购物省钱 Public Mobile 礼物

从今天直到12月31日,新客户和原有的客户,将会得到免费的2GB 流量,免费的500分钟的国际通话,并能参加抽奖,但现在Public Mobile的网站几乎无法登录!

In the spirit of giving, this year’s rewards are bigger and better than ever before:
Connect more with 2GB of free data
Chat more with 500 free international minutes
Win more from a pool of $10,000 worth of gift cards
Available today until December 31st, 11:59PM EST, all new and existing customers can get a free 2GB data add-on, 500 minutes of international long-distance calling, and a chance to win one of 131 Amazon gift cards.

从今天直到12月31日,新客户和原有的客户,将会得到免费的2GB 流量,免费的500分钟的国际通话,并能参加抽奖,但现在Public Mobile的网站几乎无法登录!

In the spirit of giving, this year’s rewards are bigger and better than ever before:
Connect more with 2GB of free data
Chat more with 500 free international minutes
Win more from a pool of $10,000 worth of gift cards
Available today until December 31st, 11:59PM EST, all new and existing customers can get a free 2GB data add-on, 500 minutes of international long-distance calling, and a chance to win one of 131 Amazon gift cards.

免费的500分钟的国际通话, 也包括中国在内?


真 · 宇宙的尽头 · 冠军之城 · 北境 · The North · 挨得猛冻
两种可能性:是当前的 15元/500分钟 中国/香港/澳门/台湾 长途电话, 更可能是:

Public 500分钟国际电话涵盖以下国家:加拿大, 美国, 中国, France, Germany, Greece, 香港, India, Italy, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, 新加坡, Spain, Thailand, U.K., and Venezuela.

信息来源: https://productioncommunity.publicm...Merrier-is-back-Free-gifts-for-all/m-p/622484

免费的2GB 流量和500分钟的国际通话 是ADDONS, 永不过期。"Add-Ons will roll over forever until you've used it all up! " @

PM 现有的长途电话选择 是非常乱,可能需要等几个月/半年才能清理好。
不是自动得到免费的2GB 流量及免费的500分钟的国际通话的吗? 还需要怎么操作?


从今天直到12月31日,新客户和原有的客户,将会得到免费的2GB 流量,免费的500分钟的国际通话,并能参加抽奖,但现在Public Mobile的网站几乎无法登录!

In the spirit of giving, this year’s rewards are bigger and better than ever before:
Connect more with 2GB of free data
Chat more with 500 free international minutes
Win more from a pool of $10,000 worth of gift cards
Available today until December 31st, 11:59PM EST, all new and existing customers can get a free 2GB data add-on, 500 minutes of international long-distance calling, and a chance to win one of 131 Amazon gift cards.





注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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