




保险只管water damage吧,水管要不要换或找谁换,换什么样的,都不是保险公司的事情吧,这个应该属于renovation吧

在Forensic Files系列节目有一集,讲述了一对德州夫妻买了Austin郊外的一座老宅。后来莫名其妙地开始患病,最初以为是有人下毒,却一直找不出原因。直到妻子在一次坐飞机时偶尔遇到邻座的人,正好是这方面的专家,从她咳嗽吐血的症状上怀疑是mould中毒导致的。在对房屋进行检查之后才最终找出问题 (当然,这个情节估计是剧情需要,实际报道并非如此)-----原来是房屋漏水之后没有更换subfloor而产生了一种有毒的霉菌,随着空气流动,对人的呼吸和中枢神经系统造成了伤害。这家人起诉保险公司在理赔过程中处理不当,承包商曾经提醒过,但似乎保险公司没重视。最终霉菌不断扩散,12,000呎的房屋最终不能入住,被迫放弃。初审中陪审团裁定保险公司赔偿受害人3200万元,后来上诉法院减为400万元。





Health Canada网上关于Mould的一些信息:

最后编辑: 2014-08-11
From Bad to Worse

(More to read about the lawsuit...)


Ballard's legal odyssey began in mid-1998, when she had a bathroom plumbing leak repaired. According to the court record, shortly after the repair, her home's hardwood floors began buckling. Ballard's floor contractor, Richard Roberts, first advised her to remove several of the boards to allow the floor to dry out. But the problem persisted, and in December 1998, Roberts advised Ballard to contact her insurer, since the floor damage appeared to be "extensive" and moisture readings suggested it was not drying out. Ballard filed a claim with Farmers in mid-December.
Ballard's version of the following events was upheld in court, but remains under dispute by the insurance company.

According to Ballard's legal pleadings, a Farmers claims adjuster initially diagnosed the problem as "slab settling" -- not covered by Ballard's homeowner's policy -- and the company tested her plumbing for leaks, at first concluding there were none. A month later, a Farmer's engineer and a second adjuster told Ballard that the damages had in fact been caused by two separate water leaks, but added that there were no active leaks in the house. According to Ballard, Roberts told the adjuster he was increasingly concerned about the potential for mold growth if the hardwoods and sub-flooring were not removed.

Ballard asked Farmers for permission to remove the flooring, as a temporary repair and to mitigate the damages. Farmers rejected that request, directing instead that she remove only those boards with the most severe damage and cover the sub-flooring with plywood and carpet remnants while the claim investigation proceeded. "The policies say that the homeowner has the duty to mitigate damages. On the other [hand], it says that the homeowner must cooperate and agree to what the insurance company wants to do," recalls Ballard. "When I filed the claim ... Farmers came out to adjust and said, you need to fix this. But then they say, we're not finished with our investigation and if you make repairs you'll lose your coverage. This is the dumb-ass theory of adjusting."

Ballard examines some of the damage done to her home by mold.
Photo By Jana Birchum
On Feb. 24, 1999 -- more than two months after Ballard's initial claim -- Farmers offered to settle, for $108,000. Unfortunately, that sum was no longer sufficient to repair the floors -- not to mention the cracked windows, door frames, stairs, and buckling walls that had occurred in the meantime, while the company's investigation was in progress. "If they had allowed me to pull up the floor," Ballard says now, "my house would not be sitting there abandoned today."

And it didn't end with the damage to the house. While Farmers was still investigating, Ballard, her husband Ron Allison, and their son Reese each began experiencing flu-like symptoms, and shortly thereafter, the family discovered black mold growing on the walls. Ballard hired air quality experts, who determined the house was contaminated with various fungi, including the toxic mold Stachybotrys. Ballard and the air quality analysts expressed to Farmers their concerns about the safety of the house. The insurer continued to investigate.

"So now I've got a 12,000-square-foot home," Ballard recalls, "with 10,000 square feet of Stachybotrys."

In June 2000, Ballard and her family finally moved out of the house. Allison, 36,has since been diagnosed with "toxic encephalopathy," Ballard says -- a form of brain damage, apparently due to mycotoxin poisoning -- presumably emitted by the Stachybotrys. Formerly a financial adviser, he has been unable to work, suffers from seizures, and is now enrolled at Austin Community College, Ballard says, trying to "retrain" himself to think properly. His professors "are pretty understanding."

Ultimately, just before the family was forced from the home, an appraiser retained by Farmers conceded that the damage to Ballard's home was far greater than the company had acknowledged. The appraiser concluded that the house, to be properly remediated, would likely have to be torn down and rebuilt. Since all work has been suspended during the legal actions, the structure continues to deteriorate, and is now a crumbling ruin.
sounds like a big project, how much is the total spend?






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