你们都在这玩儿,我唱琅琊榜了,贴不贴啊~ 贴贴贴~~熊姐说了,以后不能光夸,该批评得批评,我等着找毛病批评你呢:wdb6:
蝶★荡☆ 27,130 2015-11-03 #481 海是天的倒影 说: 你们都在这玩儿,我唱琅琊榜了,贴不贴啊~ 点击展开... 贴贴贴~~熊姐说了,以后不能光夸,该批评得批评,我等着找毛病批评你呢
蝶★荡☆ 27,130 2015-11-03 #484 downtownseafood 说: Very very very nice pictures! Thank you! : ) 点击展开... Thank you 2
Belge晓梦 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落; 去留无意,望天外云卷云舒。 6,744 2015-11-03 #485 downtownseafood 说: Are you serious? ; ( 点击展开... 因为我们歪了你的楼叻 怕怕
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #488 Belge晓梦 说: 因为我们歪了你的楼叻 怕怕 点击展开... Go ahead,please, another leaning tower of pisa! Lol...
Belge晓梦 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落; 去留无意,望天外云卷云舒。 6,744 2015-11-03 #491 downtownseafood 说: 浏览附件407293 点击展开... Like it
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #493 Belge晓梦 说: Like it 点击展开... How about this one?, one guy in the states asked me to paint something big for him,he paid for that. In return, i painted a small piece of his dog for free.... ; )
Belge晓梦 说: Like it 点击展开... How about this one?, one guy in the states asked me to paint something big for him,he paid for that. In return, i painted a small piece of his dog for free.... ; )
蝶★荡☆ 27,130 2015-11-03 #495 downtownseafood 说: How about this one?, one guy in the states asked me to paint something big for him,he paid for that.浏览附件407296 In return, i painted a small piece of his dog for free.... ; ) 点击展开... It looks they are the same one.
downtownseafood 说: How about this one?, one guy in the states asked me to paint something big for him,he paid for that.浏览附件407296 In return, i painted a small piece of his dog for free.... ; ) 点击展开... It looks they are the same one.
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #496 Belge晓梦 说: 做饭饭啦 小饿狼要回来啦 点击展开... Enjoy your family dinner time! : )
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #497 蝶★荡☆ 说: It looks they are the same one. 点击展开... Yes,Very small dog also very small painting...
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #498 蝶★荡☆ 说: It looks they are the same one. 点击展开... No, not really. They are similar, but not the same.