用美国人的记录片给五分们醒醒脑, 特别是盘古和养猪那种亲日派.


以前受土共教育, 我讨厌读历史, 一读就想吐。我今天再读中国的历史, 我真的很惊讶。我没想到古代的中国人, 是那么有个性有尊严的一群人。


俄共指导的中共, 其笔下的中国历史是比较血腥的, 因为要合理化自己的专制统治, 所以就集中描写中国历史中专制血腥的部分, 比如秦始皇 成吉思汗等等。现在大陆的戏剧特别喜欢美化满清, 强调康熙乾隆盛世等等, 因为康熙乾隆时代有表面的繁荣, 却是结合高度的专制, 实际上是国富民穷, 清朝的综合生产力与同期世界相比还不如汉朝的能力。秦朝的历史在中国的汉唐宋明时期, 是作为儒家思想统治的反面教材, 说明了暴政专制必亡国短命的规律。汉唐宋明为何要高举儒家, 就是因为秦朝反对儒家, 遭到天谴迅速消亡。儒家崇尚天命, 反对专制暴政, 儒家的理念所推崇的近乎于君主立宪制, 君主必须服从天命, 也就是天法, 君主必须把天命放在第一位, 其次是百姓。当国家受到天谴, 君主必须下罪己诏反省改过。群臣通过儒家科举考试选拔, 才能认命, 入朝辅佐君主, 其主要任务也是一个以天下苍生为己任。

共党洗黑中国历史, 灌输弱肉强食的专治理念, 把它说成是一种规律, 甚至是一种天理, 为的是给自己的罪恶洗白。对于传统的中国人来说, 秦始皇是耻辱, 成吉思汗是入侵的外敌, 根本不是什么一代天骄。共党喜欢歌颂这些暴君, 洗黑历史, 美化满清, 认敌为母, 因为他们自己也是反面教材其中的一员。
共党洗黑中国历史, 把中国历史全都说成弱肉强食的暴政不断重复演练, 自己只是五千年专制暴政其中的一员, 与前朝皇帝没有什么差别。天下乌鸦一般黑, 把别人洗黑了, 就能把自己洗白。殊不知共党与中国历史传统统治有着天地之别。儒家崇尚天命, 共党反对天命, 说人定胜天, 处处与天作对, 破坏自然, 制造雾霾。中国历来都是土地私有制, 只有共党剥夺了人民的土地, 使得中国没有人有理由爱惜这片不属于自己的土地。中国人有错吗? 你教我与天作对, 这土地又不是我的, 我为什么要爱惜? 这土地甚至不是官员的, 所以连当官的都往外跑, 把土地榨干了就跑, 到国外去寻找自己的土地。俄共啊, 你的阴魂什么时候才能离开中国的大地? 把土地还给中国人。


共党洗黑中国历史, 把中国人要么变成奴才, 对自己唯命是从, 要么中了假历史的毒, 对中国的一切都恨之入骨, 宁做亡国奴不做中国人, 宁做日本粉不做中国人。


如果中国的历史都像共党的历史, 只是野兽的丛林, 只是黑暗政权的不断交替 , 如果满清就代表中国人, 如果共党就是中国人, 中国能活到今天吗? 与天做对, 人定胜天, 六十年的统治, 空气就变黑了, 5000年中国能变成什么样? 从4000多年前就有天下为公的理念, 到今天仍然生生不息的中华, 满清和俄共能轻易摧毁她吗?


有一天我突然醒过来, 发现, 你讨厌中国, 就是因为你相信了土共的教育。有一天我的加拿大西人朋友那么喜欢中国, 在中国撞断七根肋骨他还是喜欢中国, 那时候我就开始疑惑了。


有人敬拜不说明我必须敬拜。 比如说你跪拜中东神,我认为它就是忽悠。
你迷恋日本是因为轻看自己。因为你被土共洗脑成功了, 把中国人看的很低劣, 认定了土共就代表中国。日本人也有特色, 但不值得迷恋。我只能说日本人精神上的生命力很弱, 中国人受了满亲和俄共的摧残, 生命力也不强, 但是有望恢复, 因为恢复力很强。


养猪, 为什么我说你依赖药物呢? 为什么我说日本人生命力弱呢? Av是一种药, 是一种市场需求。病人多了, 药物供应量随之加大。你看美国大片, 看任何一个爱情故事, 有性爱的场面的, 有哪对情侣性爱之前先看av的? 你找一部这样的电影来给我看看。为什么有人需要伟哥? 因为不举。为什么有人需要做爱之前看av? 因为功能不正常, 天然的chemicAL 不够, 才需要借助外力。昨天你已经自己坦白不吃枸杞不行, 今天你又说不吃大力丸不行, 某人又说不看av不行, 我看是你们不行, 病了, 才需要吃药。某人嘴上老是开口闭口就是裤裆, 但却离不开药, 这叫心有余而力不足。



The Japanese Have the Lowest Sex Drive in the World Because of the Web...

By Stefan Anitei | 2007-03-16 16:09 GMT

It seems there is a huge gap between Japan's sex toys, porn, hentai and sexy TV shows and the way real sex occurs there.

Japan's population is estimated at around 127,463,611 and is correlated with one of the highest life expectancy rates in the world, of 81.25 years (in fact, today's oldest living person is a Japanese woman).

But the Japanese population is rapidly aging (about 20 % is over 65) and the effect of a post-war baby boom was followed by a births drop in the second half of the 20th century.

Many Japanese youth are increasingly choosing not to marry or have families as adults and the country's population is expected to drop to 100 million by 2050 and to 64 million by 2100.

Japanese researchers, extremely preoccupied by the plunging birth rate, tackled the issue. They found that 39.7 % of Japanese citizens aged 16-49 have not had sex for over a month, a 5 % rise from a research made two years ago.

The survey found that among married couples, the results were just a little bit more positive, at 34.6 %. "This is very bad news for the country's birth rate, and something the government needs to look into urgently," said Dr. Kunio Kitamura, the family planning association's director.

The Japan's birthrate dropped in 2005 to a record of just 1.26 births in an average woman's lifetime. The demographic changes have risen a number of social issues, particularly a potential decline in the tax paying workforce population, labor shortages and increases in the cost of social security benefits such as the public pension plan. "The situation is dismal. My research shows that if you don't have sex for a month, you probably won't for a year", said Kitamura.

The researchers believe the stress from busy working lives, repression, cultural norms stretched and challenged by a generation rebelling against the restrictions on media and expression and sexuality cause the drop in fertility.

It seems that the Japanese women, empowered by financial situation find no more fun and obligation in transforming themselves in obeying children factories.

Apparently the Japanese are also losing their communication skills due to the intensive use of the Internet. "A decline in physical communication skills in an increasingly Web-based society was also a factor," he said.

The November 2006 survey targeted 2,713 randomly selected people, and got answers from 636 men and 773 women. In a 2006 research made at University of Chicago, Japan came last in a 29-country study of sexual satisfaction, with just 25.7 % of the couples declaring to be satisfied.

It was also the last in a 41 nations 2005 research made by condom manufacturer Durex, with people having on average just 45 sexual contacts yearly compared to a global average of 103.


It seems there is a huge gap between Japan's sex toys, porn, hentai and sexy TV shows and the way real sex occurs there. .........

日本人Av 和性玩具数量全世界第一, 性能力性动力全世界倒数第一.

病人多, 药才多, 你吃药, 因为你是病人, 你吃很多, 因为你病的不轻。


In a 2006 research made at University of Chicago, Japan came last in a 29-country study of sexual satisfaction, with just 25.7 % of the couples declaring to be satisfied.

It was also the last in a 41 nations 2005 research made by condom manufacturer Durex, with people having on average just 45 sexual contacts yearly compared to a global average of 103.

凡达的目光通常停留在皮肉上, 在下则往往探究灵魂. 所以我们对人的观察经常得出不同的结论.
成麻子和钱玉郎都是败类., 但败坏程度有区别. 成麻子是目光短浅, 唯利是图的普通农民; 钱玉郎则是不择手段寡廉鲜耻的混世流氓, 其心狠手辣脸皮厚的程度远在成麻子之上.
养猪的"人格和修养"更接近钱玉郎. 这样的败类, 无论裹着啥臭皮囊都掩不住那股恶臭.
你迷恋日本是因为轻看自己。因为你被土共洗脑成功了, 把中国人看的很低劣, 认定了土共就代表中国。日本人也有特色, 但不值得迷恋。我只能说日本人精神上的生命力很弱, 中国人受了满亲和俄共的摧残, 生命力也不强, 但是有望恢复, 因为恢复力很强。

任何一天, 日本足球队和中国足球队踢, 我眼睛闭着下日本。 不是一个等级的。 随便你说什么什么弱,什么什么强。:kan:




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