
请教下什么是Strata和Bear land strata呢?我之前看房产网站上有写这些,正疑惑着 :D
Bare land strata is governed by The Bare Land Strata Regulations and refers to the subdivision of land into strata lots and common property. In a normal strata all of the lots share land and walls, as well as common property. In a bare land strata each lot is individual and may house a single family self-contained dwelling.

Often a developer will create a bare land strata and sell the lots. The bylaws may stipulate rules that govern size, style or color of the units to be built. The developer may provide common facilities like recreation rooms, barbeque sites, roads, etc.

The common assets become the responsibility of the owners to maintain. Strata fees are commonly charged in bare land strata's to maintain the common property. Usually these strata fees are lower than a normal strata property as the fees do not cover maintenance of individual dwellings. In a normal strata property, the strata uses fees to replace the roof, paint the exterior, and pay for common utilities and general maintenance of the entire property."

In bare land strata there are individual assets which would be your home. There are also shared assets which would be streets, sewer, water, power lines and street lamps.

BC strata regulation五十多页,看着就头大。有条件的话,买房尽量少碰带Formal strata的
Bare land strata is governed by The Bare Land Strata Regulations and refers to the subdivision of land into strata lots and common property. In a normal strata all of the lots share land and walls, as well as common property. In a bare land strata each lot is individual and may house a single family self-contained dwelling.

Often a developer will create a bare land strata and sell the lots. The bylaws may stipulate rules that govern size, style or color of the units to be built. The developer may provide common facilities like recreation rooms, barbeque sites, roads, etc.

The common assets become the responsibility of the owners to maintain. Strata fees are commonly charged in bare land strata's to maintain the common property. Usually these strata fees are lower than a normal strata property as the fees do not cover maintenance of individual dwellings. In a normal strata property, the strata uses fees to replace the roof, paint the exterior, and pay for common utilities and general maintenance of the entire property."

In bare land strata there are individual assets which would be your home. There are also shared assets which would be streets, sewer, water, power lines and street lamps.

BC strata regulation五十多页,看着就头大。有条件的话,买房尽量少碰带Formal strata的
谢谢! 我来研究一下 :D
魁省对待自己的居民很大方, 感恩一下, 我有个朋友的小孩, 仅小学在蒙呆了几年就全家去了温哥华, 结果考大学的时候在申请麦吉尔的时候, 却意外发现原来他被麦吉尔任然当本省学生对待, 最后因为仍然当魁省本省学生对待, 麦吉尔的录取通知还早过UBC
一门新的语言可以说是最容易学的, 也可以说是最难学的, 主要是学好一门语言需要时间的沉淀, 很多魁省的家长觉得自己的孩子英语还不错, 主要是自己英语的程度并不高, 所以无法察觉到小孩英语的实际程度, 这样吧,举个例子, 一个在中国学习了N年中文的老外留学生, 一个是中国人, 但只读了个小学毕业的人, 还有一个也是是中国人,但是读了大学毕业的人, 这3个人站在你面前,应聘一个完全只需要中文的销售经理的职位, 你会录取谁?所以评价一个人英语好不好的比例尺很重要, 在北美找工作, 雇主对你英语水平的默认期望值是一个本地人的英语水平, 和中国国内完全不一样, 所以, 有人都说了, 在孩子读8年纪之前,一定要离开魁省, 转去英语省份读英语学校, 因为很多美国大学, 英语大学, 认为,如果你没有5年的英语中学成绩, 他就怀疑你的英语程度, 需要你去靠雅思托佛, 证明你的英语程度,反之则不用, 我认识个新加坡移民过来的朋友的小孩,移民过来的时候已经11年纪了, 根本不用进欢迎班, 直接进正常班考大学, 虽然她讲了一口带新加坡口音的英语, 但别人从小就是读英语学校, 英语水平基本和这边的小孩差不多




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