
没买超。 新的额度20150101就可以使用了。 只是有的人不知道怎么算, 所以要等待税务局帮它算。
前60天没有超。因为你在计算第2步的时候(把你来到加拿大以后累计的额度加起来),在20150101就可以把2014 earned income * 18%加上了。 你的总额度已经增加了。

我知道你在说什么。 税务局的指引是很精确, 但是它是给机器使用的, 不是给人理解的。 它只让你一步步照着算,而很难搞清楚它在算什么了。 我讲的是原理, 是普通人都可以理解的。



How much can I contribute and deduct?
Generally, the amount you can contribute to your RRSPs or your spouse or common-law partner's RRSPs, for a given tax year without tax implications is determined by your RRSP deduction limit. This is often called your "contribution room." Amounts that you contribute above this limit may be considered excess contributions (over-contributions).

Your RRSP deduction limit is the amount of RRSP contributions that you can deduct on your tax return for a given year.
Contributions you can deduct for 2014
For 2014, you can deduct contributions you made to your RRSP or SPP from January 1, 1991, to March 2, 2015. You can also deduct contributions you made to your PRPP from January 1, 2014 to March 2, 2015 (do not include your employer’s contributions). You can deduct these contributions if you did not deduct them for any other year, and if they are not more than your RRSP deduction limit for 2014. Even if you can no longer contribute to your RRSP in 2014 because of your age, you can deduct your unused RRSP contributions up to your RRSP deduction limit.

You cannot claim a deduction for any of the following:
  • amounts you pay for administration services for an RRSP;
  • brokerage fees charged to buy and dispose of securities within a trusteed RRSP;
  • the interest you paid on money you borrowed to contribute to an RRSP;
  • any capital losses within your RRSP.
操作性很强。 把2014最后一张工资单拿出来一看就知道去年收入是多少。我的客户都是这么操作的, 也没见谁说操作性不强。

而且你的所谓指引里面的方法也绝对需要估算去年的收入是多少。 这是由rrsp原理所决定的。 我没有具体看你的方法, 但是我知道这是100%肯定需要的。


How much can I contribute and deduct?
Generally, the amount you can contribute to your RRSPs or your spouse or common-law partner's RRSPs, for a given tax year without tax implications is determined by your RRSP deduction limit. This is often called your "contribution room." Amounts that you contribute above this limit may be considered excess contributions (over-contributions).

Your RRSP deduction limit is the amount of RRSP contributions that you can deduct on your tax return for a given year.
Contributions you can deduct for 2014
For 2014, you can deduct contributions you made to your RRSP or SPP from January 1, 1991, to March 2, 2015. You can also deduct contributions you made to your PRPP from January 1, 2014 to March 2, 2015 (do not include your employer’s contributions). You can deduct these contributions if you did not deduct them for any other year, and if they are not more than your RRSP deduction limit for 2014. Even if you can no longer contribute to your RRSP in 2014 because of your age, you can deduct your unused RRSP contributions up to your RRSP deduction limit.

You cannot claim a deduction for any of the following:
  • amounts you pay for administration services for an RRSP;
  • brokerage fees charged to buy and dispose of securities within a trusteed RRSP;
  • the interest you paid on money you borrowed to contribute to an RRSP;
  • any capital losses within your RRSP.
最后编辑: 2015-03-21
RRSP 超额供款会不会罚款,关键在于有没有用这超出的部分去抵税获益。尽管超额供款,但没有用来抵税,税局是不会追究的。因为任何时候从RRSP里拿钱出来都是被看作当年的收入,并马上被预扣税款。
RRSP 超额供款会不会罚款,关键在于有没有用这超出的部分去抵税获益。尽管超额供款,但没有用来抵税,税局是不会追究的。因为任何时候从RRSP里拿钱出来都是被看作当年的收入,并马上被预扣税款。

当然要追究。 跟你有没有试图抵税没有关系。 要不你去试试。
最后编辑: 2015-03-22

我回头看了一下你的上述方法。 你这个方法不是同样需要知道和估算去年有多少收入吗?你说“只要在2014年度报税都抵扣了”, 你要是

当然要追究。 跟你有没有试图抵税没有关系。 要不你去试试。

你的会计师估计上学的时候税法这课学的不是很好吧。 居然告诉你没关系。 它正确的做法应该是建议让你立即去找银行把多存的3000取出来。

根据它的这种表现推断出业务水平,另外一种(更大的)可能性是它根本不会算到底有没有多供款, 实际情况可能其实根本没有超供,它以为超了3000.
你的会计师估计上学的时候税法这课学的不是很好吧。 居然告诉你没关系。 它正确的做法应该是建议让你立即去找银行把多存的3000取出来。

根据它的这种表现推断出业务水平,另外一种(更大的)可能性是它根本不会算到底有没有多供款, 实际情况可能其实根本没有超供,它以为超了3000.


再有,难道算术加法是你的专利不成?几张RRSP供款收据的总额,别人就不会算?那个statement 别人就不会看?

没你恶心。我就是看你太恶心,专门说话来恶心你的。 看你说的什么话: “RRSP 超额供款会不会罚款,关键在于有没有用这超出的部分去抵税获益。尽管超额供款,但没有用来抵税,税局是不会追究的”, 语气多大?说得斩钉截铁,煞有介事的样子, 就感觉你是税局代言人一样, 而实际情况其实是你什么都不懂。 有人比你更狂妄?更轻浮?
要是我不揭穿你,是不是某些同学就会被你误导以为超供只要不抵税就没问题,也就不仔细计算就随意的买rrsp,发现超额也不着急,反正不抵税不会追究嘛。 等到税务局罚单来就找不到你了是吧。

你不是侥幸。你要么是根本没有超买。 要么是犯了错误请求税务局豁免罚金它同意了。别人原谅你一次你还解读成你做的没错了。还到论坛上宣传说如果不试图抵税税务局就不会追究。
最后编辑: 2015-03-22
没你恶心。我就是看你太恶心,专门说话来恶心你的。 看你说的什么话: “RRSP 超额供款会不会罚款,关键在于有没有用这超出的部分去抵税获益。尽管超额供款,但没有用来抵税,税局是不会追究的”, 语气多大?说得斩钉截铁,煞有介事的样子, 就感觉你是税局代言人一样, 而实际情况其实是你什么都不懂。 有人比你更狂妄?更轻浮?
要是我不揭穿你,是不是某些同学就会被你误导以为超供只要不抵税就没问题,也就不仔细计算就随意的买rrsp,发现超额也不着急,反正不抵税不会追究嘛。 等到税务局罚单来就找不到你了是吧。

你不是侥幸。你要么是根本没有超买。 要么是犯了错误请求税务局豁免罚金它同意了。别人原谅你一次你还解读成你做的没错了。还到论坛上宣传说如果不试图抵税税务局就不会追究。

登陆你的cra账号,chang tax return ,选2013,搜rrsp,只要改两个地方
需要填写Schedule 7表,上面会显示你前60天的供款有多少在2014年度使用,剩余的可以在2015年度报税(2016年报2015年税时)使用。这些信息都是在评估信上写了,不用罚款的。如果较真的,那看看下面的税务局网页:

Follow the six-step process to determine if you have to complete a T1-OVP, which is the form used to calculate the amount subject to tax and the tax payable.

If you determine that you have to pay this 1% tax, you have to file your completed T1-OVP return and pay the tax no later than 90 days after the end of the year in which you had the excess contributions.

Determine if you have to complete a T1-OVP
If you follow the steps below and arrive at a point where we say, "You do not have to complete a 2014 T1-OVP," you are not subject to the 1% per-month tax. You do not have to go any further.

If your 2014 RRSP deduction limit includes a net Past Service Pension Adjustment (PSPA) for 2014 or your unused RRSP deduction limit at the end of 2013 is a negative amount, complete a T1-OVP, 2014 Individual Tax Return for RRSP Excess Contributions, to determine if you are subject to the 1% per-month tax. If you are not subject to this tax for 2014, you may be subject to it for 2015.

Step 1: Does one of these situations apply to you?

You contributed amounts to your PRPP, RRSP, or your spouse’s or common-law partner’s RRSP from January 1, 1991 to December 31, 2014, that you did not and will not deduct on line 208 on your 2014 or prior year income tax and benefit return.

A gift was made to your RRSP from January 1, 1991, to December 31, 2014.

If one of these situations applies to you, go to Step 2.
If neither of these situations apply to you, you do not have to complete a 2014 T1-OVP.

Step 4: The total of unused RRSP/PRPP deduction limit is less than RRSP deduction limit

Are your unused RRSP/PRPP contributions (including gifts) made from January 1, 1991 to December 31, 2014, less than the total of your 2014 RRSP deduction limit from your latest notice of assessment or notice of reassessment plus $2,000?

If no, go to Step 5.
If yes, you do not have to complete a 2014 T1-OVP.

请教一下,税单显示我有9000 RRSP 额度,是以前几年总共积累了的,我如果现在想用一部分,比如5000元,我是不是也要填表报告我使用的是那一年的额度呢?
请教一下,税单显示我有9000 RRSP 额度,是以前几年总共积累了的,我如果现在想用一部分,比如5000元,我是不是也要填表报告我使用的是那一年的额度呢?




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