家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版


随喜大家! 我是10月15号左右寄的材料, 11月18号收到转香港邮件.
前天收到这样一封邮件, 来自CIC:

Our records show that you may be a permanent resident (PR) of Canada. This email is a reminder that you must present your valid Permanent Resident Card (PR Card) or permanent resident travel document (PRTD) when boarding a flight to Canada.

随喜大家! 我是10月15号左右寄的材料, 11月18号收到转香港邮件.
前天收到这样一封邮件, 来自CIC:

Our records show that you may be a permanent resident (PR) of Canada. This email is a reminder that you must present your valid Permanent Resident Card (PR Card) or permanent resident travel document (PRTD) when boarding a flight to Canada.

最后编辑: 2016-12-01
随喜大家! 我是10月15号左右寄的材料, 11月18号收到转香港邮件.
前天收到这样一封邮件, 来自CIC:

Our records show that you may be a permanent resident (PR) of Canada. This email is a reminder that you must present your valid Permanent Resident Card (PR Card) or permanent resident travel document (PRTD) when boarding a flight to Canada.


forevermusic, linglin018


Dear XXXX,

This message is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada as a member of the

family class. Your file has now been transferred to the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong for further


This letter is comprised of two parts: the first part is a request for documentation that requires your immediate

action. The second part contains general information which you should carefully review.


In order to prepare your application for further processing, the following documentation must be received

by our office within 30 days from the date of this letter:

For the principal applicant and all dependents, whether accompanying you to Canada or not:

If not yet submitted: Copy of Hukou (household register) if you reside in the People’s Republic of

China or Taiwan, accompanied by a notarized translation into either English or French. Translation

must be part of the notarized booklet.

If not yet submitted: Copy of the bio-data page of your valid passport. DO NOT submit your original

passport at this time.

If not yet submitted: Two (2) recent photos respecting precise specifications that can be found at:


For the principal applicant and all dependents 18 and over, whether accompanying you to Canada or not:

Updated Schedule A Background/Declaration form (IMM 5669): You must declare your personal

history and addresses from the age of 18 (not only the past 10 years).

Updated Additional Family Information form (IMM 5406)

If not yet submitted: Original police certificates from each country in which you have spent 6

consecutive months or more since the age of 18. For instructions on how to obtain police certificates

for specific countries, click here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/policecert/

index.asp. If you are unable to submit police certificate(s) within the 30 day deadline,

submit proof of having applied for the certificate with your package.

For the principal applicant:

If not yet paid and not exempt: Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF). To avoid processing

delays, we strongly encourage you to pay your fees online and to submit a copy of your receipt to our

office. To pay your fees online, click here: https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/epay/welcome.do.

For all dependent children, whether accompanying or not:

If not yet submitted: Copy of the original hospital birth certificate. For children born in the People’s

Republic of China: You must submit a scanned notarized copy of the original Medical Certificate of

Birth issued by the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China (If this is not available, you

must submit an explanation as to why this document cannot be submitted).

For all dependent* children 19 and over:

Evidence that (s)he has been continuously enrolled in and attending a post-secondary institution

that is accredited by the relevant government authority, and that (s)he is actively pursuing a course of

academic, professional or vocational training on a full-time basis. Documentation must include



Evidence that (s)he is unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition.

*Note: To review the definition of a dependent child, please visit:


Please submit all the requested documents with a copy of this letter in a single package. If there are any

documents you are unable to submit in your package, please include a detailed explanation.

All documents must be in either English or French. Any documents not in English or French must be

accompanied by a certified translation.

The above documents must be received in our office within 30 days from the date of this letter. If you fail to

comply with this requirement, a decision concerning your application will be made based upon the information

already submitted with this application. This may result in the refusal of your application.

Documents should be submitted by mail or courier to:

Immigration Section

Consulate General of Canada

8/F, Berkshire House, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay

Hong Kong


When should I contact IRCC?

You must notify IRCC of any changes to your application. Examples of changes include:

• Changes in your personal circumstances, such as birth or adoption of a child, a marriage or a divorce

• Change of contact information (e-mail, mailing address, telephone number)

• Appointment or change of immigration representative or designated individual

• Decision to withdraw your application

To notify IRCC of changes to your application, visit http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contacts/web-form.asp, click

the “Tell us more” button, select “Hong Kong” as the visa office where you sent your application and follow the

submission instructions.

When will IRCC contact me?

IRCC will contact you if we require additional information, documents, or an interview. For general guidance

on what to expect, you can visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications and consult the “What

happens next” section of the instruction guide associated with the application form you used.

How do I check the status of my application?

You may use either the Unique Client Identifier (UCI) or Application Number above to check the status of your

application on the IRCC website. Please visit www.cic.gc.ca/english and in the “I Need To ...” section on the

right-hand side of the page, select “Check application status.”

How long will it take to process my application?

Processing times vary. You can consult the processing times for reference

at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times

Please be aware that answering e-mails takes time away from processing applications. For this reason,

unless your application has exceeded normal processing times, please limit your correspondence to notifying

us of changes in your application.

How can I prepare for immigration to Canada?

Please consult the following resources about settlement in Canada:

• For information on language assessment and training, visit http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/aftereducation-


• For information on employment, visit http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/work/index.asp

• For information on housing, education, health, important documents, and other topics,

visit http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/before-move.asp

Planning Ahead

If your application is approved, you will be encouraged to obtain free pre-arrival services funded by

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). A variety of online services and in-person sessions

will be available to you, your spouse and your dependants once your application is approved. These services

will help you understand life in Canada, employment and how to access other free settlement services once

you arrive.

To learn more about these free pre-arrival services that you will be able to access before you leave, please

visit the IRCC website. Please note that in order to access these services, you must demonstrate to the

service provider that you have been successful in your permanent resident application. Therefore, you should

wait until you receive a positive eligibility decision or receive a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR)

prior to requesting these services.

As you may know, Canada is a bilingual country where both French and English are spoken. If you are

interested in living in French, you can get information about Francophone life across Canada by visiting:


You are encouraged to take advantage of free IRCC resources available online. Welcome to Canada, the

official handbook to help permanent residents prepare to come and settle in Canada, is available at

cic.gc.ca/publications. You will also find the videos entitled “Before You Arrive in Canada” and “Your First Two

Weeks in Canada” on the IRCC YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/CitImmCanada, which

provide key information you need to consider before coming to Canada and just after you arrive. The Living in

Canada tool, which provides you with a personalised settlement plan and identifies the closest Immigrant-

Serving Organization offering the services you need, is available at http://www.cic.gc.ca/lctvac/English/index.

We trust that this information concerning your application for permanent residence in Canada is helpful.


Immigration Section

This is an automated message. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this message.

By providing your e-mail address on your application form, you authorized IRCC to transmit your file and personal

information to this specific e-mail address. Please ensure that this e-mail address is checked regularly. Any e-mails sent to

you by IRCC will end in “@cic.gc.ca” or “@international.gc.ca.” Please add these to your “safe senders” list in your email

program and check the junk mail folder in case important emails get filtered. If IRCC is advised that the e-mail address you

provided is not functional or no longer exists, we will communicate with you by mail.

Like other forms of communication, e-mail communications may be vulnerable to interception by unauthorized parties. If

you do not wish us to communicate with you by e-mail, please notify us at your earliest convenience. In the absence of

such notification, your consent is assumed. Should you choose to allow us to communicate by e-mail, we will not take any

additional security measures (such as encryption).

The contents of this message may contain confidential and/or privileged subject matter. Any use of this information by

anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If this message has been received in error, please contact the

sender and delete all copies.

For instant email updates and more detailed, up-to-date case status, create an online account. Find out how:

Link your paper application to your online account.




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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