计划8月中下旬去哈利法克斯玩,机票已订,但是车租不到了。 大家有没有好的办法可以租到车。 谢谢
哈法 30,058 2021-07-27 #2 Raymond 说: 计划8月中下旬去哈利法克斯玩,机票已订,但是车租不到了。 大家有没有好的办法可以租到车。 谢谢 点击展开... 试试 Car Share? 或者用Uber。 Here. There. Everywhere. - Communauto Atlantic Welcome to Communauto! When you join Communauto, you gain access to a fleet of over a hundred vehicles that can be rented at low cost for... halifax.communauto.com https://www.uber.com/global/en/cities/halifax/
Raymond 说: 计划8月中下旬去哈利法克斯玩,机票已订,但是车租不到了。 大家有没有好的办法可以租到车。 谢谢 点击展开... 试试 Car Share? 或者用Uber。 Here. There. Everywhere. - Communauto Atlantic Welcome to Communauto! When you join Communauto, you gain access to a fleet of over a hundred vehicles that can be rented at low cost for... halifax.communauto.com https://www.uber.com/global/en/cities/halifax/