有篇明尼苏达大学的研究报告 关于新冠的未来
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它的基本判断 未来两年 新冠与我们同在
In new report, CIDRAP at the University of Minnesota outlines COVID-19 realities, advises on next steps
The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy published the first report in a multipart series.twin-cities.umn.edu
For example, the first CIDRAP Viewpoint report lays out three scenarios for how cases might ebb and flow in the coming months. We are now on virus time, and no one knows exactly how this virus will behave. But, based on what scientists have recorded so far and on previous influenza pandemics, we illustrate some of the possibilities.
"The goal is to help planners envision some of the situations that might present themselves later this year or next year so that they can take key steps now, while there's still time."
Osterholm added, "The key message of this report is that the COVID-19 pandemic likely will not end any time soon, if any of the scenarios we have outlined come to pass. We need to be prepared to deal with this pandemic and its 'aftershocks' for 18 months or more. It’s also likely that the virus will remain with us once the pandemic is over—likely in a less severe form and following more of a seasonal pattern."