BC疫情和信息更新!#406 15/June (36 new cases)

Are new transmissions at outbreak centres or from places like stores?
Most Henry says are close contacts - not seeing transmission from fleeting contact - it's ppl spending time inside w close contact. Community cases are often travel related.

Testing? Henry - We are doing the same as other testing those at risk early and isolate - also cont'd surveillance. Ours is aligned to country & world. Last week broadened for anyone w symptoms. Antibody test will be what gives full picture

Transmission is not happening from fleeting contact, like inside grocery stores or outdoors, she says. However, #COVID19 can be transmitted before symptoms show so she says physical distancing is still important both inside and outside.
Source: Liza


Data source: PLOVER extract on April 17, 2020. Participating laboratories include: BCCDC Public Health Laboratory, Vancouver General Hospital, BC Children’s & Women’s Hospital, St. Paul’s Hospital, Victoria General Hospital Microbiology Laboratory, Kelowna General Hospital Microbiology Laboratory, and LifeLabs® laboratories.
Methods and Caveats: SARS-CoV-2 specimens are tallied at the specimen level by date the specimen was collected. The proportion positive on a given date may include new positive cases and retested positive cases; this may over-estimate proportionate positivity. Similarly, individuals may be tested repeatedly after becoming negative; this may under-estimate proportionate positivity. The relative impact of these considerations may be greater in the earlier part of the epidemic when repeat testing was more routinely undertaken and there were fewer tests being done overall.

**As of March 16, testing guidelines changed to focus on hospitalized patients, healthcare workers, long term care facility staff and residents, and those part of a cluster or outbreak who experienced respiratory symptoms.

***As of April 9, previous testing guidelines were expanded to include individuals with fever (>38°C) and cough or shortness of breath, including (a) residents of remote, isolated or Indigenous communities,
(b) people living and working in congregate settings such as work-camps, correctional facilities, shelters, group homes, assisted living and seniors’ residences,
(c) people who are homeless or have unstable housing,
(d) essential service providers (e.g. first responders), or
(e) returning travellers identified at a point of entry to Canada. In addition to these priority groups, health care providers can order a COVID-19 test for any patient based on their clinical judgment.
source: BCCDC

關於群體免疫這個話題我刪除了之前的發言,因為覺得沒意義,我總結兩點我的看法,其實關鍵在於如何定義 理解群體免疫。
1 群體免疫≠支持全民感染≠拋棄老弱病殘等高風險群體。
2 所有衹要進行部分社會生產而不能全民stay home熬死病毒的,都可以看成是群體免疫路線。祇不過側重點在於主動性的控制感染增速尤其住院人數。
Do Canadians prefer security or freedom?
Why are Canadians blindly accepting everything the government is telling them?
As the government calls for the increase in enforcement of social distancing measures, Canadians are starting to notice a decline in their freedoms. Is it worth it? What's more important to Canadians – freedom or security? Why are Canadians blindly accepting everything the government is telling them? True North's Sam Eskenasi discusses in his latest video.




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