引自BC Budget " Up-front exemptions will be available for most principal residences, qualifying long-term rental properties and special cases. The Province will also introduce a non-refundable income tax credit which will allow those who pay income tax in B.C. to o set the property tax." 只有qualified long-term rental properties 才能免投机税,至于怎样才算qualified long-term properties要等秋天出细则才知道了,但肯定不是随便拿个长期租赁合同(或假合同)就可以蒙混过关的,不然这个漏洞太大了,也太小看NDP这次要整顿房屋市场的决心了
Exemptions 适用于 most principal residence, 就说明不是所有的principal residence都能免,"This tax will target foreign and domestic speculators who own residential property in B.C., but don’t pay taxes here, including those who leave their units sitting vacant. This will include satellite families. " 所有没有在BC当地作出相应税务贡献的人(无论外国人还是加拿大人)都会成为投机税的打击目标