tsla sold put feb 13 @210 price 8.5 for protection
If price goes above 237.6, I will loose money
If Price ends between 229.1-237.6, get all the money from sell put, loose some money from sell call
If Price ends between 220-229.1, get all the money from sell put, part of the money from sell call
If price ends between 210-220, biggest profit, get all the money from sell put and all the money from sell call.
If Price ends between 201.5-210, get all the money from sell call, part of the money from sell put
If Price ends between 192.4-201.5, get all the money from sell call, loose some money from sell put
If price goes under 192.4, I will loose money
I expect the price to be in the 220-229.1 or 201.5-210, or the other two ranges not favorable for me, but I got protection : 229.1-237.6 or 192.4-201.5
If the price stays between 210-220, I got lucky