留学生求助:沃尔玛买了一把玩具枪 被警察拦住收走了

由于本人不懂在加拿大的规矩 今天在沃尔玛买了一把玩具枪 回家路上坐朋友车里就打开看了看 然后被警察拦下来了 警察把玩具枪收走了 然后说明天给我们电话告诉我们能否拿回这个玩具枪 请问下这个会不会给我们留下不良记录之类的 还有就是会不会对我同学有什么不良影响(注:他是开车的人)
由于本人不懂在加拿大的规矩 今天在沃尔玛买了一把玩具枪 回家路上坐朋友车里就打开看了看 然后被警察拦下来了 警察把玩具枪收走了 然后说明天给我们电话告诉我们能否拿回这个玩具枪 请问下这个会不会给我们留下不良记录之类的 还有就是会不会对我同学有什么不良影响(注:他是开车的人)
玩具枪怎么可能被没收哦 是不是警察问话你回答的支支吾吾的有点可疑啊
之前是我没说清楚 就是我们买完回家的路上 我同学开车 我把东西拆出来放在腿上 然后走过一个路口的时候有个警察出来 把我们拦下来 说这个很危险 然后就要了我们身份资料电话号码之后把那个玩具枪收走了 说明天晚上给我们打电话告诉我们会不会还给我 刚刚语言学校这边给我同学说我们这个是违法了 还说可能会刑事起诉我 说我这个危害公共安全 但我问了我房东 他说应该没什么问题 因为那只是个玩具 所以请问下大家 我这个事情会有什么问题吗
不胜感激(问话的时候我一直跟他说sorry 我说我不清楚这边的法规之类的 他也没说什么 就说叫我们回去等电话)
没有跟他们争辩 警察也知道这是玩具 还不还问题倒是不大 只是我们之前都没有碰到过类似的事情 就是不担心会不会影响学业之类的
由于本人不懂在加拿大的规矩 今天在沃尔玛买了一把玩具枪 回家路上坐朋友车里就打开看了看 然后被警察拦下来了 警察把玩具枪收走了 然后说明天给我们电话告诉我们能否拿回这个玩具枪 请问下这个会不会给我们留下不良记录之类的 还有就是会不会对我同学有什么不良影响(注:他是开车的人)

估计警察在根据枪的威力找合适的法律. 按照下文的说法多半违反了某些法律

Air Guns http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/fs-fd/air_gun-arme_air-eng.htm

1. Air guns that are firearms for purposes of both the Firearms Act and the Criminal Code
These are air guns with both a high muzzle velocity (greater than 152.4 metres or 500 feet per second) and a high muzzle energy (greater than 5.7 joules or 4.2 foot-pounds). The "muzzle velocity" is the speed of a projectile at the instant it leaves the muzzle of a gun, normally expressed in metres per second or feet per second. The "muzzle energy" is the energy of a projectile at the instant it leaves the muzzle of a gun, expressed in joules or foot-pounds. Air guns need to meet both standards to be classified as firearms for purposes of the Firearms Act.
These high-powered air guns are subject to the same licence and registration requirements as a conventional firearm. Owners and users are also required to store, transport, display and handle them safely in accordance with the regulations supporting the Firearms Act.
Usually, the manufacturer's specifications are used to determine what muzzle velocity and muzzle energy an air gun was designed to have. This information may be available in the user's manual or on the manufacturer's website. If the information is not available, individuals can call the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) at 1-800-731-4000 and ask to speak to a firearm technician to find out if the air gun is considered to be a firearm for purposes of the Firearms Act.
High-powered air rifles are generally classified as non-restricted firearms. However, the classification depends on the exact design of the air gun. Air rifles manufactured to resemble an assault rifle could be non-restricted, restricted or prohibited depending on the exact model imitated. High-powered air rifles would also be prohibited firearms if fully automatic or if they have a sawed-off barrel. They could also be restricted firearms if they have a folding stock that reduces the overall length to less than 660mm.
2. Air guns that meet the Criminal Code definition of a firearm, but are deemed not to be firearms for certain purposes of the Firearms Act and Criminal Code
These are air guns with a maximum muzzle velocity of 152.4 metres or 500 feet per second and/or a maximum muzzle energy of 5.7 joules or 4.2 foot-pounds. Such air guns are exempt from licensing, registration, and other requirements under the Firearms Act, and from penalties set out in the Criminal Code for possessing a firearm without a valid licence or registration certificate.
However, they are considered to be firearms under the Criminal Code if they are used to commit a crime. Anyone who uses such an air gun to commit a crime faces the same penalties as someone who uses a regular firearm.
The simple possession, acquisition and use of these air guns for lawful purposes are regulated more by provincial and municipal laws and by-laws than by federal law. For example, some provinces may have set a minimum age for acquiring such an air gun. For more information, please contact your local or provincial authorities.
These air guns are exempt from the specific safe storage, transportation and handling requirements set out in the regulations supporting the Firearms Act. However, the Criminal Code requires that reasonable precautions be taken to use, carry, handle, store, transport and ship them in a safe and secure manner.


胡说八道.屁事都没有的. 自己吓自己,神经病.
最后编辑: 2014-09-24






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