斯坦福 IT

【转贴】the west wing 学习笔记-争取每天贴一集

1. mastermind: 策划
C.J.:All you did was just one phone call.
JOSH:It was a series of phone calls, which I masterminded, while I’m not one to be selfish about credit, I think it is important to know that it is done, and I DID IT!
2. thump: 重击
DONNA:Josh, there’s a loud banging or thumping coming from the floor above your office.
3. seal the deal:搞定
DONNA:How could you not notice?
JOSH:Because I didn’t, Donna. I’ve been on the phone for the last hour trying to seal the deal to fill a seat on the Supreme Court.
4. gross: 粗俗的,不雅的
SAM and JOSH:We da man!
DONNA:This is just gross.
5. rock: 很棒,也可以换成“rule”,和“suck”“stink”相对应,是美国使用得很普遍的口语。
MANDY:You guys rock.
SAM:Oh, we really do.
6. judiciary: 司法部
LEO:Let’s bring in the chairman and the ranking member from judiciary, the leadership from both sides.
7. Coronation 加冕典礼
TOBY:Mandy, you’re gonna roll this guy out on a show that makes the queen’s coronation look like dinner theater. Sam, you’re gonna write the president’s introduction. You’re also gonna write the Harrison’s remarks.
8.robe: 礼袍,一种法官或高级神职官员在正式场合穿以表明职位或级别的袍服
SAM:Harrison’s not gonna like that.
TOBY:Show him the robe he gets. He’ll like it fine.
9.Rhodes scholar 领罗氏奖学金的研究生或学者,罗兹学者奖是美国学生获得的历史最悠久的国际研究奖学金,它是在1902年由英国慈善家罗兹创立,获奖的标准包括学业成绩优良、人格正直、具有领袖潜力、身体强健等。
JOSH:Phillips Exeter, Princeton, Rhodes scholar, Harvard Law Review, for which he was, oh yeah, the editor. Did I mention that he was dean of Harvard Law School? Did I mention that his father was attorney general to Eisenhower?
JOSH:A smooth confirmation process.
DONNA:You think?
JOSH:It’s gonna sail.
DONNA:I hope so.
11.short list人数已缩减的候选名单,可能只有三五人)
CROUCH:You’re gonna go with Harrison?
BARTLET:He’s on the short list.
12.run guns: 走私运送枪支;
14.a sight to see: 一个难得一见的场面
CROUCH:You ran great guns in the campaign. It was an insurgency, boy, a sight to see. And then you drove to the middle of the road the moment after you took the oath. Just the middle of the road. Nothing but a long line painted yellow.
BARTLET:Joseph, when the next seat opens up, I promise you...
CROUCH:When the next seat opens up, you’ll be writing your memoirs.
16.Outfox: 智胜,比……更精明
DANNY:You outfoxed me.
17.Keep your pants on 沉住气,别着急
DONNA:Keep your pants on Josh! I’m on my way!
JOSH:We’re not gonna have any surprises today.
MANDY:I’m putting on a show. I don’t want to get upstaged.
19.roster: 名单;
20.darling: 宠儿;
21.on a regular basis: 经常地,固定地
LILLIENFIELD [on T.V.]:... Stained, I believe, are the legacies of the great White House staffers. Names like Schlesinger, Sorenson, Rumsfeld, and Persons have been replaced by a roster of Ivy League liberals, Hollywood darlings. One in three of who, one in three... used drugs on a regular basis.
LILLIENFIELD:And in case there should be any confusion about my meaning, I’m not talking about aspirin or decongestants...
23.stoned: (因服用药物而)兴奋的,烂醉的
JOSH:Five White House staffers in the room. I would like to say to the 1.6 of you who are stoned right now, that it’s time to share.
24.gasbag. 废话连篇的人
SAM:I think if he put his shoulder into it, he could be a slightly bigger gasbag.
25.Rest assured 放心好了
C.J.:Yeah. I can’t believe my psychic didn’t tell me, Toby. Rest assured, I’m gonna get my twenty bucks back.
26.Categorically 无条件地,直截了当地
C.J.:Pretend we didn’t see it?
JOSH:He’s a liar. He’s a fool. Categorically deny it and move on.
27.joint: 大麻烟卷
C.J.:Because more than 1300 people work for the White House, Josh. I go to the Press Room and categorically deny that anyone uses drugs, and it turns out that three guys in the photo lab blew a joint over the weekend, which is not like out of the realm of possibility.
MANDY:But now it seems that the assistant to the deputy director of White House beverages--
JOSH:All right.
MANDY:--is confessing to a life of a closet junkie.
29.Random House: 蓝登书屋出版社,曾出版过<谁动了我的奶酪>等书;six-figure advancee: 六位数的预付款
C.J.:Yes, and I understand she’s selling her story to Random House for a middle six-figure advance.
30.Pay a courtesy call礼节性拜会
TOBY:C.J., go do your briefing. The president paid a courtesy call on Crouch this morning. We got some exciting names. On the short list is Ed Harrison. We’ll introduce the nominee Thursday, 5 o’clock. This business with Lillienfield...
31.soft: 疲软的,趋向衰落的
TOBY:We’ve been doing this for a year, and all we’ve gotten is a year older. Our job approval’s 48%, and I think that number’s soft, and I’m tired of being the field captain for the gang that couldn’t shoot straight!
32.blowout 宴会,盛会,大规模聚会或大型社会活动
LEO:Ritter says we’ll get unanimous approval out of committee and 90 votes in the Senate.
BARTLET:That’s a blowout, Leo.
33.Stake 监督
34.Back channel 走后门
LEO: They’re gonna stake the hotels. Gifts coming from the White House...
BARTLET: We’re using back channels.
35.Oversight committee 监督委员会
JOSH: Ah, he’s got a half government oversight committee. These are the people who literally decide if we get heat and electricity in the White House.
36.Bungled 办糟的
MANDY:This thing gets bungled, and we’re not gonna have to struggle much to find the spotlight.
37.patronizing: 要人领情的
C.J.:I don’t have time for a little basketball game!
DANNY:Neither do I. Which is why we I thought could watch it in your office while I explain it to you in a patronizing manner, because I know it’s something women usually like.
38.small potato: 不重要的事
39.insomuch: 由于,因为
40.First thing’s first: 重要的事、该先做的事得先做,第一个 first 指重要的、排在第一位的,因此 first thing's 即指重要的、紧急的事
BARTLET:Judge Harrison, first thing’s first, are you the author of this unsigned note?
41.interrogate: 审问;
JOSH:I was interrogating this intern from the Legislative Liaison’s Office, and she broke down crying while telling me about the bong she had made out of an eggplant.
43.I had a hunch. 我有预感
44.quarter: 驻扎;
45.self-incrimination: 自首
SAM:The third amendment says soldiers can’t be quartered in private homes. The fifth provides protection against self-incrimination, and the fourth against unreasonable searches. You deny the right to privacy lived in those passages?
46.framer: 制定者;
47.enumerate: 列举
HARRISON:No. I do not deny it, but the fact that the framers enumerated those specific protections is all the more reason to believe that they had no intention of making privacy a de facto right.
48.plaid: 格子花呢;
49.loud: 过分花哨的;
50.polka-dot: 圆点花样的
BARTLET:Peyton, do I have the right to put on an ugly plaid jacket and a loud polka-dot tie and walk down Main Street?
BARTLET:Where in the Constitution is that right guaranteed?
HARRISON:First Amendment. Freedom of expression.
51.Keep one’s head保持冷静
DANNY: Keep your head in the game.
52.Emanate from发源于,源自于
HARRISON: Gentlemen, laws must emanate from the Constitution. (发源于,源自于)
TOBY: There are natural laws, judge.
53.sideshow: 附带小事
HARRISON:That’s not up to me. And this sideshow is over. With all due respect, Mr. President, I find this kind of questioning very rude.
54.Credentialed 用于指合格的教师和一些其他专业人员
HARRISON:I am an extremely well credentialed man, Mr. President, and I’m unaccustomed to this sort of questioning.
55.lousy 很糟的
MANDY:I think Mendoza would make a great justice. I think he makes a lousy nominee.
56.dispensation: 特许;
57.desk job: 文书工作;
58.jurist: 法理学家
JOSH:Let me tell you something, Mendoza went to Law School the hard way. He got shot in the leg, and when they offered him a hundred percent dispensation, he took a desk job instead and went to law school at night. He’s brilliant, decisive, compassionate, and experienced. And if you don’t think that he’s America’s idea of a jurist, then you don’t have enough faith in Americans.
59.break loose: 挣脱
MANDY:This is not gonna be an easy one, and if all hell breaks loose over Lillienfield, it could honestly cripple us for a year, maybe more.
MENDOZA:Without showing cause, I would say that the order constitutes an illegal search, and I would order that the employee be reinstated.
BARTLET:Judge Mendoza, would it surprise you to learn that for the past few months, your name has been in the short list of candidates for the bench?
62.Knock one’s socks off 使震惊
BARTLET:Well, then this is gonna knock your socks off. Tomorrow evening at 5 o’clock, I am naming you as my nominee to be the next associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. You were not the first choice, but you are the last one, and the right one. [beat] Will you accept the nomination?

1.TOBY:I’m gonna vet him four more days. I want to know every parking ticket. I want to know every girlfriend he stood up for dinner in 1953. Mandy, you’re gonna roll this guy out on a show that makes the queen’s coronation look like dinner theater. Sam, you’re gonna write the president’s introduction. You’re also gonna write the Harrison’s remarks.
这里TOBY正在分配任务,号召大家齐心协力使大法官成功通过投票。“every girl he stood up for dinner”是什么意思?MANDY要做的“roll this guy out on a show”具体是什么意思?
2.JOSH:It’s gonna sail, Donna.
DONNA:There’s many a slip twixt the tongue and the wrist, Josh.
JOSH:Yes. Well, your fortune cookie wisdom notwithstanding, it’s gonna sail.
DONNA:Please don’t get your hopes up.
JOSH认为大法官的事情将一帆风顺,DONNA提醒他别高兴得太早了。其中“a slip twixt the tongue and the wrist是什么意思?“twixt”应该是“between”的意思。还有“fortune cookie wisdom”怎么讲?“fortune cookie”是那种时而夹着小纸条的小点心,有撞运气的意思吧。
3.JOSH:He’s a featherweight, Mandy. He’s a hairdo.
SAM:I think if he put his shoulder into it, he could be a slightly bigger gasbag.
JOSH和SAM都觉得没必要把对白宫员工磕药的指责太当回事,认定这只不过是场闹剧,不会造成什么负面影响。其中“hairdo”和“put one’s shoulder into sth.”具体是什么意思?
4.JOSH:You’re not making me--I’m not gonna be the internal affairs cop around here.
TOBY:Yes, you are.
JOSH:You want to know who’s doing what around here, you ask them yourself!
TOBY:This isn’t the time, Josh. We taking water over the side...
JOSH:Yes, and I’m not indifferent to that, but there’s a principle here-
TOBY让JOSH着手处理对白宫员工磕药的指控,JOSH不想一一去审问同事是否有毒瘾。但TOBY认为此时此刻大法官的事情是首要任务,绝不能被其它事情干扰。其中“take water over the side”是什么意思?
5.HARRISON:You look very familiar. Is it possible we’ve met?
CHARLIE:I caddied for two summers at Sandy Hooks, sir.
HARRISON:Ah. Yes, of course.

先简要介绍一下这集情节:圣诞节将至,白宫亦是一片节日气氛。总统微服到一家小书店买书,MANDY希望能带一些记者媒体同行,被总统拒绝。TOBY曾将大衣捐给慈善机构,受惠人是名韩战老兵,在寒冷夜风中冻死街头,凭着大衣兜里的名片,警察找到了 TOBY,TOBY陡生同情,假借总统名义为落魄的死者举行了隆重的军队殡葬仪式,也勾起了MRS.LANDINGHAM对牺牲在越南战场的两个儿子的思念。JOSH将LEO可能会面对的磕药的指控告诉SAM,希望利用他那个应召女郎朋友的社会关系,从背后搞垮共和党人,极大侮辱了对方的尊严,也遭到了 LEO的批评。美国一位同性恋男孩被一群13岁的孩子打死,CJ认为在对客观犯罪事实进行惩罚的时候,也要惩处这些年幼罪犯心中的仇恨。
1. caroler: 欢唱颂歌的人
MANDY:The President will stand next to the tree with flag on the left and the carolers will be off to the side.
2. flamingo 火烈鸟
DONNIE:[into mike]Flamingo is on her way.
3. coroner 验尸官
TOBY:I was at the coroner’s office. They told me to come here.
4. battalion 军营
TOBY:[points] Tattoo on his forearm is Marine Battalion Second of the Seventh. This guy was in Korea.
5. deceased 已故的,死的
The officer covers the man with the blanket again. Toby looks slightly bothered by the officer’s casual attitude towards the deceased man.
6.assailant: 攻击者
LEO:Listen, you hear about this kid in Minnesota?
LEO:A gay high school senior. He got beaten up, then they stripped him naked, tied him to a tree and threw rocks and bottles at his head. You know how old the assailants were? Thirteen.
7.gauge: 衡量
LEO:He’s in critical condition. This is all by way of saying we’re gonna have to revisit hate crimes legislation after the break.
JOSH:Oh, well we ought to gauge reaction before we say anything.
8.on the dot: 准时地
C.J.:The President is scheduled to leave for New Hampshire tomorrow morning at precisely 10 a.m. on the dot, no hold ups, no delays, which means he ought to be leaving around noon.
9.hemorrhage: 出血;laceration: 伤口
BOBBI:Is the White House aware that a high school student was attacked?
C.J.:Yeah, his name is Lowell Lydell, he’s seventeen years old, he’s in critical condition at Saint Paul Memorial Hospital with a severely fractured skull, massive internal hemorrhaging, and various broken bones and lacerations. We’ll keep you updated through local authorities.
JOSH:Could you stop looking at me with the face?
DONNA:It’s my face.
JOSH:Like I just killed your hamster?
11.Turn the table形势扭转,角色互换
DONNA:[rolls her eyes] I just think if the tables were turned...
DONNA:If one of us were in trouble, he would be the first person to--
12.ruckus: 喧闹
BARTLET:That’s better. Now who are all these people making a ruckus and tracking up my floor? [points to a young boy] You! What’s your name?
13.divulge: 泄露
JOSH:Sam, I need to know if she would divulge the name or names of any influential Republican members of congress that she might have...
SAM:No way.
SAM:Everyone knows that Leo is a recovering alcoholic.
JOSH:Yeah, but they don’t know that there were pills. There was Valium. He was in rehab.
JOSH:Six years ago.
MRS. LANDINGHAM:Twins. Andrew and Simon. I tried not, you know, I dressed them differently, but they still did everything together. They went off to medical school together, and then they finished their second year at the same time, and of course their lottery number came up at the same time.
CHARLIE:For the draft?
16.Fishing tackle钓具
JOSH:Where are you going?
BARTLET:To a place called Rare Books, you know what they sell?
JOSH:Fishing tackle?
17.make hay out of sth. 利用,使对自己有利
BARTLET: This is a Christmas thing I’m doing Mandy; we don’t have to make hay out of it.
MANDY:It’s such good hay.
BARTLET:Oooh! “The Fables of Phaedrus”1886, first edition, red leather label, gilt lettering, engraved frontice. Phaedrus, you know, who was a slave, but later granted his freedom by Augustus, wrote his animal fables in iambic verse.
19.spine 书脊
CHARLIE:[deadpan] Well, I think she would like that better than a new stereo, sir.
BARTLET:Yeah. Because it’s got brown Moroccan spine labels.
Bartlet comes back with two more books in his hands and gives them to Leo.
BARTLET:“Life of Epicurus” two volumes.
LEO:Let’s go.
C.J.:I’m rebuffing his advances, Leo.
LEO:Whatever. Listen, dial down the rhetoric on hate crimes would you?
23.shove sth down sb's throat : 向某人灌输(知识等).
C.J.:You told me to float a test balloon.
LEO:Float it. Don’t shove it down anyone’s throat. I don’t know which way we’re gonna come down on this one.
24.pathology 病理学
C.J.:Beyond the crime itself is a manifestation of racism, or sexism, or anti Semitism or homophobia that are only a tip of the iceberg of the pathology troubling this country.
LEO:I’m aware of all that. I’m just not sure it’s right to legislate against how someone thinks. A lot of people aren’t sure, a lot of them work here and I’m telling you to dial it down.
Sam and Josh walk into the front room and Laurie closes the door behind them. Sam and Josh look somewhat nervous and apprehensive.
26.kinky: 古怪的
LAURIE:I could give you a name of an influential Republican who likes to have kinky sex so that you could scare Lillienfield into shutting up?
27.indignation: 愤慨
JOSH:[voice rising] Yeah, I am. And I got to tell you, I could care less about your indignation right now. A man has left himself open to the kind of attack from which men in my business don't recover. Now if our tactics seem less than civilized it’s because so are our attackers and in any event I don’t feel like standing here taking a civics lesson from a hooker!
28.nightstand: 床头柜
JOSH:Just give me a name. What do you want? Money? I’ll give you money!
LAURIE:Oh fine, I’ll give you a name, and then I’ll hope back into the shower and you can leave the money on the nightstand. How about that?
29.on the off chance: 抱着万一的希望
30.accomplice: 帮凶,同谋
SAM:Why did you have us tailed?
LEO:On the off chance that you’re as stupid as you look. Whose idea was this?
JOSH:It was mine. Sam was a reluctant accomplice. You had us tailed?
31.the beginning of the end : 预示结局的先兆
DANNY:No. A crime is a crime. One murder isn’t any better or worse than another.
C.J.:Boy, was that the wrong answer.
DANNY:Punishing people for their beliefs is, the beginning of the end. Once more you agree with me.
32.Have a fling尽情放纵
C.J.:You understand we’re having dinner right?
DANNY:I understand.
C.J.:We’re not having a fling.
DANNY:I understand.
C.J.:This is a business dinner, in fact bring your notebook.
33.oblivious: 遗忘的
He’s looking around the bullpen embarrassed. Oblivious to his concerns of propriety, Donna closes the book, stands up, and approaches Josh.
34.pull strings: 暗中操纵
BARTLET:Toby, if we start pulling strings like this, you don’t think every homeless veteran would come out of the woodworks?
TOBY:I can only hope, sir.

1.CHARLIE:I never knew you had kids.
MRS. LANDINGHAM:Twins. Andrew and Simon. I tried not, you know, I dressed them differently, but they still did everything together. They went off to medical school together, and then they finished their second year at the same time, and of course their lottery number came up at the same time.
CHARLIE:For the draft?(征兵)
其中MRS.LANDINGHAM指的“their lottery number came up at the same time”具体是什么意思?
2.JOSH:It was my idea.
LAURIE:Oh! What are you, the brains of the outfit?
JOSH:[voice rising] Yeah, I am.
LAURIE不满JOSH的无礼,应该是在说反话。“the brains of the outfit”具体是什么意思?
先简要介绍一下这集情节:印度突然向巴基斯坦发动大规模武装袭击,两个国家都指责对方野蛮,一场大战一触即发,总统请来一个英国专家帮忙,即 Lord John Marbury,此专家性格乖戾,LEO很反感他,但他观点精辟经验丰富。MANDY想再受雇于一个共和党人,让SAM替他探探JOSH和TOBY的口风,二人自然极力反对;JOSH被传唤去汇报对白宫员工磕药的指控的调查进展,他既然从没认真做过这种调查,态度也就显得极为不配合,没想致到对方甩出了LEO治疗的报告,JOSH和SAM意识到事情很严重,很可能马上就会暴露;ZOEY约CHARLIE出去玩,总统对女儿开始主动谈恋爱颇为不爽,但终究没有干涉。
1. elint: 电子情报
  ARMY GUY 2:What about the navy?
ARMY GUY 1:We’re getting e-lint. Two CVEs, four destroyers –
ARMY GUY 2:Where they heading?
ARMY GUY 1:Pakistan.
2. lug: 拖动;
3. golf club: 高尔夫球棒
DONNA:Don’t I just lug your golf clubs around?
JOSH:Well, it’s good exercise.
DONNA:Of course it’s good exercise, I’m lugging your golf clubs around.
4. cease-fire: 停火
FITZWALLACE:[sits] Mr. President, twenty-five minutes ago, the Indian army launched an invasion along the Kashmir cease-fire line, into Pakistan-held Kashmir territory.
5. infantry: 步兵团
MITCH:Sir, they committed the 4th motorized infantry division, the 9th and 26th infantry divisions, and two other armored brigades, as well as four CVEs and two destroyers.
  BARTLET:300,000 is an awfully large piece of troop movement to have been on a whim.
BARTLET:This was long planned.
7.motorcade: 车队,一列汽车
  BARTLET:All I’m trying to do right now? I’m trying to avoid making eye contact with the CIA Director.
CIA DIRECTOR:Mr. President...
BARTLET:300,000 troops? I can’t move my motorcade from K Street to Connecticut without it showing up on a weather satellite.
CIA DIRECTOR:We dropped the ball, Sir.
  JOSH:It’s a non-event.
SAM:You should bring a lawyer.
JOSH:I am a lawyer.
9.pep talk鼓舞士气的讲话
10.No sweat 没问题,小事情
  SAM:Yeah. Seriously, you should bring a real lawyer.
JOSH:Thanks for the pep talk.
SAM:No sweat.
  SAM:I admire your pluck.
MANDY:I’m sorry, what part of me do you admire?
SAM:Your pluck. Your gumption.
13.garrison: 守卫部队;
14.breach: 打破,违背
  FITZWALLACE:Sir, already intense fighting has occurred between Indian troops and Pakistani border garrisons. The cease-fire line’s been breached in two thrusts, with five divisions invading the area north of Kargil, and a two-corps-sized force that’s crossed west into Azhad.
15.thuggery: 暗杀,谋财害命;
16.forbearance: 自制
  BOBBY:In the past hour, Prime Minister Nohammed has spoken on television, saying that [reading from a paper] “After enduring endless provocations and incessant acts of thuggery by the criminal gang running Pakistan, India’s forbearance has been exhausted. In the name of peace, India is acting to put an end to Pakistan’s outlaw aggression once and for all.” 
17。all-out: 竭力的
  LEO:And Pakistan?
INTELLIGENCE GUY:They’re condemning India’s unlawful aggression and pledging all-out resistance.
18.prompt: 促成
  CLAYPOOL:What prompted the investigation?
JOSH:Congressman Lillienfield held a press conference in which he claimed that one in three White House staffers use drugs. I was asked to discover what, if anything, might have caused him to say that.
19.moronic 低能的,愚蠢的
  CLAYPOOL:What else did you tell them?
JOSH:I probably told them that I consider these moronic lawsuits of yours to be...
20.Shill: 当托儿
21.take one’s temperature试探对方态度
  TOBY: Are you shilling for her?
SAM:I’m not shilling. I’m just smoothing the way.
TOBY:Don’t do that.
SAM:She just asked me to take your temperature.
22. certifiable发疯,确诊为精神失常的
LEO:He’s certifiable!
BARTLET:Lord John Marbury, former ambassador to New Delhi from the Court of Saint James.
23.let loose: 放任
  LEO:You’re really gonna let him loose in the White House, where there’s liquor and women?
BARTLET:We can hide the women. But the man deserves a drink.
  C.J.:In the next few weeks, it’s going to be important that the White House reassure Americans and the world that the President has a firm grip on the crisis and is working hard to defuse it.
  BARTLET:I should have locked her in the dungeon.
CHARLIE:I don’t think you’ve got one, sir.
BARTLET:I could have built one.
26.warm to 同情,喜欢
SAM:I told him everything there is to tell him. He did not warm to the idea.
27.egregiously 过分的,惊人的
  CLAYPOOL:I would think that you would be concerned with your own reputations. And the notion of you standing up for a man so egregiously unqualified... 
  BARTLET:Thank you for coming. How was your flight?
30.cocoon: 茧;
31.inept: 无能的,不称职的;
32.proliferation: 增殖;
33.skirmish: 小冲突
  MARBURY:Happily ensconced in the cocoon of your Cold War victory, you are woefully ignorant of the powerful historical agents in Asia. The global triumph of the economic free market has created an illusory assumption that the world is drawing itself closer together. Your Congress has been pathetically inept at halting the proliferation of nuclear weapons in this region, and your intelligence gathering is weak. India and Pakistan have fought three wars in the half-century since they have gained their independence, with God knows how many skirmishes in between. It is about religion, and I can assure you, they do not share our fear of the bomb.
  MARBURY :Oh, I have a telephone call. Mr. President, may I take it please in your foyer?  
BARTLET:Yeah, go ahead.
35.perjure: 作伪证
  LEO:What’s going on?
JOSH:It didn’t go well. Claypool’s got a copy of your records from rehab. Either he got them from Lillienfield or the other way around. I was in a position where I was gonna perjure myself, so SAM ended the deposition.
36.Revelations  圣经启示录
  BARTLET:[going to his desk] There’s a quote from Revelations I’m trying to remember.  
CHARLIE:[following him] I can’t help you out there, sir.
BARTLET:It’s about a horse.
CHARLIE:I’ve never read Revelations.
37.malevolence: 恶毒行为
  MARBURY:You’re all frightened. As well you should be. Not since the Protestant-Catholic wars in the 16th century has Western society known anything remotely comparable to the subcontinent’s religious malevolence.

ARMY GUY 1:We’re getting e-lint. Two CVEs, four destroyers –
ARMY GUY 2:Where they heading?
ARMY GUY 1:Pakistan.
ARMY GUY 3:I’m sold. Let’s brief the COs.
其中“I am sold”是什么意思?
这集语言不难,所以生词不多。先简要介绍一下这集情节:总统正在准备一年一度的国情咨文,突然晕倒,第一夫人匆匆从外地赶回;LEO曾进过戒毒所的事再也隐瞒不住,已经上了网,他召开记者招待会发言坦然承认;LEO敏感地认为如果总统只是感冒的话,出身医学界的第一夫人不会如此紧张,第一夫人瞒不过,承认总统患有多发性硬化症,这将是贯彻接下来一季半的情节;SAM不顾LEO的反对,起草了一篇以总统身份发表的支持LEO的讲话,感动了众人,也包括LEO的女儿;CJ和DANNY依然暧昧不明;Lord MARBURY建议总统用钱摆平印巴争端,帮助印度建立计算机工业,这招果然奏效,印度撤军。
BARTLET:From a deficit of 290 billion dollars, just ten... it says “million” on the TelePrompTer, by the way.
2.Pound sign:#号。总统讲演的提词机错误连连,这么紧张的时候,总统还拿这个开玩笑。
BARTLET:...And how do we make the American dream of opportunity a reality for all? I came to this hallowed chamber one year ago, and I see we’re spelling “hallowed” with a pound sign in the middle of it.
SAM:We’ll fix that.
BARTLET:The pound sign’s silent?
LEO:Move on, Mr. President.
  JOSH:How do you feel?
BARTLET:Why is everyone asking me that today?
JOSH:But you don’t look so good.
BARTLET:I’m fine.
JOSH:You’re pale and you’re perspiring.
C.J.:What are you taking?
BARTLET:I don’t know. My wife hands me pills. I swallow them with water.
  BARTLET:Vitamin C. Vitamin B. Is it possible I’m taking something called 'euthanasia'?
  BARTLET:Yes. I will go to the Oval Office, and pour a glass of water from the Steuben glass pitcher, which was a gift from the Christian Charity Network there, Skippy.
7.Live down:改正行为使别人遗忘
  SAM:I’ll never be able to live it down.
  The President stands up. He gets dizzy again and almost falls down. Everyone tries to grab him.
BARTLET:Just a little joke.
TOBY:You’re a real cut-up there, Mr. President.
  TOM:They’re desperately concerned that if the Indians continue their offensive, they won’t be able to defend the capital with conventional forces.
LEO:Is this just whining or it’s for real?
10.Pep rally:赛前动员会
  TOBY:This is an opportunity for a pep rally. This is an opportunity to trumpet government. Why do we want to pretend to be sorry for intruding?
11.multiple sclerosis:多发性硬化症
  ABBEY:He has multiple sclerosis, Leo.
LEO:[shocked] Oh, Abbey.
ABBEY:A fever could be life threatening.
BARTLET:Abbey phoned me up and told me about your conversation. I was diagnosed about seven years ago. My life expectancy is normal. My particular course of MS is relapsing-remitting, which means I should experience total recovery after attacks. Abbey gives me injections of something called Betaseron, and that reduces the frequency. Fever and stress tend to be two things that induces attacks.
  MARBURY:You know, there are some marvelous flu remedies known in the certain remote parts of the subcontinent. Licorice root, for instance, combined with bamboo sap and a strong shot of whiskey. Ginger root, also, mixed with, uh, citrus peel.
BARTLET:And a strong shot of whiskey?
MARBURY:Yes, of course. In fact, you can throw out the ginger root and citrus peel, and still be well in your way.
15.Buy off
MARBURY:Well, um, after speaking at length this past week with your secretaries of state and defense, as well as your joint chiefs and various embassy officials, I believe this. Buy them off.
16.Maharaja: 王公
  MARBURY:Mr. President, for several centuries, my kingdom has ruled India with a stick and carrot. When we had a particular problem with someone, one solution we would try is to make him a maharaja. That’s kind of a regional king. We would pay him off with an annual tribute, and in return, he would be loyal to the crown.
17.quid pro quo: 交换物
  BARTLET:All right, you tell the ambassador we’ll discuss this in three months. In three months, John. I don’t want this to be like quid pro quo.
18.Take a bull by the horns:不畏艰险
SAM:You know, C.J., it can be pretty confusing sometimes. I mean I’m at this place with Mallory, where I don’t know if she likes me. I don’t know if she doesn’t like me. I don’t know if she’s indifferent altogether. I just wish she’d take the bull by the horns and get past it so we can move on.
  BARTLET:Oh, in the residence, in the second floor, the bathroom at the end of the hall. You have to jiggle the handle a little
先简要介绍一下这集情节:总统将要签署“仇恨法案”,但一个重要人物似乎并不十分支持,他就是曾因同性恋而被同龄人群殴至死的男孩的父亲,CJ亲自劝说他要积极表明态度,公开支持总统,而实际上这位父亲并非反感仇恨法案,他动情地说总统并没有尊重同性恋,自己从未因儿子的身份而羞愧,而这个政府却为此羞愧。MANDY觉得不能让他们面对媒体,会给白宫带来麻烦, CJ尽管觉得这位父亲所言有理,最终还是认为MANDY做法是稳妥的,送走了这对夫妇。JOSH和SAM为了LEO嗜药引起的白宫检查一事同国会达成协议,不再对LEO本人进行听讯;TOBY竭力为公共电视台辩护,认为不应撤除这一纯洁的净土;总统一直在阅读一份关于年轻人性爱行为的报告,报告里言辞开放,总统打算暂且搁置一下;SAM查找到了将LEO的秘密资料泄漏给媒体的人,她是一位白宫档案管理人人员,她家同向媒体爆料的人是世交,SAM无比愤怒,要将她赶走。而LEO讲了一番肺腑之言感动了她,并挽留她继续留在白宫。
1. Recipient:接受者
  C.J. :There will be 15 pen recipients. The President will sign the bill with 15 pens, and I guess someone on my staff wanted you to know that.
  C.J.:Their son was just murdered Mandy! Did you want him to wear a campaign button?
MANDY:I do at the bill signing and I'm saying the reticence he exhibited in his kitchen...
3.Cut me some slack!放我一马吧!
  MANDY:Yes. And I'd also like you to cut me some slack.
4.sticky wicket:指板球比赛因雨后迅速晒干而很难进行,比喻陷入困境。
  JOSH:We've got a bit of a sticky wicket.
C.J.:Please don't tell me I'm staying here and working late tonight.
  JOSH:We want Congress to sign off on funds for a hundred thousand new teachers. They say, fine, but you gotta stipulate that in Sex Ed classes....
C.J.:Abstinence only?
C.J.:I would no have trouble passing such a class.
6.advance man:先遣助选人员
  C.J.:What do you want?
DANNY:I want to know about an advance man for the Vice-President who took a Navy helicopter to Pebble beach to shoot 18 holes.
C.J.:Are you kidding me?
C.J.:How do you know about this?
DANNY:A White House source.
7.sand trap:高尔夫中的沙坑障碍
  C.J.:I'll find out about it.
DANNY:Do it properly would you? I got a helicopter pilot who sat around for four hours on the taxpayers' time while your advance man hit every sand trap in Carmel.
  DONNA:You guys are real populists, aren't you?
JOSH给DONNA解释什么讲“take out the trash day”,即把所有白宫不喜欢却又不得不公布的消息一股脑地在周五抛给媒体,这样每则消息的受关注度就被分散,而且老百姓在礼拜六通常不看报纸。DONNA嘲讽他还真是从老百姓的生活习惯出发来施展政治的圆滑。
9.Head Start:如果这两个字开头的字母是大写,则连在一起是一个专有名词,指的是美国政府为贫穷或弱智的儿童设立的一种训练机构,帮助他们,希望他们在进小学之前能赶上教学进度。
10.welfare mothers:领取社会救济金的母亲,这是一种委婉的说法。
SAM:A sociology professor has been teaching what the paper, at any rate, feels is racist stuff. Too much funding for Head Start, welfare mothers, and...
TOBY:And why are they talking to us?
SAM:Zoey's in the class.
  SAM:He advanced the Puerto Rico trip and spent a half a day scuba diving. Which was nowhere on the President's itinerary. He advanced the New York trip and got impossible tickets to something that the President had no intention of seeing.
  BARTLET:The mother too, but I'm concerned about the father.
C.J.:Sir, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly is the nature of your concern?
LEO:Mandy says he's withdrawn, that he doesn't say much.
  LEO:Fathers and sons, C.J.. This guy sells dental supplies in the Twin Cities, so how enlightened do you think he's going to be?
  BARTLET:Is Simon Blye coming in to meet with you today?
LEO:How did you know that?
BARTLET:I broke into your secret schedule compartment and took infrared photos with my compact camera.
  C.J.:Is it possible that a father could be embarrassed about his son being gay, even after his son was murdered?
C.J.:Possible to the extent that he'd be disinclined to support a law that would impose stiffer penalties upon the perpetrators of hate crimes, including the ones who tied his 17 year old son to a tree and threw rocks at his head?
17.It eludes me. 我理解不了
  SAM:This past November the 21st, Congressman Lillienfield announced, in a sort of reckless fashion, that one in three White House staffers was on drugs.
  BRUNO:I am throwing you a rope - something I'd like the two of you to remember next time you're mouthing off on Face the Nation. You can't get anything done cause House Republicans are vindictive.
20.Petting: (美口)异性间的抚摸,爱抚:满怀爱意地拥抱、接吻或爱抚情侣的行为或体验
  BARTLET [reading] :"The majority of young people move from kissing to more intimate sexual behaviors during their teenage years. More than 50 percent engage in petting behavior.'' [to Mandy] That's what I think it is, right?
MANDY:Yes, sir.
21.cut a deal:达成协议
  TOBY:I've got good news.
TOBY:Josh and Sam cut a deal on the hill. No hearing for Leo, he's gonna be out of the woods.
  BARTLET:We're gonna leave the sex-ed report alone for a while.
C.J.:Sir, when you say...
BARTLET:[busy at his desk] After the midterm elections.
C.J.:That's a year from now.
C.J.:We're gonna stick it in a drawer?
BARTLET:It's a pretty incendiary report.
23.get off the hooks:使脱身,使摆脱困境
  BARTLET:I needed to get Leo off the hook, C.J.
C.J.:It's the deal Josh and Sam made.

1.Wear a campaign button
C.J.:Their son was just murdered Mandy! Did you want him to wear a campaign button?
CJ认为因为身为同性恋而被同龄人群殴至死的男孩的父母不会无动于衷。但MANDY通过与其父母面谈认为父亲态度不明,似乎并不支持“hate crime”法案。这里的“wear a campaign button”具体是什么意思?

MR. LYDELL: Gays in the military, same-sex marriage, gay adoption, boards of education - where the hell is he? I want to know what qualities necessary to being a parent this President feels my son lacked? I want to know from this President, who has served not one day in Vietnam - I had two tours in Vietnam. I want to know what qualities necessary to being a soldier this President feels my son lacked? Lady, I'm not embarrassed my son was gay. My government is.
1. Arguendo:法律中的前提假定
JUDGE:Assuming arguendo that the district court erred in allowing the jury to consider non-statutory factors that were vague, overbroad or duplicative in violation of the eighth amendment such error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.
2. Hold one’s liquor:控制饮酒
JOSH:I can hold my liquor.
DONNA:No you can’t.
JOSH:I can drink with the best of them.
DONNA:You can’t drink with any of them, Josh.
JOSH:I’m in politics, okay. I can drink.
DONNA:You have a very sensitive system.
3. Sleazy:肮脏的,庸俗的
JOSH:There aren’t going to be strippers there. Men don’t like that anymore.
DONNA:Men don’t like naked women anymore?
JOSH:No, we still like naked women a lot. It’s looking at them in a room full of your best friends that makes you feel a little...
4. from the horse’s mouth:直接从当事人口中得知
SAM:He’s going to be very excited to meet with you. Joshua Lyman, Deputy Chief of Staff. He can hear it from the horse’s mouth.5. foul weather:险恶的气候
6. drug cartel:贩毒集团
SAM:Is he guilty?
BOBBY:It was a drug cartel. He killed two kingpins.
SAM:You want me to argue it was a public service measure?
7. Reprieve:缓刑
SAM:The President’s very serious about the separation of powers.
BOBBY:Yeah, but so’s the Constitution. In Article 2, Section 2 says, “We shall have the power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States”
8. The ball is in your court:从字面上解释的意思是:现在球在你那边的场地上了。实际上,这是打网球时用的一句话,也就是你已经采取了行动,把球打过了网,到了对方的场地,现在是对方采取行动的时候了。但是,从俗语的角度来说,它的意思并不在于打球。美国的生意人和律师经常用这个俗语来告诉对方,他们已经提出建议和要求,现在是对方采取行动的时候了。
SAM:The execution is scheduled for 12:01 Monday morning, so the ball’s in our court.
LEO:I’m not sure the President wants the ball in our court.
9. Fjord:海湾
  C.J.: “If you’ll look out the left side of the cabin, you’ll see the fjords”. Then we got a history of the fjords. Then we got a quiz on the fjords.
10. lederhosen: 皮短裤
  C.J.:[to Bartlet] Do you have any idea how much I would like to dress you up in lederhosen and drop kick you into the fjords right now?
  RABBI:With Passover on the horizon, millions of Jews will gather round Seder tables, will sing our songs and ask our questions.
12.Lethal:致死的。Lethal injection即为注射药物执行死刑法。
  JOSH:He’s a preposterous figure. We want to keep him right where he is.
JOEY [KENNY]:You mean you want to keep him on as a poster boy for the Radical Right?
  RABBI GLASSMAN:You can say all you want about the Catholic Church, but their position on life is unimpeachable. No abortion, no death penalty.
15.worked up:愤慨
  C.J.:You know, I have no position on capital punishment. I try to get worked up about it, it seems like I should. But the truth is, I honestly don’t care if Simon Cruz lives or dies. And I suppose if it brings some measure of comfort to the families of the victims, then why the hell not.
  LEO:[shouts] He’s done, and I gotta tell you, Sam, this was bungled. We were totally unprepared for this.
18.track down:追捕到,追踪到
  JOSH:Aren’t you impressed that I was able to track you down?JOEY [KENNY]:Was it hard?
JOSH:It was very hard. I had to have my assistant call your office in California.
  JOSH:No, I came at the request of the President. He wanted you to know that he felt that he was rude to you in the Oval Office yesterday. He apologizes if he was abrupt about your problem and while the tightening of your funding was political strategy on our part, he honestly feels that your candidate is a schmuck who gives liberalism a bad name.
20.seller’s market:卖方市场
  JOEY [KENNY]:I’m a professional political operative. I need to work. I mean, it’s not exactly like there’s a seller’s market for deaf campaign managers.
  BARTLET:I want you to know that I had a number of people on my staff search for a reason the public would find palatable to commute the sentence.
  FATHER CAVANAUGH:No, I’m sorry, Mr. President, but I was thinking... You’re just this kid from my parish and now you’re calling the Pope.
BARTLET:Anyway. I looked for a way out, I really did.
1.Be out to do sth: 企图做某事
TOBY:Because he’s a crazy man who’s out to ruin my life.
  TOBY:That’s what he’s out to do. Has anyone posted bail?
  SAM:Your teeth are the best friends you got, C.J.
C.J.:They are?
SAM:You take care of them, they’ll take care of you.
C.J.:When’d you start talking like this?
SAM:I’m nuts for dental hygiene.
4.If the shoe fits, wear it. 接受事实吧! 这句话的直译是“如果那些批评是正确的,就接受事实吧”一般是第三者用在对第二者对第一者批评的再次评论。
  JOSH:The day would’ve gone a lot differently. The President had said that Secretary O’Leary should apologize. The press wanted to know if she would be fired if she didn’t and we didn’t have an answer. She was coming up to the White House for a showdown.
6.celestial navigation:天体导航
  TOBY:How do you know we’re going east?
SAM:The sun rises in the east.
TOBY:It’s dark outside!
SAM:Also, that bright star in the northern sky is Polaris.
TOBY:So what?
SAM:I’m using celestial navigation.
7.I call it like I see it. 我是实事求是的。
  O’LEARY:Look, I called it like I saw it.
LEO:Well, now you’re gonna apologize for it.
8.lord over:辖制
  O’LEARY:Leo, if I’ve gotta go and ask Wooden for forgiveness, he’s gonna lord it over me from now until the end of time.
LEO:It’s the cost of doing business.
9.emergency root canal 紧急根管治疗。牙科诊疗项目之一。
DANNY:You really don’t want to do this.
  JOSH:Let me tell you something, you guys have been coddled. I’m not your girlfriend, I’m not your camp counselor, and I’m not you sixth grade teacher you had a crush on. I’m a graduate of Harvard and Yale and I believe that my powers of debate can rise to meet the Socratic wonder that is the White House Press Corps.
  JOSH:I’d like to say a couple things in my own defense. First of all, everything was fine. I dispensed of the Deborah O’Leary matter with ease and poise.
  KATIE:If the President’s going to continue to be so adamantly anti-tobacco, why is it unreasonable to ask if he’s a smoker?
  KATIE:He bummed a cigarette from me on Air Force One two days ago.
  DANNY:Josh, your comments were that the continuing drop in unemployment will create increased pressure on wages. In effect, driving them up. Is the President worried that this could lead to a resurgence of inflation?
15.keep a lid on:隐晦;抑制。这里应是指后者。
  JOSH:The President will do everything in his power to maintain the robust economy that has created millions of new jobs, improved productivity and kept a lid on inflation.
16.have a hand for:为……鼓掌
   NESSLER:Let’s have a hand for our guest Joshua Lyman.
   The audience applauds.
17.zeroing in on:对准,聚集
   JOSH:What’s going on?
TOBY:Sam feels we’re zeroing in on it.
JOSH:You haven’t found it yet?
18.let up on:宽容地对待,原谅,放过
  JOSH:Toby, how hard can it be to find the Wesley station?
TOBY:I don’t know, Josh, but while we’re looking, can you tell me a little more about the President’s secret plan to fight inflation?
JOSH:How long until you let up on me on that?
  REPORTER 3:Given the reduction in unemployment, does the President have a plan to fight the ensuing inflation?
  C.J.:You wewe vague, you wewe howstiwe, you wewe bewwigewant!
Josh looks confused.
DONNA:[translates] Belligerent.
21.bear me out:向我求证
   TOBY:That was some very good television, Josh, and I think four network news directors will bear me out on that tonight.
22.body blow:重击,惨败
   JOSH:Roberto Mendoza is the President’s nominee to fill Crouch’s seat on the Supreme Court. The President put Toby Ziegler in charge of his confirmation, which is a huge responsibility. A failed confirmation for the Court is a body blow to a presidency.
   TOBY:Hello Mr. Justice. How are you?
MENDOZA:Incarcerated, Toby. How’re you?
24.round robin:一系列(的事;问题)
   JOSH:Sir, there was this idiotic round robin. It was sarcastic. There’s no way they didn’t know that. They were just mad at me for imposing discipline and calling them stupid!
25.crystal clear:完全透明的,比喻为极其明白,十分清楚
   BARTLET:Were you clear?
JOSH:I was crystal clear. They said, “Do you think if the President has a plan to fight inflation, it’s right that be keep it a secret?”I said,“Of course not!”
26. squad car 警察巡逻车
27.Gavel 槌
  MENDOZA:[angrily] My kid was in the car, Toby. They patted me down and they handcuffed me in front of my nine year old boy. Then he and his mother got to see them put me in the squad car and drive away.
  TOBY:He’s also seen you wearing a robe with a gavel in your hand.



1.C.J.:Then what was he pulled over for?
SAM:Driving while being...Hispanic.
C.J.:Does Toby know?
TOBY:[enters] I stepped off the edge of the world.
SAM:[to C.J.] Yes.
这里TOBY所说的“step off the edge of the world”是什么意思?表示惊讶?愤怒?
2.JOSH:And the day was about to get worse...because I was about to step to the plate.
这里的“step to the plate”是什么意思?后面JOSH讲的是自己出言冒失闯祸。那是指犯错吗?
3.LEO:Deb, he’s been trying to provoke you for months. When you give in to him, you surrender the high ground.
 LEO说那个人一直在伺机挑衅,这里的“surrender the high ground”是什么意思?
先简要介绍一下这集情节:总统及多数幕僚飞往加州参加一个筹款晚宴,听取关于禁止焚烧国旗的讨论。参议院对于减免酒精税的提案一半赞成一半反对,陷入僵局,在总统的要求下,LEO命令副总统改投赞成票,但副总统据理力争,最终赢得了总统和LEO的尊重及认可;在加州筹款的功臣是个影视界的投资人,他逼迫总统要公开表示对军队反同性恋法的反对,总统告诉他自己最好的办法就是置若罔闻,只要公开提出任何有关同性恋的事,都是自取其辱;DONNA鼓励JOSH追JOEY LUCAS,后者也的确帮助众幕僚清晰地分析了形势,令人信心大振,不料当JOSH去敲人家门时,却是另一个男人开的门,JOSH难掩失望离去;ZOEY和总统的私人助理CHARLIE谈起了恋爱,因后者的黑人身份,白宫收到了白人种族极端分子社团的恐吓信,总统为ZOEY找了一个24小时贴身的保镖GINA,警惕的GINA感到了隐隐逼近的危险。
1. Tight:势均力敌
BARTLET:I just don't want you to think that I'm getting any pleasure in putting him in this position.
LEO:Well, he knew the vote was going to be tight.
2. comes down to:归结为,涉及到
3. Ethanol:酒精
BARTLET:It's ironic.
BARTLET:I mean it's ironic that it all comes down to a vote on the ethanol tax credit.
这里ethanol tax credit是指减免酒精税。
4. Brusque:莽撞的,无礼的
BARTLET:Are you being brusque with me?
LEO:It's 3 o'clock in the morning.
BARTLET:I'm just saying you can't blame me. It's what you get from having an even number of senators.
5. Impersonation:扮演
BARTLET:Your impersonation of my mother is getting sharper and sharper, you know that?
LEO:Thank you.
6. sign up:签约参加工作
BARTLET:How long have you trained for this assignment?
GINA:A year and a half, sir.
BARTLET:What, were you the first one to sign up?
GINA:Yes, sir.
7. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may 类似我们所说的“有花堪折直须折”。
DONNA:Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Josh. Do you know what that means? It means you should take this time to gather rosebuds, because later on you might not be able to.
8.kowtow:磕头, kowtow to 为向谁乞求的意思。
  TOBY:And, should the President choose to stay in his hotel room tonight and not kowtow to the Hollywood.
9. Desecrate:亵渎,污辱
WOMAN:It is disgraceful that some individuals would desecrate the flag that our nation's veterans fought so valiantly to protect.
  AL:And they see you as smart and having vision, so why didn't they vote for you? Because they also see you as a wimp. Two-thirds of them on a thermometer place you as some degree of weak.
  DAVID HASSELHOFF:"I think there's a basic bedrock principle behind the first amendment. That the government cannot prohibit the expression of an idea just because it's disagreeable." Justice William Brennan, writing for the majority.
DONNA:I'm a real big fan, David, not just a Johnny-come-lately.
14.Be into:被迷住,被深深吸引
  DONNA:[to Josh, about David] He's so into me.
JOSH:You're frightening the guests.
15.Eat at:困扰
  LEO:I know that it eats at you that there is friction between you and my staff. You think they don't respect you. And they do. They just don't trust you. And frankly, neither does the President.
  HOYNES:Leo, one of these days you're going to have to allow for the possibility that my motives might not always be sinister.
17.set foot in:进入,踏进
  LEO:John, you will not be able to set foot in the West Wing. You will not be on the ticket in three years.
18.Sew up: 控制;决定;垄断
  JOSH:We had a meeting with a democratic pollster who told us that we could sew up reelection if the President led the charge in favor a flag burning amendment.
  JOEY [KENNY]:Kiefer asked the wrong questions. His polls said that 80% of the people, when asked if they'd support an amendment prohibiting flag burning said yes, which is roughly the same amount of people that say they support sending litterbugs to prison. He never asked them how much they care.
20.Tantrum:n. 脾气,发怒
MARCUS:Why won't you say that publicly?
BARTLET:[yells] Because I know what I'm doing, Ted! Because I live in the world of professional politics, and you live in the world of adolescent tantrum!
21.starting gun:发令枪
  BARTLET:Right now, right this second, the worst thing that could possibly happen to gay rights in this country is for me to put that thing on the debating table, which is happens the minute I open my mouth. Do you get that? I'm a human starting gun, Ted. You got to trust me! I know what I'm doing.

1.C.J.:Josh, I think I just made a three-picture deal.
  什么叫“three-picture deal”?前文好像是CJ去感谢一个媒体的人,赞他近日没有纠缠LEO的事件。该人开玩笑说作为回报,总统应该再撞回树,给他添点谈资。

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