily”? 看你贴的这部分,应该不算对不对?


我的问题是,回家看小孩这种算不算“Quit your job voluntarily”? 看你贴的这部分,应该不算对不对?
应该是stay home without pay
由于客观原因辞职,我觉得不算Quit your job voluntarily。我觉得楼主如果是单亲家庭的话,不止有资格申请CERB,还可以申请EI. 因为如果supervisor性骚扰雇员或强迫加班,雇员都可以辞职拿EI
最后编辑: 2020-04-06




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