
最后编辑: 2019-08-09
有个西人同事今天跟我抱怨当他对一一个服务对象进行case management 的时候,那家伙对他很Mean, 很rude,从语气里我听出他很受委屈。
我立即放下手头的工作,去找那个也是气火火的坐在那一个人看电视的服务对象谈话。 我在他身旁坐下,微笑着问:dude, what happened?
他也是一西人,火气挺大,叽里呱啦一大堆,说我同事对他如何粗鲁,不礼貌。说我同事如何useless, 不能帮他任何忙。。
我依旧平静地说: okay , since you think we are useless, and showed no respect to my coworker ,I think you can pack your stuff and ..
Please let him sign the paper, I think he has to leave the unit right now..thank you !.:)
最后编辑: 2019-08-14
有个西人同事今天跟我抱怨当他对一一个服务对象进行case management 的时候,那家伙对他很Mean, 很rude,从语气里我听出他很受委屈。
我立即放下手头的工作,去找那个也是气火火的坐在那一个人看电视的服务对象谈话。 我在他身旁坐下,微笑着问:dude, what happened?
他也是一西人,火气挺大,叽里呱啦一大堆,说我同事对他如何粗鲁,不礼貌。说我同事如何useless, 不能帮他任何忙。。
我依旧平静地说: okay , since you think we are useless, and showed no respect to my coworker ,I think you can pack your stuff and ..
Please let him sign the paper, I think he has to leave the unit right now..thank you !.:)
把那个服务对象打发走后,我同事走过来给我看那客户在discharge sheet 上的签名栏,我一看,忍不住噗嗤乐了,本来该他签名的地方他却大笔一挥写成:f*ck you!
我笑罢劝慰同事道:don’t take it personally please.
我同事苦笑着点点头:I know....:)
昨天我跟我一个西人朋友讲小熊这个中国移民网站的故事,毕竟从2005年登陆开始就断断续续在这儿玩,我说和我同时间登陆的两个网友因为鸡毛蒜皮的小事开始发生口角,演变为相互攻击诋毁谩骂,从网络的虚拟然后演变为 现实中的官司,据说现在官司还在打,一晃就是15年。
故事讲罢,我西人朋友瞪着眼看着我:问:really? Are you kidding me?you are kidding me , right?
我说: no, buddy,I am not kidding , it’s a true story .
No matter who will win in the court, they are big losers! Both of them !

最后编辑: 2019-08-15
最后编辑: 2019-08-16
现在,川普代表的共和党里终于越来越多的人对他的言行看不下去了,不再帮找借口掩饰白人至上的骨子里那些丑陋肮脏无比的言辞行为了,其中前布什政府总统演讲稿撰写人Micheal Gerson 最近在华盛顿邮报上的一篇文章非常有文采,入骨三分,印象深刻。
"I had fully intended to ignore President Trump’s latest round of racially charged taunts against an African American elected official, and an African American activist, and an African American journalist and a whole city with a lot of African Americans in it. I had every intention of walking past Trump’s latest outrages and writing about the self-destructive squabbling of the Democratic presidential field, which has chosen to shame former vice president Joe Biden for the sin of being an electable, moderate liberal.

But I made the mistake of pulling James Cone’s 'The Cross and the Lynching Tree' off my shelf — a book designed to shatter convenient complacency. Cone recounts the case of a white mob in Valdosta, Ga., in 1918 that lynched an innocent man named Haynes Turner. Turner’s enraged wife, Mary, promised justice for the killers. The sheriff responded by arresting her and then turning her over to the mob, which included women and children. According to one source, Mary was 'stripped, hung upside down by the ankles, soaked with gasoline, and roasted to death. In the midst of this torment, a white man opened her swollen belly with a hunting knife and her infant fell to the ground and was stomped to death.'

God help us. It is hard to write the words. This evil — the evil of white supremacy, resulting in dehumanization, inhumanity and murder — is the worst stain, the greatest crime, of U.S. history. It is the thing that nearly broke the nation. It is the thing that proved generations of Christians to be vicious hypocrites. It is the thing that turned normal people into moral monsters, capable of burning a grieving widow to death and killing her child.

When the president of the United States plays with that fire or takes that beast out for a walk, it is not just another political event, not just a normal day in campaign 2020. It is a cause for shame. It is the violation of martyrs’ graves. It is obscene graffiti on the Lincoln Memorial. It is, in the eyes of history, the betrayal — the re-betrayal — of Haynes and Mary Turner and their child. And all of this is being done by an ignorant and arrogant narcissist reviving racist tropes for political gain, indifferent to the wreckage he is leaving, the wounds he is ripping open.

Like, I suspect, many others, I am finding it hard to look at resurgent racism as just one in a series of presidential offenses or another in a series of Republican errors. Racism is not just another wrong. The Antietam battlefield is not just another plot of ground. The Edmund Pettus Bridge is not just another bridge. The balcony outside Room 306 at the Lorraine Motel is not just another balcony. As U.S. history hallows some causes, it magnifies some crimes.

What does all this mean politically? It means that Trump’s divisiveness is getting worse, not better. He makes racist comments, appeals to racist sentiments and inflames racist passions. The rationalization that he is not, deep down in his heart, really a racist is meaningless. Trump’s continued offenses mean that a large portion of his political base is energized by racist tropes and the language of white grievance. And it means — whatever their intent — that those who play down, or excuse, or try to walk past these offenses are enablers.

Some political choices are not just stupid or crude. They represent the return of our country’s cruelest, most dangerous passion. Such racism indicts Trump. Treating racism as a typical or minor matter indicts us."
- Michael Gerson
Peter Fonda, spirit of Easy Rider (February 23, 1940 – August 16, 2019)
the Oscar-nominated ‘Easy Rider’ actor who became a counterculture hero, has died at age 79

RIP Peter! I love your movie!

最后编辑: 2019-08-16
虽然对皮特方达去世有些遗憾跟伤感,但好久没来小熊这个小网站玩,今天有空在各大板块浏览一下,读贴读的又差点乐趴下了。哈哈!太有意思了, 虽然信息量非常有限,但娱乐性观赏性都极强!

谢谢几位的帖子, 读你们的帖子总让我如沐春风忍俊不禁! 哈哈 !
最后编辑: 2019-08-17
早上去游泳,手机关机,游完泳上岸,打开手机接到一条短信,我同事给我留的,问我今晚可以不可以去加个班,有个同事手受伤了,这种union 工作加班也是很不容易轮到的,先按工龄长短call Casual 的,如果没有人回应,再按工龄长短call full-time 算overtime 的,因为我在这个单位全职做了不到一年,排在呼叫名单的后面,能轮到call 我也是稀罕。
想想过几天又要远行去camping ,费用挺大,加班费正好填补旅行费用,再说值夜班也没啥事,还有好几个小时的睡觉时间,于是回电话过去,爽快的答应了。
最后编辑: 2019-08-17
听说健身健好了, 嗓子自然就打开了




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