斯坦福 IT


第六十七章 天下皆谓我道大,似不肖。夫唯大,故似不肖。若肖,久矣其细也夫!我有三宝,持而保之。一曰慈,二曰俭,三曰不敢为天下先。慈故能勇;俭故能广;不敢为天下先,故能成器长。今舍慈且勇,舍俭且广,舍后且先,死矣!夫慈,以战则胜,以守则固。天将救之,以慈卫之。

Sixty seven

All the people in the world said:

You taught the Dao but it was too broad and profound;

We could not seem to master it.

Thus, as it’s too broad and profound,

So, it’s very hard to master it.

If it were easily mastered it, since a long time ago

It would have become a trivial thing.

Now I tell you the values that I use to hold it…

If you mast these values, you can ensure mastering The Dao.

The first is called kindness, the second is called thriftiness, the third is called-

Not daring to be first in the world.

Keeping kindness, you become very valiant,

Keep thrifty, you can get expansion.

Not daring to be first in the world, you can become the world’s leadership.

However, right now people give up kindness and seek the valiant,

Give up the thrifty and seek acquisition and never modestly decline

And dare for the world first-so they are certain to die.

Keep a kind heart to fight , and you will win; use it as a shield, you will be firm,

Who is going to help , will get a kind heart from heaven to protect him.


第六十七章个人浅析: 这一章老子提出了三条处世原则: 慈、俭、不敢为天下先。 慈就是慈爱、宽容, 这一点与佛教很相似。 俭就是节俭,不敢为天下先,我个人理解就是不与世人争名夺利。 老子认为世上所有争端都是因为违背了上述三项原则。世人只有努力克服自己思想上得局限,谦和无争地对待一切,才会更加透彻的理解这个世界,自身才会拥有无穷地生命力。
老子这三宝也是我个人一直遵守的三宝,而且我会把这三宝与佛说的戒三毒结合起来。 慈排在第一位,慈,战能胜,守能固。培养慈心可以令我少嗔恨。俭可以充分利用现有财物。令我少贪念, 不敢为天下先, 可以帮助我减少愚痴。
读这一章让我想起一个故事,是宋襄公争霸。 春秋五霸之一宋襄公,此人是出了名的仁义皇帝,但是他过度讲仁义,以为靠自己的仁义就可以征服天下,结果,被楚成王羞辱,最终还做了楚成王的阶下囚。 他之所以失败就是不自量力,盲目地敢为天下先。以为天下都听他的。




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