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建议楼主在每帖都增加标题(如第一课的标题为:Lesson a001——2006 Red Earth Festival in Oklahoma Showcases Dance and Art)
最后编辑: 2007-02-03
要想融入英语环境,听懂英语广播是最基本的呀! 毕竟那些hosts 发音标准口齿清楚.生活中的英语还有些些的难度. 慢慢来吧,边训练语速边扩大词汇.
good job,thanks
建议楼主在每帖都增加标题(如第一课的标题为:Lesson a001――2006 Red Earth Festival in Oklahoma Showcases Dance and Art)
<美国之音>第3季度上-014-Jazz Singer Karrin Allyson Leaves "Footprints"

Jazz Singer Karrin Allyson Leaves "Footprints"

It's not often you hear someone singing songs by Dizzy Gillespie and John Coltrane. In fact, you might wonder if it's ever been done at all.
Until now, jazz vocalists have kept to the straight-and-narrow, singing songs from the Great American Songbook or trying out new material that never strayed too far from the pop mainstream. Until now, jazz vocalists were more or less content singing the tried, the true, and the time-honored songs that audiences love to hear. That is, until Karrin Allyson.
Karrin Allyson came along at just the right time. In an age of sensory overload, Allyson figured out that the best way to cut through all the noise was to make the music less noisy. And with jazz being one of the most demanding genres in terms of its constant need for attention, well, the simpler the better.
Interestingly, it was classical piano that first drew Karrin Allyson to music. Later, with an overwhelming desire to sing, she tried '70s pop, then funk-rock, and finally jazz at a nightclub in downtown Kansas City.
A string of successful albums now finds Allison living and working in New York City, where great studio musicians are readily available. It only makes senses to have the best when improvising jazz by Horace Silver, Nat Adderly, Wayne Shorter and Oscar Brown, Junior.
Listen to Karrin Allyson as she shifts into high gear on "Everybody's Boppin'" from her new album "Footprints," featuring guest vocalists Jon Hendricks and Nancy King.
I’m Doug Levine.


1. vocalist n. 声乐家, 歌手
2. mainstream n. 主流
3. sensory adj. 感觉的, 感官的
4. overwhelming adj. 压倒性的, 无法抵抗的
5. available adj. 可利用的, 有用的


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美国之音第三季度上015-Pesticides May Increase Men's Risk of Parkinson's

Pesticides May Increase Men's Risk of Parkinson's

Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota have found that using pesticides increases men's risk of developing Parkinson's disease, a debilitating neurological condition that affects movement. Dr. Jim Maraganore matched about 150 Parkinson's patients with a group of the same age and gender without the disease. He compared their histories, looking for exposure to insecticides and herbicides.

These were people who were reporting exposures… regular exposures to pesticides either at work or outside of work.

Scientists already know that men are more likely to get Parkinson's disease than women. But Maraganore found a more significant difference between the sexes in his study.

Women who were exposed to pesticides, whether at work or outside of work, had no increased in their risk for Parkinson's disease. But by contrast, men who were exposed to pesticides at work or outside of work had more than a doubling in their risk for Parkinson's disease.

Maraganore says the gender difference raises interesting ideas about the causes of Parkinson's disease. He says one possibility is that women's sex hormones might protect their nervous systems. Another might be the fact that the female body can suppress problems on one of their X-chromosomes, and use genes from their second X-chromosome. But men have only one X-chromosome.

So one possibility is that to get Parkinson's disease, you have to not only be exposed to pesticides, but you have to be genetically predisposed. And if that genetic predisposition is X-linked, then men may be more likely to be vulnerable when exposed than women.

Maraganore says that Parkinson's is a complex disease with no single cause. He estimated that pesticide exposure accounts for only 10 to 15% of cases.

I'm Rose Hoban.


1. pesticide n. 杀虫剂
2. neurological adj. 神经学上的
3. Parkinson n. 帕金森症
4. gender n. [语法] 性, <口>性别


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美国之音第三季度上016-Producer Arif Mardin Remembered as Man with Golden Musical Touch

Producer Arif Mardin Remembered as Man with Golden Musical Touch

Arif Mardin had a knack for knowing what audiences wanted. He was also a natural at matching just the right artist with just the right song. And nobody topped his sense of timing. When the Bee Gees hit a rut in the early '70s, Mardin encouraged the group to take a disco direction. Under Mardin's wing, the "reinvented" Bee Gees had their first Number One hit in four years with "Jive Talkin'," setting the stage for more hits in the years to come.
Arif Mardin came to United States from his native Turkey in 1958. Although he held degrees in commerce and economics from the University of Istanbul, his passion for American jazz drove him toward a career in music. He enrolled in the Berklee College Of Music before moving to New York to test his skills at Atlantic Records. It was at Atlantic, working with the legendary team of Ahmet Ertegun, Jerry Wexler and Tom Dowd, that Mardin made his mark.
Arif Mardin was instrumental in crafting some of Atlantic's biggest hits, including Aretha Franklin's soul smash "Respect." He produced Number One singles for The Young Rascals and Average White Band.
Boundaries never limited Mardin. He collaborated with everyone from Willie Nelson and John Prine to Brook Benton and Bette Midler, as well as Barbra Streisand, Daryl Hall and John Oates, Phil Collins, Anita Baker and George Benson. He also produced jazz for Dianne Reeves and Herbie Mann, and even crossed over into television, film and Broadway.
Mardin retired from Atlantic Records in 2001, but re-emerged as an executive with EMI's Blue Note label, where he co-produced Norah Jones' Grammy-winning debut album Come Away With Me. During his 40 years in the music business, Mardin earned 11 Grammy Awards and more than 50 gold or platinum albums. He was inducted into the Recording Academy's Hall of Fame in 1990.
Famed producer and arranger Arif Mardin died of cancer June 25 in New York. He was 74.
I’m Doug Levine.

1. reinvent vt. 彻底改造, 改头换面
2. enroll v. 登记, 参加
3. legendary adj. 传说中的
4. instrumental adj. 作为手段的
5. platinum n. 白金


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You've got to keep up with the speed, try your best, for obtaining your listening skills if you do want to live in an English environment someday.
美国之音第三季度上017-Putin Calls for Talks with US on New Disarmament Treaty

Putin Calls for Talks with US on New Disarmament Treaty

President Putin has proposed launching new talks to replace the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START, as a 2009 expiration deadline nears.

The treaty signed by the United States and then Soviet Union in 1991 requires both sides to significantly reduce their strategic nuclear arsenals.

Mr. Putin expressed concerns that disarmament efforts have, in his words, effectively stagnated. Through no fault of Russia's, he adds. And he urged the United States to return to the negotiating table.

His comments were carried during a rare television broadcast of President Putin addressing Russian diplomats. He laid out a vision of a foreign policy based on, what he called, equal footing and universal principles of international law.

The Russian president said he is convinced that dialogue, not isolation of one state or another, is what resolves crises like that now playing out in the West over Iran's nuclear program.

A key economic ally of Iran, Russia has resisted Western pressure to back U.N. sanctions against Tehran if it does not reveal the full nature of its nuclear program and guarantee to halt controversial uranium enrichment. Washington fears Tehran could use such enrichment to build a nuclear weapon.

President Putin told the diplomats that ultimatums only serve to push situations to a dead-end.

He also urged the diplomats to keep the Middle East and the whole of the Asia-Pacific region within their sights.

The Russian leader is urging a foreign policy of equality and mutual respect with the United States. Several times during the past few years, President Putin has suggested that Russia is often lectured to by the West, rather than respected or heard.

That frustration was again evident when the president sought to downplay recent criticism over Russia's decision to switch to market-based settlements for gas with its neighbors, like Ukraine.

Mr. Putin says the criticism is politically motivated and based on, as he put it, outdated perceptions and prejudices of Russia. Not everyone is ready for Russia to restore its economic health so quickly, he adds.

The president addressed the diplomatic corps a little more than two weeks to go before the upcoming G-8 Summit in St. Petersburg, which Russia is hosting for the first time.

Lisa McAdams, VOA News, Moscow.


1. strategic adj. 战略的, 战略上的
2. arsenal n. 兵工厂, 军械库
3. disarmament n. 裁军
4. controversial adj. 争论的, 争议的


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美国之音第三季度上018-Smokey Robinson has "Timeless Love" for Pop Standards

Smokey Robinson has "Timeless Love" for Pop Standards

One of Smokey Robinson's earliest musical memories was of listening to his mother's collection of B.B. King, Sarah Vaughan and Billy Eckstein records. But, Smokey was also drawn to the golden era of swing, a time when a singer was called a crooner, the song was king, and composers George Gershwin and Cole Porter were all the rage.
By the time Smokey Robinson arrived at Motown Records in 1959, he was already well-versed in pop songwriting, a talent that impressed Motown founder Berry Gordy, Junior, so much he appointed Smokey Vice President of the rising Detroit label. At age 20, Smokey embarked on a career that has produced more than 70 Top 40 hits as both a soloist and as the leader of The Miracles. Over the course of five decades he's written thousands of songs, earning him the title "America's poet laureate of love."
After all these years, Smokey Robinson decided it was time to pay tribute to some of his favorite composers and the songs that made him eager to perform. "Tea For Two" was one of those songs. "You Go To My Head" was another.
Smokey Robinson interprets a dozen pop classics on his album Timeless Love, leaving room for one original titled "I Love Your Face." Maybe someday it will included in the Smokey Robinson Songbook.
I’m Doug Levine.

1. crooner n. 低声唱歌的人或歌手
2. impress vt. 留下印象
3. soloist n. 独奏者, 独唱者
4. laureate n. 戴桂冠的人
5. interpret v. 解释, 口译, 通译,演绎


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