两周之前发现的,给Strata Manager发信之后他说会给楼上发Bylaw Letter, 但是情况没有好转。
下面是今天我给Strata manager发的信和我录制的现场视频。我不得不当面质问楼上的人 in the middle of her action。
Dear Mr. XXX and members of the Strata Council of XXXXX,
I hope this email finds you well.
This is the third time I am reaching out to you about water streaming into my balcony from unit XXX above us.
Today I had to confront the resident of unit XXX in the middle of her action and ask her to stop the water streaming into our balcony from her balcony. From the attached video, you can see the amount of water streaming into our balcony is alarming. You can see she was doing it intentionally and on purpose.
Apparently your bylaw letter had made no impact on the situation. This situation is NOT acceptable and must stop.
Please advise what will be the next step in the due process.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
下面是今天我给Strata manager发的信和我录制的现场视频。我不得不当面质问楼上的人 in the middle of her action。
Dear Mr. XXX and members of the Strata Council of XXXXX,
I hope this email finds you well.
This is the third time I am reaching out to you about water streaming into my balcony from unit XXX above us.
Today I had to confront the resident of unit XXX in the middle of her action and ask her to stop the water streaming into our balcony from her balcony. From the attached video, you can see the amount of water streaming into our balcony is alarming. You can see she was doing it intentionally and on purpose.
Apparently your bylaw letter had made no impact on the situation. This situation is NOT acceptable and must stop.
Please advise what will be the next step in the due process.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.