这是cbc上一篇评论文章,作者和女儿逛商店,遇上有人在自己的口罩上写着“Thanks China",作者的女儿和对方正面硬刚,说对方的行为属于歧视。作者本意是想表扬自己的女儿,有勇气指正歧视行为。可惜事与愿违,下面的评论几乎是清一色的各种反对。这样的反对,换做另一国或者另一个民族,都不可能出现。
1. 'I teach my kids that dangerous people exist in this world. It is not safe to confront strangers and start problems with others. You have no idea who you are dealing with. If your daughter is triggered by every idiot with an opinion I fear she has a depressing, angry life ahead of her. It doesn’t need to be like that. Teach her how to love unconditionally'
"教教你女儿如何无条件爱",点赞数 72
2. 'your daughter reminds me of my grandaughter. free spirits. i love it!'
3. 'Am I the only one who noticed that our heroine's mask fails to cover her nose?'
4. ‘Whereas...your mask isn't covering your nose....’
5. ‘Good on her. We need more people like her standing up to racism and prejudice.. The world needs more thoughtful people like her.’
6. 'Bravo for the good works of todayś teens and the schools that educated them.'
7. ‘What I find somewhat compelling about this comment section is that there are people who are saying it’s not racist because “China is bad.” As if categorically framing a country as bad isn’t racist (you can in fact not love a country’s government and not hate its residents but instead what I’m seeing are an assemblage of broad strokes arguments supporting a racist mask). And just because you hide behind Wuhan and a virus doesn’t mean doesn’t mean you don’t have attitudes or prejudices beyond that. Sadly there are too many inventive ways to excuse racism here because no one above the age of 35 wants to address their own broken relationships with anyone who isn’t like them (in many cases here, that’s white). I think this teen shows genuine compassion. The elderly don’t simply “get a pass” because we should “respect our elders.” Respect is earned.’
8. ‘your daughter has a right to her opinion , so does the lady with the slogan printed on her mask. That is her opinion .... if one opinion is right or wrong isn't in my view what is most important, what's most important is your freedom to express those different opinions.’
9. ‘Good for her and good for you on raising such a thoughtful lady.’
10. 'A little tired of people who think they can police the world.... Who entitled this teenager to determine what is inappropriate ....And her mother is so proud....Shame on both of them...'
"你闺女世界警察吗?谁给一个teenager权限到处瞎管了。shame on you。"。点赞数107。
在这10条评论里,pro vs con是5:5,点赞支持率是73:302。非常喜欢第七条评论,让人看到了对不公的自省。
这是cbc上一篇评论文章,作者和女儿逛商店,遇上有人在自己的口罩上写着“Thanks China",作者的女儿和对方正面硬刚,说对方的行为属于歧视。作者本意是想表扬自己的女儿,有勇气指正歧视行为。可惜事与愿违,下面的评论几乎是清一色的各种反对。这样的反对,换做另一国或者另一个民族,都不可能出现。
1. 'I teach my kids that dangerous people exist in this world. It is not safe to confront strangers and start problems with others. You have no idea who you are dealing with. If your daughter is triggered by every idiot with an opinion I fear she has a depressing, angry life ahead of her. It doesn’t need to be like that. Teach her how to love unconditionally'
"教教你女儿如何无条件爱",点赞数 72
2. 'your daughter reminds me of my grandaughter. free spirits. i love it!'
3. 'Am I the only one who noticed that our heroine's mask fails to cover her nose?'
4. ‘Whereas...your mask isn't covering your nose....’
5. ‘Good on her. We need more people like her standing up to racism and prejudice.. The world needs more thoughtful people like her.’
6. 'Bravo for the good works of todayś teens and the schools that educated them.'
7. ‘What I find somewhat compelling about this comment section is that there are people who are saying it’s not racist because “China is bad.” As if categorically framing a country as bad isn’t racist (you can in fact not love a country’s government and not hate its residents but instead what I’m seeing are an assemblage of broad strokes arguments supporting a racist mask). And just because you hide behind Wuhan and a virus doesn’t mean doesn’t mean you don’t have attitudes or prejudices beyond that. Sadly there are too many inventive ways to excuse racism here because no one above the age of 35 wants to address their own broken relationships with anyone who isn’t like them (in many cases here, that’s white). I think this teen shows genuine compassion. The elderly don’t simply “get a pass” because we should “respect our elders.” Respect is earned.’
8. ‘your daughter has a right to her opinion , so does the lady with the slogan printed on her mask. That is her opinion .... if one opinion is right or wrong isn't in my view what is most important, what's most important is your freedom to express those different opinions.’
9. ‘Good for her and good for you on raising such a thoughtful lady.’
10. 'A little tired of people who think they can police the world.... Who entitled this teenager to determine what is inappropriate ....And her mother is so proud....Shame on both of them...'
"你闺女世界警察吗?谁给一个teenager权限到处瞎管了。shame on you。"。点赞数107。
在这10条评论里,pro vs con是5:5,点赞支持率是73:302。非常喜欢第七条评论,让人看到了对不公的自省。
最后编辑: 2020-12-18